Trump Is The Most Coddled Person Alive

The harder the projection, the bigger the confession.

Can't blame you though. As hard as you're getting ready to get anal raped in November explains your need to strile out as a two year old that just got put in the corner.

Yeah rip. Proven fact. by both history, and thousands of former Republicans.

Here's one just this week

“And I already know she was absolutely right, she was absolutely right about everything that she said, although I didn’t necessarily pay too much attention to the things she said,” Trey added.
Coates let out a little murmur of surprise at the admission.
“Going back, in hindsight, it’s very clear. Very clear,” said Trey.

The right wing conspiracy theory is now only something parroted by those with very limited intellect, or those in such a denial bubble, that represent the old bastard crowd that younger voters don't pay attention to any way.

And it's younger voters and women that are going to bury the Trump incels in November, all of which admire Clinton more than they do Trump.

You're going to have to step up your game rip. This isn't LF.
You still haven't stated the fact.
Yeah rip. Proven fact. by both history, and thousands of former Republicans.

Here's one just this week

“And I already know she was absolutely right, she was absolutely right about everything that she said, although I didn’t necessarily pay too much attention to the things she said,” Trey added.
Coates let out a little murmur of surprise at the admission.
“Going back, in hindsight, it’s very clear. Very clear,” said Trey.

The right wing conspiracy theory is now only something parroted by those with very limited intellect, or those in such a denial bubble, that represent the old bastard crowd that younger voters don't pay attention to any way.

And it's younger voters and women that are going to bury the Trump incels in November, all of which admire Clinton more than they do Trump.

You're going to have to step up your game rip. This isn't LF.
The guy in the Huff and puff story (Texas Trey, whoever that is) was referring to the 2016 election... not what is referenced in the meme I posted.

Your OP was droning on about how Trump is constantly crying about being a "victim" and my meme was merely pointing out that he certainly isn't the first one to do that...


"Vast right-wing conspiracy" is a phrase popularized by a 1995 memo by political opposition researcher Chris Lehane and then referenced in 1998 by the then First Lady of the United States Hillary Rodham Clinton, in defense of her husband, President Bill Clinton, characterizing the continued allegations of scandal against her and her husband, including the Lewinsky scandal, as part of a conspiracy by Clinton's political enemies.[1] The term has been used since, including in a question posed to Bill Clinton in 2009 to describe verbal attacks on Barack Obama during his early presidency.[2] Hillary Clinton mentioned it again during her 2016 presidential campaign.[3]

November is not going to be a time any of you turds is going to be around me on the board. I'm going to make this place the most unpleasant venue on the planet for magaworld.
I love me some Prog revenge. Progs lost the golden touch decades ago as the currency was not as abused. Now it is the feces touch. all in the name of "General Welfare". Which is massive taxation caused by the same abused fiat currency. And it does not matter to all of those staunch Progs speaking for the ones with no voices purchasing products made from slaves overseas.
The harder the projection, the bigger the confession.

Can't blame you though. As hard as you're getting ready to get anal raped in November explains your need to strile out as a two year old that just got put in the corner.

Yeah rip. Proven fact. by both history, and thousands of former Republicans.

Here's one just this week

“And I already know she was absolutely right, she was absolutely right about everything that she said, although I didn’t necessarily pay too much attention to the things she said,” Trey added.
Coates let out a little murmur of surprise at the admission.
“Going back, in hindsight, it’s very clear. Very clear,” said Trey.

The right wing conspiracy theory is now only something parroted by those with very limited intellect, or those in such a denial bubble, that represent the old bastard crowd that younger voters don't pay attention to any way.

And it's younger voters and women that are going to bury the Trump incels in November, all of which admire Clinton more than they do Trump.

You're going to have to step up your game rip. This isn't LF.
Where will you move smelly....I mean skrewey?
Your anger and frustration in knowing you are a loser that is supporting a future inmate that you won't be able to separate yourself from is hilarious.

But do go on.

How long are you going to disappear for this time Carl?
As anyone who listens to him can attest, Donald Trump may be the most self-pitying person on planet Earth. Pretty much all the man does is whine and cry about how he's the victim of an imaginary "witch hunt."

