Welcome To The Post-Apocalyptic America


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
The deterioration of U.S. cities, political opponents eliminated through weaponization of government, a media which lies about everything to promote a political agenda, cities burning, polluted, decaying and destroyed while the government ignores the plight to send all their money to fight foreign wars against people on the other side of the world it doesn't like instead, rampant crime, millions upon millions of illegal, military age aliens from foreign lands undocumented, freely admitted and released to prey upon society, empty food shelves, people holding down three jobs just to survive, human body parts showing up just laying around in major cities full of diseased and homeless people, whole blocks of once active business districts empty and boarded up and crime and drugs from China fill the streets. People suffering yet government completely indifferent or unaware, or worse, claiming things are great! (for them)


This is quickly becoming America now under forced, commandeered democrat occupation.

Now they just find someone's LEG laying around on the tracks of a NY subway station and no one even knows who it belongs to.

Abortion at will, men and women now discombobulated, cheap and interchangeable, child sexualization from birth, this is life now in the blue cities.

The Democratic Party establishment are just a set of decaying twisted corrupt hypocrites. They must be disciplined by defeat in the next election. Then we can work on building a new Democratic Party that doesn’t hate the American people.
The Democratic Party establishment are just a set of decaying twisted corrupt hypocrites. They must be disciplined by defeat in the next election. Then we can work on building a new Democratic Party that doesn’t hate the American people.

All true, the problem is that the corrupt RNC has sat by for decades and just let them (or been bought off) to let the corruption seep deeply into every institution. It won't be easy and the diseased will not go away without a fight, problem is that so few are willing to put up the fight.
The Democratic Party establishment are just a set of decaying twisted corrupt hypocrites. They must be disciplined by defeat in the next election. Then we can work on building a new Democratic Party that doesn’t hate the American people.

This video just posted by OK Texas in another thread seems to fit here very well, too.

Unless something radically changes very soon, this country is doomed to crash and burn by the next generation! Perhaps even before I leave the Earth.
The irony is that those who are causing it most shout the loudest in dire warnings to run from the one man trying to save us from it!

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