USMB Coffee Shop IV

My laptop has been having attack issues. I took it to the shop for a tuneup but it doesn't seem to have had much effect.
The partner looks to be discharged on 5 Aug. He's been doing fairly well but is still weak as a babe and his right arm is pretty much a chunk of meat. He claims he had a "mild" stroke but the doctors disagree, they insist it was an acute stroke. Partner's got a long row to how, I'm afraid. I'll be bringing him back to my place. The medical professionals handling his case are concerned about the remote, off-grid location, but it is what it is. I'm pretty antsy about the parade of strangers that will apparently be parading through my home and my life: in-home caretakers, therapists, and who knows what other "concerned" social worker types. They're worried that my work schedule keeps me away for "extended" periods of time, not wanting him left (preferably) for longer than two hours at a time. Hell, if I go grocery shopping, he'll be alone for longer than that. I bought one of those cameras you can dial up to check on him and am taking the first week after his discharge off work. My brother has kindly offered to come up after that for a couple of weeks, too. I am so not looking forward to this...
What's the laptop doing/not doing?
Apparently, when I tried to download a new app I aroused some kind of adware. I tried to back out of the adware but it got a toehold and started running in the background and tied up my laptop so that it was pretty much unusable. I took it to my tech to clean up and he uploaded some kind of tech program. Now, that thing keeps popping up telling me that there's a "tech" working and I should not turn off my computer or try to close the program. It seems to be gone now. Maybe it took that long to run some kind of scan because I got a scan complete notice a while ago and it seems gone now. My computer is running much better now, too.
Just did these. Koi not for sale. Its ugly.


Ugly to you maybe, but somebody would love it. Those are really wonderful.
I really like the koi, too! The others are super, but I'm always attracted to animal motifs.
Well..I cancelled my colonoscopy and endoscopy. Idiots. Very disappointed in this hospital. Surprised too, and not pleasantly. In essence, I didn't trust my body to their care. Long story I don't feel like going in to, just thought I'd let y'all know I didn't have it done. Going to doctor myself. So far..doing pretty good, too, I might add. The bloating is because...gulp...I'm fat. I don't go anywhere, don't do anything, can't garden or be active like I used to be due to the horrid heat, bored, and overall I just sit. I don't eat much but what I do eat just turns to fat which is being stored in my belly. Lucky me. It could be worse, though. I could have it being stored in my back. Fat back. Gross. In my belly..I can hide it by wearing lose clothing and sucking in. The other end...well..I guess I'm doing something right this past month because it's normal. Finally.
So...when the hospital and the doc got into it with my supposed care with both contradicting each other..I told both to take a hike and I cancelled. Done. I'm happy.:)
I'm sorry to read that you are having so many problems, Gracie. Maybe you don't need all that rotor-rooter stuff done. But it is very difficult to lose weight when inactive and unable to eat "cleanly". I sure hope things get better for guys.
I'm not all that trusting of doctors and their chemical solutions to our physical problems. My bit of good news this past week was a consult with a nurse practitioner to review the lab results done for my pre-op. Overall, things looked really good except my cholesterol was high. Since my cholesterol has always been high, I was not alarmed when told that the "good" cholesterol was higher that the "bad" kind. Curious about my A1C, I was told that I have an A1C of 4.9, no where near diabetic. All-in-all, a bit of light in an otherwise shady time right now.
All that Alaska salmon gives you good cholesterol, I heard. Yay!!!!
I'd like to catch and eat more. I used to make an annual trip to the Copper River to dipnet my quota. Catch, filet, then back home to process. I have a wicked smoked salmon recipe, and I make a pretty good gravlaks.
gallantwarrior I've been thinking...which is all I can do nowadays, lol..about your situation. Have you considered maybe renting out a room in your partners house there in town to someone? That way, he is not alone while you are at work. You could drop him off when you head to your job, pick him up when you head back to your place. He will never be alone then. But can he handle the drives to and from? If might want to check in to that. I looked at room rentals in Anchorage and they go for 450 to 800 per month. IF you could find a caregiver looking for a room, that would be even better. He or she could still work outside the house on the days and times you have your partner. Or, if not a caregiver...reduction of rent in exchange for the person to be there during your absent times? Or, someone you guys already know at work that might need a place?

