USMB Coffee Shop IV

It is still snowing like crazy here. I think we got like a foot more snow between yesterday and today. It is really cold out there too. AND, I just heard on the news that we are supposed to get another storm some time towards the middle or end of the week . . . I think that's when it was. No matter, I'm sure they'll change their forecast six times before then. :)
Well, the vacuum cleaner gift for Mrs. BBD isn't going to pan out. She has quilting at the church with all the sewing hens tomorrow and is leaving at noon to go to Rockford. She has a sewing class there that begins at 5:30 pm. I asked why she was leaving quilting so early to go to Rockford and she said that before the sewing class she was going to stop by the store and buy herself a new vacuum cleaner. Looks like it's back to the drawing board for me.
Well, the vacuum cleaner gift for Mrs. BBD isn't going to pan out. She has quilting at the church with all the sewing hens tomorrow and is leaving at noon to go to Rockford. She has a sewing class there that begins at 5:30 pm. I asked why she was leaving quilting so early to go to Rockford and she said that before the sewing class she was going to stop by the store and buy herself a new vacuum cleaner. Looks like it's back to the drawing board for me.

Hey! Maybe you could get her a drawing board....... ;)
It is still snowing like crazy here. I think we got like a foot more snow between yesterday and today. It is really cold out there too. AND, I just heard on the news that we are supposed to get another storm some time towards the middle or end of the week . . . I think that's when it was. No matter, I'm sure they'll change their forecast six times before then. :)

It just isn't fair Chris. We need somewhere to file complaints re weather distribution. Ya'll are getting way more snow than you want and we are desperate for snow pack here with no precipitation of any kind in sight and temperatures melting what little we had. But oh goodness, your poor toe.
Well, the vacuum cleaner gift for Mrs. BBD isn't going to pan out. She has quilting at the church with all the sewing hens tomorrow and is leaving at noon to go to Rockford. She has a sewing class there that begins at 5:30 pm. I asked why she was leaving quilting so early to go to Rockford and she said that before the sewing class she was going to stop by the store and buy herself a new vacuum cleaner. Looks like it's back to the drawing board for me.
I have a drawing/drafting table I'm not using right now.
It is still snowing like crazy here. I think we got like a foot more snow between yesterday and today. It is really cold out there too. AND, I just heard on the news that we are supposed to get another storm some time towards the middle or end of the week . . . I think that's when it was. No matter, I'm sure they'll change their forecast six times before then. :)

It just isn't fair Chris. We need somewhere to file complaints re weather distribution. Ya'll are getting way more snow than you want and we are desperate for snow pack here with no precipitation of any kind in sight and temperatures melting what little we had. But oh goodness, your poor toe.

Oh thanks, Foxy. My toenail is better now, as long as I don't get it caught on anything. I've got plenty more tape! :lol: That is one of those things that you do and say, oh no, that's really going to hurt!"

I would gladly send you some snow! :)

It's been rather warm here. In the 80's for the last two days.

Good morning everybody. The colonoscopy went well for Hombre and the doc said no polyps and no other issues and that will be the last one for him unless any unusual symptoms develop that warrant investigation.

But we're both a bit under the weather this morning so will take it easy today. Temperatures will be climbing out of the 30's soon - beautiful day here.
Oh and a heads up to those who contacted me about that site that seemed to be off the grid the last couple of days. It seems to be back for now.
Another beautiful day in the neighborhood!
A lot cooler than yesterday. We should top out about 60 after seeing 76 about 2 yesterday afternoon.
It's February and I had the AC on at Doc's.

The poker gods continue to be unkind so I sat out the 2nd tournament last night. I'm playing well, just zero luck.
Another beautiful day in the neighborhood!
A lot cooler than yesterday. We should top out about 60 after seeing 76 about 2 yesterday afternoon.
It's February and I had the AC on at Doc's.

The poker gods continue to be unkind so I sat out the 2nd tournament last night. I'm playing well, just zero luck.

They say there is really no such thing as 'luck', but I don't believe it. We had those dry spells back in the days when we used to go to Laughlin and Vegas. Sometimes it was just uncanny that everything seemed to work--we never won really really big but we could have fun for a few days without losing a significant amount either and all in all it was a cheap vacation that included all the amenities. And then there are those times that nothing seemed to click and the money we had allocated to have fun with drained away steadily. It simply is not fun when it is that way.
Ewwwww.. This is so Only In California.

A friend of mine (we used to work together) is having a baby via a surrogate mother. At lunch yesterday, she told me about how she chose the surrogate mother. One of the ones she rejected was used by our former boss and his wife. Although the surrogate was quite nice, she thought it was just too weird to use the same one as somebody she knew.
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What is wrong with candy, flowers and a card for Valentine's Day? Why complicate things? :D

At your age I appreciated candy, flowers, and a card too. These days, however, 'romance' is just as important and love is just as strong and necessary to a healthy life as it ever was, but priorities do change and different things thrill us. :)
Ewwwww.. This is so Only In California.

A friend of mine (we used to work together) is having a baby via a surrogate mother. At lunch yesterday, she told me about how she chose the surrogate mother. One of the ones she rejected was used by our former boss and his wife. Although the surrogate was quite nice, she thought it was just too weird to use the same one as somebody she knew.

I have no clue how I would go about finding a surrogate mother. I was blessed to conceive, carry, and deliver my kids. But, having done that, it amazes me that there are women who like being pregnant so much they do it as a business?

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