The concept of "privilege" is treated with great skepticism in conservative circles, and regarded by MAGA types like a made-up hoax. But no one alive proves the truth of the concept more than Donald Trump. He's proudly ignorant. The only talent he bothered to learn is cheating the system so that you "win" without ever having to be good at stuff. The only real skill he's developed in his 77 years is utter shamelessness, and frankly, it seems that might be more of a genetic defect than anything he's worked at.

And yet, simply because he was born a white guy with inherited wealth, the world conspires to endlessly provide Trump with all the breaks. Not only is this spoiled brat shielded from the consequences of his actions, but his privilege continues to catapult him into a world of luxury and flattery, even as all he does is leave a trail of ruin in his wake.

And sells a book he has never read, to ignorant fools that wear cowboy hats, that can't part with their money fast enough.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
As anyone who listens to him can attest, Donald Trump may be the most self-pitying person on planet Earth. Pretty much all the man does is whine and cry about how he's the victim of an imaginary "witch hunt."

The concept of "privilege" is treated with great skepticism in conservative circles, and regarded by MAGA types like a made-up hoax. But no one alive proves the truth of the concept more than Donald Trump. He's proudly ignorant. The only talent he bothered to learn is cheating the system so that you "win" without ever having to be good at stuff. The only real skill he's developed in his 77 years is utter shamelessness, and frankly, it seems that might be more of a genetic defect than anything he's worked at.

And yet, simply because he was born a white guy with inherited wealth, the world conspires to endlessly provide Trump with all the breaks. Not only is this spoiled brat shielded from the consequences of his actions, but his privilege continues to catapult him into a world of luxury and flattery, even as all he does is leave a trail of ruin in his wake.

And sells a book he has never read, to ignorant fools that wear cowboy hats, that can't part with their money fast enough.
Your hatred for Donald Trump is so over the top, it's quite funny and sad at the same time.
As anyone who listens to him can attest, Donald Trump may be the most self-pitying person on planet Earth. Pretty much all the man does is whine and cry about how he's the victim of an imaginary "witch hunt."

The concept of "privilege" is treated with great skepticism in conservative circles, and regarded by MAGA types like a made-up hoax. But no one alive proves the truth of the concept more than Donald Trump. He's proudly ignorant. The only talent he bothered to learn is cheating the system so that you "win" without ever having to be good at stuff. The only real skill he's developed in his 77 years is utter shamelessness, and frankly, it seems that might be more of a genetic defect than anything he's worked at.

And yet, simply because he was born a white guy with inherited wealth, the world conspires to endlessly provide Trump with all the breaks. Not only is this spoiled brat shielded from the consequences of his actions, but his privilege continues to catapult him into a world of luxury and flattery, even as all he does is leave a trail of ruin in his wake.

And sells a book he has never read, to ignorant fools that wear cowboy hats, that can't part with their money fast enough.

The leftists sure like to cut and paste these long, tedious opinion pieces from internet tabloids.
Not to mention how jealous skrewey and others are of those who have earned their own money.
We can't all suck off the government teat skrewey!
“Trump famously spent the entire trial throwing childish tantrums in court, outraged at the very idea that he should be treated like ordinary people, who tend to face punishment when caught committing crimes.” ibid

Trump should be treated like any other criminal – no better, no worse; because Trump is in fact a criminal.
“Trump famously spent the entire trial throwing childish tantrums in court, outraged at the very idea that he should be treated like ordinary people, who tend to face punishment when caught committing crimes.” ibid

Trump should be treated like any other criminal – no better, no worse; because Trump is in fact a criminal.
Trump is not a criminal Mrs. Jones. He hasn't been caught doing anything illegal.
You aren't very bright are you?
No, we only smell.....what's that Eagle's song.....
Why don't you stop being sheeple....
Become regular people....
And think on your own.
Oh you're a Dim bulb....
But we know that you got your reasons...
Those things that were pleasin you, will be voted out now....


Trump is out of his mind. He can't work..All he wants to do is perform at rallies like he did during COVID.
Somebody named Amanda Marcotte of "Salon" writes a silly article about Trump and TDS lefties pounce on it like it was Scripture. I guess that's what you can expect from fifty years of dumbing down in the federal education system.

Trump said he loves the uneducated.

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