We Need Good Candidates to Run


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
The Tea Part backed the wrong candidate in the 2010 race against Harry Reid.
Susan Lowden was polling positive numbers until the TEA Party endorsed Sharron Angle.
Tea Party Election Results: Conservative Movement Of 2010 Takes Pounding In 2012

We had a chance to unseat Harry Reid and the Tea Party's endorsement of Sharron Angle
destroyed it.

The worst Tea Party Candidate had to be Christine O'Donnell. She came up with
many crazy quotes. One was "masturbation is adultery".

Just because a person believes in the philosophy of the Tea Party does not make them a viable candidate. Tea Party candidates need to be electable.

We have a chance to regain the control of Senate. Hopefully you will do a better job vetting your candidates.

Make sure your candidates attack any issue reducing benefits and services for my brother and sister Veterans, Military Retirees and our active duty military.
Don't get wrong, I support most of the Tea Party Agenda.
The Craziest Things Christine O'Donnell Has Ever Said (PHOTOS)
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It isn't the first time the tea party has derailed an election. I've seen it happen before. How does it happen? The GOP allows the Tea party to vet the candidates instead of doing their own homework. The Tea party would have been far more effective had it not affiliated itself with quislings like Newt Gingrich, Karl Rove, etc.
Maybe part of this vetting process will involve making potential candidates repetitively write the following sentence on a chalkboard; "I will not mention the word rape"

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