US Journalist covers war in Ukraine

The Pro-Russian sentiment among civilians is evident, but there are a couple of falsehoods that I have found watching a video.

Over and over, you hear of Ukrainians shelling Mariupol, but what they don't tell you is that the Russian Forces in Mariupol were the primary targets. Civilians were caught in the cross fire. It's unfortunate, but it happens.

In one video, a Ukrainian man tells of Ukrainian soldiers "shooting a cannon at them", and yelling at them to stay and get back inside". With fighting and shooting going on, DUH! The Ukrainian soldiers were telling them to get back in and stay in for their own good. If they fired the cannon in anger at them, they'd be dead, no question about it. What likely happened was those citizens got belligerent and didn't listen, so the soldiers fired over their heads to scare the shit out of them.

What is also misleading is that the location of Mariupol is in the Donbass area of the country. The Donbass region has always been a cesspool of pro Prussian sentiment. Fights before the war were very common, on a daily basis. Sniper fire, an occasional mortar and maybe a sporadic fire fight were common. Civilian casualties occurred. This is also what was referenced by the Mariupol residents in one video. I'd advise that reporter go to Kiev, Kurson, Lviv, etc. The reporting there would be very different. If you go to the Eastern part of the country, a place crawling with pro-Russian traitors, you'll get the narrative that Russia is the liberator, which I assure you is not the case.

Before the war, I kept in regular contact with a Ukrainian friend via email. He is, or was, a young man, in his early twenties. A few days before the invasion, he told me that he cried at the thought of his two children having to face a life under Russian oppression. He said that if war ever broke out, he would fight until he had no bullets left, and then, he would fight with a knife until dead, because "to live under Russia, is to sell your soul to evil, and you are dead forever". The day of the invasion, I got an email, with only two words:

"Slava Ukrayini!"

I haven't heard from him since.

That my friends is why I will never believe a pro Russian scoundrel. The Russians have always been butchers and enemies of freedom. Anyone who tells you otherwise is deceived or lying. The U.S. Must help Ukraine by doing anything except sending troops. I don't want to be involved in this war, but I want to help those that are fighting it. My friend may have already sacrificed his life to save the country he loves for his children. I pray not. I hope he's okay.

The Pro-Russian sentiment among civilians is evident, but there are a couple of falsehoods that I have found watching a video.

Over and over, you hear of Ukrainians shelling Mariupol, but what they don't tell you is that the Russian Forces in Mariupol were the primary targets. Civilians were caught in the cross fire. It's unfortunate, but it happens.

In one video, a Ukrainian man tells of Ukrainian soldiers "shooting a cannon at them", and yelling at them to stay and get back inside". With fighting and shooting going on, DUH! The Ukrainian soldiers were telling them to get back in and stay in for their own good. If they fired the cannon in anger at them, they'd be dead, no question about it. What likely happened was those citizens got belligerent and didn't listen, so the soldiers fired over their heads to scare the shit out of them.

What is also misleading is that the location of Mariupol is in the Donbass area of the country. The Donbass region has always been a cesspool of pro Prussian sentiment. Fights before the war were very common, on a daily basis. Sniper fire, an occasional mortar and maybe a sporadic fire fight were common. Civilian casualties occurred. This is also what was referenced by the Mariupol residents in one video. I'd advise that reporter go to Kiev, Kurson, Lviv, etc. The reporting there would be very different. If you go to the Eastern part of the country, a place crawling with pro-Russian traitors, you'll get the narrative that Russia is the liberator, which I assure you is not the case.

Before the war, I kept in regular contact with a Ukrainian friend via email. He is, or was, a young man, in his early twenties. A few days before the invasion, he told me that he cried at the thought of his two children having to face a life under Russian oppression. He said that if war ever broke out, he would fight until he had no bullets left, and then, he would fight with a knife until dead, because "to live under Russia, is to sell your soul to evil, and you are dead forever". The day of the invasion, I got an email, with only two words:

"Slava Ukrayini!"

I haven't heard from him since.

That my friends is why I will never believe a pro Russian scoundrel. The Russians have always been butchers and enemies of freedom. Anyone who tells you otherwise is deceived or lying. The U.S. Must help Ukraine by doing anything except sending troops. I don't want to be involved in this war, but I want to help those that are fighting it. My friend may have already sacrificed his life to save the country he loves for his children. I pray not. I hope he's okay.
They are not traitors or just pro-Russian. They are Russian. Your Ukrainian friend doesn´t know what it means to live "under Russian oppression". He has been brainwashed 24h a day. The rule of the Nazi-Clown now comes to an end.
They are not traitors or just pro-Russian. They are Russian. Your Ukrainian friend doesn´t know what it means to live "under Russian oppression". He has been brainwashed 24h a day. The rule of the Nazi-Clown now comes to an end.
The double standards and hypocrisy of neo-libs and neo-cons, continues to boggle my mind. They're absolutely mind boggling.
The Pro-Russian sentiment among civilians is evident, but there are a couple of falsehoods that I have found watching a video.
HERE! He admits that the eastern portion of Ukraine is either pro-Russian, or ethnic Russian. . . and that, yes, there is indeed a legitimate reason for this war. These folks deserve to have a political voice, and they have, indeed been oppressed, marginalized, and there was an undemocratic power change. They have even passed laws outlawing Russian language and Russian culture. . . THAT? That is not "freedom," "liberty," or "civil rights."

