Trump still wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)

More than a dozen Republican-led states have declined to join a federal program this year to give low-income families a $40-per-child monthly grocery benefit when schools close for the summer.
In an error-ridden post on Truth Social, the former president claimed that he wasn’t trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act despite vowing to do so publicly and repeatedly over the years. Instead, he insisted he wants to “MAKE THE ACA MUCH, MUCH, MUCH BETTER FOR FAR LESS MONEY (OR COST) TO OUR GREST AMERICAN CITIZENS.”
What right do you have to claim his report is not factual?
More than a dozen Republican-led states have declined to join a federal program this year to give low-income families a $40-per-child monthly grocery benefit when schools close for the summer.
They are carrying out the wish or demands of the population of said states.
Because it's awesome.

So is this

So why are 14 red states not taking the money to help poor people?
In that photo was Gov. Pillen of Nebraska. He later bent to public opposition to his stance and agreed to take the money. Hopefully the other idiot governors did too.
Really? The GOP House voted over SIXTY times for repeal
And defeated every time by sensible politicians.
Really? The GOP House voted over SIXTY times for repeal
If you understood the ACA, you might want it repealed too. Of the over 330 million citizens fewer than 20 million could even qualify to pay for it.
Because it's awesome.

So is this

So why are 14 red states not taking the money to help poor people?
Are you aware of the fact that this sets up women to not marry? So she qualifies for a damned meal?
Because it's awesome.

So is this

So why are 14 red states not taking the money to help poor people?
Mississippi is the poorest of all the states and the least educated. They rejected the money. Idiots !
If you understood the ACA, you might want it repealed too. Of the over 330 million citizens fewer than 20 million could even qualify to pay for it.
In the original group protected , it's been expanded and improved to serve even more people.
In the original group protected , it's been expanded and improved to serve even more people.

Here is what I wish the ACA would do. Help people who are 59 and don't want to work anymore. Give them cheap health insurance to protect them from cancer and pre existing conditions.

Let's not forget Republicans want to let insurance companies deny people with pre existing conditions. So they don't have to pay when we get sick. I get why a corporation would want to do that but that's why government shouldn't be run like a business. Neither should healthcare. It should be a hybrid. Heavily regulated.
Here is what I wish the ACA would do. Help people who are 59 and don't want to work anymore. Give them cheap health insurance to protect them from cancer and pre existing conditions.

Let's not forget Republicans want to let insurance companies deny people with pre existing conditions. So they don't have to pay when we get sick. I get why a corporation would want to do that but that's why government shouldn't be run like a business. Neither should healthcare. It should be a hybrid. Heavily regulated.
There's a big difference between don't want to work and can't work anymore.
Really? The GOP House voted over SIXTY times for repeal
Were any of them real votes? Did any have any chance of succeeding? They were merely grandstanding. If they'd wanted ACA gone, it would be gone. The bottom line is, once Congress sinks its claws into something in society, it won't let go voluntarily.
In an error-ridden post on Truth Social, the former president claimed that he wasn’t trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act despite vowing to do so publicly and repeatedly over the years. Instead, he insisted he wants to “MAKE THE ACA MUCH, MUCH, MUCH BETTER FOR FAR LESS MONEY (OR COST) TO OUR GREST AMERICAN CITIZENS.”
He is losing any mental acuity. When he is not reading from a teleprompter, he speaks in fragmented sound bites, which probably sound reasonable to him. But quite frankly are desperate attempts to appear sane.
Were any of them real votes? Did any have any chance of succeeding? They were merely grandstanding. If they'd wanted ACA gone, it would be gone. The bottom line is, once Congress sinks its claws into something in society, it won't let go voluntarily.
Are you saying Congress should act against the will of the people ? We are the only country in the world where people lose their life savings because of medical bills ; to the tune of 750, 000 people and their families per year. Why not take away all their safety nets or just kill them outright already. It can happen to anyone, even moderately wealthy people aren't safe. Catastrophic health care should be a right for all who need it. Too many lives have been destroyed already.
He is losing any mental acuity. When he is not reading from a teleprompter, he speaks in fragmented sound bites, which probably sound reasonable to him. But quite frankly are desperate attempts to appear sane.
Poor jimboliar...getting his Pinochijoe mixed up with the next president.
trump is a champion grifter and a consistent liar. And he is selling Bibles.... :auiqs.jpg:
Again, the only grifter around now is the lifetime grifter in the White House, Joey Capone and his bagman Hunter.
Where will you move jimboliar?

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