Trump will do the right thing and pull us out of NATO

Because he is a friend to fascism and to the mindset of putin and kim jong un and that of the government of Iran. Trump is the single greatest threat to human freedom facing this world since Hitler. I say this because Russia, North Korea or Iran simply don't have the power to effect our species and our world in such a negative way as the United states and he very well could end up doing so.
Because he is a friend to fascism and to the mindset of putin and kim jong un and that of the government of Iran. Trump is the single greatest threat to human freedom facing this world since Hitler.
He should have done it in his first term, but better late than never. Trump can do a better job of picking allies than his predecessors. Money talks, as it should.

---Trump will pull US out of NATO if he wins election---

No he won't. He will pressure countries to pay their 2% share.

I heard a female British political analyst say this today also. The Brits may finally be understanding Trumps agenda. Spend your 2%, purchase U.S military goods and strengthen NATO.
Can any of you full on NATO supporters tell me why this should be a full on support no matter what agreement?

If someone in your group decides they will by oil and energy from the country they joined to be protected from needs help when their supplier attacks…should we go help them?

Can anyone explain why we would then be required to send a trillion dollars in arms and a million lives to defend them?

We had an agreement to protect you from them. But you decided to become their customer and boost their economy. But you want us to come save you when that deal goes to shit? Fuck off.
Because he is a friend to fascism and to the mindset of putin and kim jong un and that of the government of Iran. Trump is the single greatest threat to human freedom facing this world since Hitler. I say this because Russia, North Korea or Iran simply don't have the power to effect our species and our world in such a negative way as the United states and he very well could end up doing so.

Your species is not a normal species.

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