It is this type of crap that made the folks in Mariupol hostile to these Neo-Nazi forces that are native to the west of the nation. . .

Burning Ukraine’s Protesters Alive​

Over and over, you hear of Ukrainians shelling Mariupol, but what they don't tell you is that the Russian Forces in Mariupol were the primary targets. Civilians were caught in the cross fire. It's unfortunate, but it happens.

This ability to gas-light themselves? This is astounding. Folks like this, actually believe that the human beings on one side of this conflict are somehow different than the human beings on the other side. .. THAT? Is an epic job of gas-lighting. You have to really lie to yourself to believe such absurd lie.

The Neo-Nazis are only fighting a war, not "targeting civilians," . . but the Russians? They are monsters, of course they are.

Would you like to live in Russia? Why, or why not?
That´s certainly OT but ok, why not.
Today´s Russia is far better off than it has been 20 years go.

Look at all the prosperity that takes place across Russia:

The whole country is so new and beautiful, I guess it is good times for Russians. And it will be better tomorrow.
So, yes. I would like to live in Russia.
That´s certainly OT but ok, why not.
Today´s Russia is far better off than it has been 20 years go.

Look at all the prosperity that takes place across Russia:

The whole country is so new and beautiful, I guess it is good times for Russians. And it will be better tomorrow.
So, yes. I would like to live in Russia.

It is in a better state than it was 20 years ago, but it is far and away from perfect.

For one, no election held in Russia is ever free and fair. Putin has changed rules, and straight up broke rules to become PM then president of Russia. Whatever he says, goes, no matter what. Protests in Russia are brutally crushed, with people beaten and imprisoned. Free speech is non-existent, as censorship runs wild in Putins new Russia. People are still jailed for speaking out against anything.

Poverty is out of control... Moscow looks fantastic, but go to Voronezh or Sevastopol, and you've got yourself a bona-fide gray shithole.


Not all Russians, but a lot of them are anti American.


It reads, "we can repeat".

The Russian government is hostile to any freedom loving nation, but turns the other cheek to China, and North Korea and Iran.

They are our enemies. They always have been. They likely always will be.
It is in a better state than it was 20 years ago, but it is far and away from perfect.

For one, no election held in Russia is ever free and fair. Putin has changed rules, and straight up broke rules to become PM then president of Russia. Whatever he says, goes, no matter what. Protests in Russia are brutally crushed, with people beaten and imprisoned. Free speech is non-existent, as censorship runs wild in Putins new Russia. People are still jailed for speaking out against anything.

Poverty is out of control... Moscow looks fantastic, but go to Voronezh or Sevastopol, and you've got yourself a bona-fide gray shithole.

View attachment 633133View attachment 633134

Not all Russians, but a lot of them are anti American.

View attachment 633135

It reads, "we can repeat".

The Russian government is hostile to any freedom loving nation, but turns the other cheek to China, and North Korea and Iran.

They are our enemies. They always have been. They likely always will be.
You put Russia in the same line with your other "enemies".

That is the same city btw:

Of course Russia is our enemy, just like China, Iran, North Korea, etc.
None of these countries are your enemies. Your government are theirs. Simply by choice.

And don't you think that an entire YouTube channel devoted to convincing you that their country isn't a shithole, is a bit odd?
They are proud of their recreation. Nothing bad to it.
Every single one of their countries is hostile to the American government, which in turn means they are hostile towards the American people and our way of life... You cannot be this stupid.
That is very dumb conclusion. Way of life is not a point. Your government is hostile to every single of this nations. Your troops are at their borders, not the other way round.
None of these countries are interested in war with the US. It is the US plan makers that don´t want any country strong but their own. And Russia is recovering, they are in good condition. All that shit that is happening right now is about to change that. The West promised to not to advance Nato eastwards, but they do. They only lie and cheat and spread terror. They have relocated their factories to China. Now they blame China. They bring new weapons to South Korea, violating the cease fire agreement. And they blame North Korea. They surround Iran with military bases and blame Iran. Wherever you go it is the US at some country´s borders, blaming this country. You cant be that stupid. You pay up. You go to war. Not those in Washington.
Now you putsched in Ukraine, installed a Nazi regime and blame Russia. Russia now is forced to strike back. All that whine does not change that.
The whole country is so new and beautiful, I guess it is good times for Russians. And it will be better tomorrow.
So, yes. I would like to live in Russia
What are you waiting for, really? As I can understand, there isn't much that you can lose in Germany.

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