Just some thoughts.
A good thought, Gracie. But, the health care people are concerned about my remote, off-grid homestead being unsuitable for a handicapped person. If they saw his house in town, they'd put him into an inpatient facility! He needs enough room to navigate with either a wheelchair or walker. While small, my place is large enough for that to happen. His hoarder house or horrors has barely enough room to navigate on foot, let alone with the indicated "mobility aids". But all this gives me an excuse and opportunity to clear up some of his clutter at my place, i.e. his battery collection residing in my future bathroom. I'll clear out all the batteries, wires, and other useless paraphernalia to make enough space for that wheelchair. I'm also building some handrails for the potty this weekend. (Those will come in handy when, or if, I have my hip replaced.) I'll also be building a handicap access plywood "road" from where the car is parked to the front porch. I have loads of scrap plywood that will finally see some use. I have to measure and see whether I can move some bookcases and bring my old recliner down from my loft. If I can, that will become my bed for the duration. I sleep quite comfortably in a recliner, but the place is small. (It's amazing how much smaller houses are when you have to cut your own firewood.)
I love your painted rocks. I have a friend up here and anyone who visits her weekend place is given a rock to paint. She has a whole garden of painted rocks.
My laptop has been having attack issues. I took it to the shop for a tuneup but it doesn't seem to have had much effect.
The partner looks to be discharged on 5 Aug. He's been doing fairly well but is still weak as a babe and his right arm is pretty much a chunk of meat. He claims he had a "mild" stroke but the doctors disagree, they insist it was an acute stroke. Partner's got a long row to how, I'm afraid. I'll be bringing him back to my place. The medical professionals handling his case are concerned about the remote, off-grid location, but it is what it is. I'm pretty antsy about the parade of strangers that will apparently be parading through my home and my life: in-home caretakers, therapists, and who knows what other "concerned" social worker types. They're worried that my work schedule keeps me away for "extended" periods of time, not wanting him left (preferably) for longer than two hours at a time. Hell, if I go grocery shopping, he'll be alone for longer than that. I bought one of those cameras you can dial up to check on him and am taking the first week after his discharge off work. My brother has kindly offered to come up after that for a couple of weeks, too. I am so not looking forward to this...
What's the laptop doing/not doing?
Apparently, when I tried to download a new app I aroused some kind of adware. I tried to back out of the adware but it got a toehold and started running in the background and tied up my laptop so that it was pretty much unusable. I took it to my tech to clean up and he uploaded some kind of tech program. Now, that thing keeps popping up telling me that there's a "tech" working and I should not turn off my computer or try to close the program. It seems to be gone now. Maybe it took that long to run some kind of scan because I got a scan complete notice a while ago and it seems gone now. My computer is running much better now, too.

I got a program that downloaded itself on my desktop computer and among other things it changed my home page to their site. It also changed it back if I tried to go back to my original homepage. But I looked through the list of programs on my computer, and found the offending program and deleted it.
My laptop has been having attack issues. I took it to the shop for a tuneup but it doesn't seem to have had much effect.
The partner looks to be discharged on 5 Aug. He's been doing fairly well but is still weak as a babe and his right arm is pretty much a chunk of meat. He claims he had a "mild" stroke but the doctors disagree, they insist it was an acute stroke. Partner's got a long row to how, I'm afraid. I'll be bringing him back to my place. The medical professionals handling his case are concerned about the remote, off-grid location, but it is what it is. I'm pretty antsy about the parade of strangers that will apparently be parading through my home and my life: in-home caretakers, therapists, and who knows what other "concerned" social worker types. They're worried that my work schedule keeps me away for "extended" periods of time, not wanting him left (preferably) for longer than two hours at a time. Hell, if I go grocery shopping, he'll be alone for longer than that. I bought one of those cameras you can dial up to check on him and am taking the first week after his discharge off work. My brother has kindly offered to come up after that for a couple of weeks, too. I am so not looking forward to this...
What's the laptop doing/not doing?
Apparently, when I tried to download a new app I aroused some kind of adware. I tried to back out of the adware but it got a toehold and started running in the background and tied up my laptop so that it was pretty much unusable. I took it to my tech to clean up and he uploaded some kind of tech program. Now, that thing keeps popping up telling me that there's a "tech" working and I should not turn off my computer or try to close the program. It seems to be gone now. Maybe it took that long to run some kind of scan because I got a scan complete notice a while ago and it seems gone now. My computer is running much better now, too.

