Ukrainian Soldiers Make Video Threatening Donald Trump and Burn Effigy Of Him

it is. I saw it, you saw it. It is 100% real
sure MAGA man & useful idiot

like "Crucified🇷🇺 boy" was

That's it! I was always against giving our money away to Ukraine when we need focus on America first but now I don't even feel sorry for them. A threat has been made so where is the secret service?

That is hilarious! RR, they are not going to go investigate the burning of an effigy by foreign fighters in a war zone half way around the world. Get real.
That is hilarious! RR, they are not going to go investigate the burning of an effigy by foreign fighters in a war zone half way around the world. Get real.

It's not just a burning effigy. They said that they're out for Trump's blood too. If that was Biden they were talking about these men would already be taken out.
This Ukrainian website says that the video is fake, claiming that the soldiers are not native Ukrainian speaker, wearing incorrect uniforms. There is something unnatural about their manner of speaking and it could have been staged by Russian soldiers on Telegram.

That is hilarious! RR, they are not going to go investigate the burning of an effigy by foreign fighters in a war zone half way around the world. Get real.
when I posted this story it went straight to rubber room. No explanation, nothing.

This Ukrainian website says that the video is fake, claiming that the soldiers are not native Ukrainian speaker, wearing incorrect uniforms. There is something unnatural about their manner of speaking and it could have been staged by Russian soldiers on Telegram.

Well then the person and people involved in the video should still be charged with inciting panic and making people believe that it's real. I mean they're still indirectly talking about slaughtering the president. Whether or not it's fake or authentic is completely irrelevant.
This Ukrainian website says that the video is fake, claiming that the soldiers are not native Ukrainian speaker, wearing incorrect uniforms. There is something unnatural about their manner of speaking and it could have been staged by Russian soldiers on Telegram.

Probably pro Ukrainian propaganda.
It is over
Ukraine lost. When will they admit it?
When will the USA stop sending money it does not have?
It's not just a burning effigy. They said that they're out for Trump's blood too. If that was Biden they were talking about these men would already be taken out.
In Ukraine? I doubt it. You have not heard of us bagging anybody in Russia or Iran, have you against this president? You didn't even hear of us putting operatives on the ground to bag people making threats or burning effigies in Iran, when trump was President, and you know, they hated trump. I was not aware, you were in favor of having American boots on the ground in any of those places. When did you change?
In Ukraine? I doubt it. You have not heard of us bagging anybody in Russia or Iran, have you against this president?

No. Why should we when Russia is already here and in bed with our current administration? Nothing else in the past matters now since our new administration is currently in the process of destroying this country and that's why they made friends with the Russians.
Ukranian army burns a Donald Trump doll, because they got weapons too late.

so yes. all Trump's fault. :doubt:
of course I am. But seriously, one time my windshield wiper blades flew off and it was Trump's fault. :doubt:

At least Trump hasn't been eating up all of your brownies. I mean mine keep disappearing so it just has to be him right? :eusa_whistle:
At least Trump hasn't been eating up all of your brownies. I mean mine keep disappearing so it just has to be him right? :eusa_whistle:
at the end of the day, all of the problems in the world are caused by Trump. :eusa_whistle:

10M illegals? Trump's fault
Build Back Better and Bidenomics? Trumps fault
Devalued USD? Trumps fault
Riots all over the USA? Trumps fault?

this clown? Trump's fault


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