Ukrainians face prospect of extended conscription: 'One day or another, we'll all have to go'


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Everyone must die in Ukraine, it's genocide (like in Gaza) carrying out by satanists and members of the same NWO gang like
Putin, Zelensky, Biden, Scholz & Co
You betcha even octogenarian grandpas and their ten something old grandhcildren will face conscription soon.
If it's not Ethnically Cleansing what's Ethnically Cleansing?

One of the big troubles in Ukey Land is that handicapped people are too lazy and selfish to give their lives for their Nazi masters .
Like Litwin , aka Nazi Troll Winkle , I guess they are a cowardly bunch .

If you have one leg , one arm and one eye you should agree that your country still has half a chance .
Troll Nazi Winkle still giving us his complete drivel , but he has somehow failed to tell us , despite all these hidden problems , how Russia has obliterated the UAF and is enjoying top home wealth and conditions .

Amazing how Russia is performing so well despite Nazi Troll Winkle's claims to the contrary
Putin's two-day takeover of Kiev has taken almost two years now. How did the little Napoleon wannabe's master plan go so off course?
Putin's two-day takeover of Kiev has taken almost two years now. How did the little Napoleon wannabe's master plan go so off course?
Come back when you can tell us what strategies have been used and why .

You do not have to move one inch if your Kill ratio lies between 10 and 15 to one .
It has been a numbers game which is why we guaranteed you the result well over 6 months ago .
That is exactly how it happened with the Mad Midget simplifying it by following a suicidal strategy .

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