I got a program that downloaded itself on my desktop computer and among other things it changed my home page to their site. It also changed it back if I tried to go back to my original homepage. But I looked through the list of programs on my computer, and found the offending program and deleted it.
That's worth a try. It's really very irritating.
My laptop has been having attack issues. I took it to the shop for a tuneup but it doesn't seem to have had much effect.
The partner looks to be discharged on 5 Aug. He's been doing fairly well but is still weak as a babe and his right arm is pretty much a chunk of meat. He claims he had a "mild" stroke but the doctors disagree, they insist it was an acute stroke. Partner's got a long row to how, I'm afraid. I'll be bringing him back to my place. The medical professionals handling his case are concerned about the remote, off-grid location, but it is what it is. I'm pretty antsy about the parade of strangers that will apparently be parading through my home and my life: in-home caretakers, therapists, and who knows what other "concerned" social worker types. They're worried that my work schedule keeps me away for "extended" periods of time, not wanting him left (preferably) for longer than two hours at a time. Hell, if I go grocery shopping, he'll be alone for longer than that. I bought one of those cameras you can dial up to check on him and am taking the first week after his discharge off work. My brother has kindly offered to come up after that for a couple of weeks, too. I am so not looking forward to this...
What's the laptop doing/not doing?
Apparently, when I tried to download a new app I aroused some kind of adware. I tried to back out of the adware but it got a toehold and started running in the background and tied up my laptop so that it was pretty much unusable. I took it to my tech to clean up and he uploaded some kind of tech program. Now, that thing keeps popping up telling me that there's a "tech" working and I should not turn off my computer or try to close the program. It seems to be gone now. Maybe it took that long to run some kind of scan because I got a scan complete notice a while ago and it seems gone now. My computer is running much better now, too.
If you have it run Malwarebytes, if not then download and install Malwarebytes, get it from their site. When installing always check "Advanced" or "Custom" and make sure there's no other add ons selected to be installed.
My laptop has been having attack issues. I took it to the shop for a tuneup but it doesn't seem to have had much effect.
The partner looks to be discharged on 5 Aug. He's been doing fairly well but is still weak as a babe and his right arm is pretty much a chunk of meat. He claims he had a "mild" stroke but the doctors disagree, they insist it was an acute stroke. Partner's got a long row to how, I'm afraid. I'll be bringing him back to my place. The medical professionals handling his case are concerned about the remote, off-grid location, but it is what it is. I'm pretty antsy about the parade of strangers that will apparently be parading through my home and my life: in-home caretakers, therapists, and who knows what other "concerned" social worker types. They're worried that my work schedule keeps me away for "extended" periods of time, not wanting him left (preferably) for longer than two hours at a time. Hell, if I go grocery shopping, he'll be alone for longer than that. I bought one of those cameras you can dial up to check on him and am taking the first week after his discharge off work. My brother has kindly offered to come up after that for a couple of weeks, too. I am so not looking forward to this...
What's the laptop doing/not doing?
Apparently, when I tried to download a new app I aroused some kind of adware. I tried to back out of the adware but it got a toehold and started running in the background and tied up my laptop so that it was pretty much unusable. I took it to my tech to clean up and he uploaded some kind of tech program. Now, that thing keeps popping up telling me that there's a "tech" working and I should not turn off my computer or try to close the program. It seems to be gone now. Maybe it took that long to run some kind of scan because I got a scan complete notice a while ago and it seems gone now. My computer is running much better now, too.

I got a program that downloaded itself on my desktop computer and among other things it changed my home page to their site. It also changed it back if I tried to go back to my original homepage. But I looked through the list of programs on my computer, and found the offending program and deleted it.
Keep an eye on it, sometimes it hides itself and resurfaces later. Often there are special "tools" designed specifically to find all remaining files and delete them.
I use Avast Free anti-virus, I have to put up with the occasional pop-up adds where they're trying to sell me their premium version but it blocks those kind of adware attacks and redirects. Most good AVs do the same thing.
During the trips down to Roswell there's one specific location where one drops down onto the Great Plains/high desert that I always wanted a picture of, finally stopped and took the picture on this last trip. You can just see the mesas in the distance.


Yes there are a very few interesting features like that. But alas, most of that almost 100 miles between Roswell and Vaughn looks like this:

During the trips down to Roswell there's one specific location where one drops down onto the Great Plains/high desert that I always wanted a picture of, finally stopped and took the picture on this last trip. You can just see the mesas in the distance.


Yes there are a very few interesting features like that. But alas, most of that almost 100 miles between Roswell and Vaughn looks like this:

The one I posted is coming off the hills from Clines Corner headed for Encino. Besides even in those plains/desert features there's some awesome beauty if one takes a moment to appreciate it.
My laptop has been having attack issues. I took it to the shop for a tuneup but it doesn't seem to have had much effect.
The partner looks to be discharged on 5 Aug. He's been doing fairly well but is still weak as a babe and his right arm is pretty much a chunk of meat. He claims he had a "mild" stroke but the doctors disagree, they insist it was an acute stroke. Partner's got a long row to how, I'm afraid. I'll be bringing him back to my place. The medical professionals handling his case are concerned about the remote, off-grid location, but it is what it is. I'm pretty antsy about the parade of strangers that will apparently be parading through my home and my life: in-home caretakers, therapists, and who knows what other "concerned" social worker types. They're worried that my work schedule keeps me away for "extended" periods of time, not wanting him left (preferably) for longer than two hours at a time. Hell, if I go grocery shopping, he'll be alone for longer than that. I bought one of those cameras you can dial up to check on him and am taking the first week after his discharge off work. My brother has kindly offered to come up after that for a couple of weeks, too. I am so not looking forward to this...
What's the laptop doing/not doing?
Apparently, when I tried to download a new app I aroused some kind of adware. I tried to back out of the adware but it got a toehold and started running in the background and tied up my laptop so that it was pretty much unusable. I took it to my tech to clean up and he uploaded some kind of tech program. Now, that thing keeps popping up telling me that there's a "tech" working and I should not turn off my computer or try to close the program. It seems to be gone now. Maybe it took that long to run some kind of scan because I got a scan complete notice a while ago and it seems gone now. My computer is running much better now, too.

If you are running Windows 7 or 10, the best way to get rid of those immovable popup adware things that take hold of your computer is via control-alt-delete (simultaneously) that will bring up a menu including task manager. Open task manager and close down Google or whatever browser or app that is running. It will advise you if you try to close something that shouldn't be closed. It will of course reopen Google or whatever when you next need to use it sans the intrusive adware. If you're using Apple or Linux I don't know what the procedure would be there.

Of course you might have latched on to a trojan or something programmed to bypass the fix too. I don't know.
My laptop has been having attack issues. I took it to the shop for a tuneup but it doesn't seem to have had much effect.
The partner looks to be discharged on 5 Aug. He's been doing fairly well but is still weak as a babe and his right arm is pretty much a chunk of meat. He claims he had a "mild" stroke but the doctors disagree, they insist it was an acute stroke. Partner's got a long row to how, I'm afraid. I'll be bringing him back to my place. The medical professionals handling his case are concerned about the remote, off-grid location, but it is what it is. I'm pretty antsy about the parade of strangers that will apparently be parading through my home and my life: in-home caretakers, therapists, and who knows what other "concerned" social worker types. They're worried that my work schedule keeps me away for "extended" periods of time, not wanting him left (preferably) for longer than two hours at a time. Hell, if I go grocery shopping, he'll be alone for longer than that. I bought one of those cameras you can dial up to check on him and am taking the first week after his discharge off work. My brother has kindly offered to come up after that for a couple of weeks, too. I am so not looking forward to this...
What's the laptop doing/not doing?
Apparently, when I tried to download a new app I aroused some kind of adware. I tried to back out of the adware but it got a toehold and started running in the background and tied up my laptop so that it was pretty much unusable. I took it to my tech to clean up and he uploaded some kind of tech program. Now, that thing keeps popping up telling me that there's a "tech" working and I should not turn off my computer or try to close the program. It seems to be gone now. Maybe it took that long to run some kind of scan because I got a scan complete notice a while ago and it seems gone now. My computer is running much better now, too.

I got a program that downloaded itself on my desktop computer and among other things it changed my home page to their site. It also changed it back if I tried to go back to my original homepage. But I looked through the list of programs on my computer, and found the offending program and deleted it.
Keep an eye on it, sometimes it hides itself and resurfaces later. Often there are special "tools" designed specifically to find all remaining files and delete them.
I use Avast Free anti-virus, I have to put up with the occasional pop-up adds where they're trying to sell me their premium version but it blocks those kind of adware attacks and redirects. Most good AVs do the same thing.

I use Microsoft solutions and have not had any viruses, only the one program that gave me trouble. Fortunately the program I inadvertently downloaded had a recognisable name, and I was able to delete it. Otherwise I might have been able to find it by checking the dates of the downloads. I have not had any more trouble since I deleted it.
My laptop has been having attack issues. I took it to the shop for a tuneup but it doesn't seem to have had much effect.
The partner looks to be discharged on 5 Aug. He's been doing fairly well but is still weak as a babe and his right arm is pretty much a chunk of meat. He claims he had a "mild" stroke but the doctors disagree, they insist it was an acute stroke. Partner's got a long row to how, I'm afraid. I'll be bringing him back to my place. The medical professionals handling his case are concerned about the remote, off-grid location, but it is what it is. I'm pretty antsy about the parade of strangers that will apparently be parading through my home and my life: in-home caretakers, therapists, and who knows what other "concerned" social worker types. They're worried that my work schedule keeps me away for "extended" periods of time, not wanting him left (preferably) for longer than two hours at a time. Hell, if I go grocery shopping, he'll be alone for longer than that. I bought one of those cameras you can dial up to check on him and am taking the first week after his discharge off work. My brother has kindly offered to come up after that for a couple of weeks, too. I am so not looking forward to this...
What's the laptop doing/not doing?
Apparently, when I tried to download a new app I aroused some kind of adware. I tried to back out of the adware but it got a toehold and started running in the background and tied up my laptop so that it was pretty much unusable. I took it to my tech to clean up and he uploaded some kind of tech program. Now, that thing keeps popping up telling me that there's a "tech" working and I should not turn off my computer or try to close the program. It seems to be gone now. Maybe it took that long to run some kind of scan because I got a scan complete notice a while ago and it seems gone now. My computer is running much better now, too.

I got a program that downloaded itself on my desktop computer and among other things it changed my home page to their site. It also changed it back if I tried to go back to my original homepage. But I looked through the list of programs on my computer, and found the offending program and deleted it.
Keep an eye on it, sometimes it hides itself and resurfaces later. Often there are special "tools" designed specifically to find all remaining files and delete them.
I use Avast Free anti-virus, I have to put up with the occasional pop-up adds where they're trying to sell me their premium version but it blocks those kind of adware attacks and redirects. Most good AVs do the same thing.

I use Microsoft solutions and have not had any viruses, only the one program that gave me trouble. Fortunately the program I inadvertently downloaded had a recognisable name, and I was able to delete it. Otherwise I might have been able to find it by checking the dates of the downloads. I have not had any more trouble since I deleted it.
Many years ago I accidentally downloaded a redirect browser, uninstalled it but it kept popping back up, did a restore and it seemed to take care of the problem, a month later it popped back up again. Eventually I ended up having to do a complete fresh install, that finally wiped it out.
That was also the last time I relied on Microsoft's built in AV.........
What's the laptop doing/not doing?
Apparently, when I tried to download a new app I aroused some kind of adware. I tried to back out of the adware but it got a toehold and started running in the background and tied up my laptop so that it was pretty much unusable. I took it to my tech to clean up and he uploaded some kind of tech program. Now, that thing keeps popping up telling me that there's a "tech" working and I should not turn off my computer or try to close the program. It seems to be gone now. Maybe it took that long to run some kind of scan because I got a scan complete notice a while ago and it seems gone now. My computer is running much better now, too.

I got a program that downloaded itself on my desktop computer and among other things it changed my home page to their site. It also changed it back if I tried to go back to my original homepage. But I looked through the list of programs on my computer, and found the offending program and deleted it.
Keep an eye on it, sometimes it hides itself and resurfaces later. Often there are special "tools" designed specifically to find all remaining files and delete them.
I use Avast Free anti-virus, I have to put up with the occasional pop-up adds where they're trying to sell me their premium version but it blocks those kind of adware attacks and redirects. Most good AVs do the same thing.

I use Microsoft solutions and have not had any viruses, only the one program that gave me trouble. Fortunately the program I inadvertently downloaded had a recognisable name, and I was able to delete it. Otherwise I might have been able to find it by checking the dates of the downloads. I have not had any more trouble since I deleted it.
Many years ago I accidentally downloaded a redirect browser, uninstalled it but it kept popping back up, did a restore and it seemed to take care of the problem, a month later it popped back up again. Eventually I ended up having to do a complete fresh install, that finally wiped it out.
That was also the last time I relied on Microsoft's built in AV.........
Having to reinstall windows 10 would be a real problem, for one thing I downloaded it as a free upgrade from Microsoft, and I don't have a windows 10 disk. For another thing there have been endless upgrades that need to be downloaded too.
If you accidentally download a problem program it should be possible to enter the control panel and check the date of the installed programs to see one that has just downloaded then uninstall it.
Apparently, when I tried to download a new app I aroused some kind of adware. I tried to back out of the adware but it got a toehold and started running in the background and tied up my laptop so that it was pretty much unusable. I took it to my tech to clean up and he uploaded some kind of tech program. Now, that thing keeps popping up telling me that there's a "tech" working and I should not turn off my computer or try to close the program. It seems to be gone now. Maybe it took that long to run some kind of scan because I got a scan complete notice a while ago and it seems gone now. My computer is running much better now, too.

I got a program that downloaded itself on my desktop computer and among other things it changed my home page to their site. It also changed it back if I tried to go back to my original homepage. But I looked through the list of programs on my computer, and found the offending program and deleted it.
Keep an eye on it, sometimes it hides itself and resurfaces later. Often there are special "tools" designed specifically to find all remaining files and delete them.
I use Avast Free anti-virus, I have to put up with the occasional pop-up adds where they're trying to sell me their premium version but it blocks those kind of adware attacks and redirects. Most good AVs do the same thing.

I use Microsoft solutions and have not had any viruses, only the one program that gave me trouble. Fortunately the program I inadvertently downloaded had a recognisable name, and I was able to delete it. Otherwise I might have been able to find it by checking the dates of the downloads. I have not had any more trouble since I deleted it.
Many years ago I accidentally downloaded a redirect browser, uninstalled it but it kept popping back up, did a restore and it seemed to take care of the problem, a month later it popped back up again. Eventually I ended up having to do a complete fresh install, that finally wiped it out.
That was also the last time I relied on Microsoft's built in AV.........
Having to reinstall windows 10 would be a real problem, for one thing I downloaded it as a free upgrade from Microsoft, and I don't have a windows 10 disk. For another thing there have been endless upgrades that need to be downloaded too.
Don't need a disc and it's easier than you think.........


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