What do republicans want out of a president?


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
Used to be, the GOP voters supported small, limited government, that lives within it's means. A government that didn't meddle in the free market. They didn't care what people did in their business lives, as long as they weren't creating victims. And pretty much the same with peoples personal lives.
They wanted a government that kept the USD in check. They were OK with raising taxes a little, or letting the fed raise interest rates some, as long as it kept the USD value at a stable level. Enough so that their dollar had buying power. Because having a sound dollar, that was highly valued around the world, meant that US manufacturing could compete with foreign countries and companies. They could sell their products around the world, which would keep jobs here in the USA.

But in the last several decades, the Republicans have strayed from those conservative values, that made this country great to start with. Low taxes with so many deductions, artificially low interest rates and an over abundance of new money being dumped into the economy, has taken us to a place where the dollar ain't worth a dime. A $15hr job is practically a poverty wage. Every time the government dumps a bunch of money into the economy, the money that's in our pockets, within a couple of years, will be worth less and less. This is the cycle we've been in since at least Reagan.

The amount of goods we import is staggeringly higher than what we export. Outsourcing millions of jobs has become the norm. So much so that many industries have completely left the country.

So I ask you republicans. What do you want out of your Republican party? Because what we're getting now, with Trump, Johnson and 90% of the others, is nothing more than a "Kick the Can" party of fiscal irresponsibility. The GOP is no longer the party of fiscal conservatism. It no longer manages the USD value. When addressing issues like trade, you're only solution is to lower taxes and regulation. But that has almost nothing to do with why manufacturers leave the country to start with. 95% of the reason they leave is labor cost. And that's a direct result of the USD losing it's value from all the money they borrow and dump into the economy.

The only real solutions I see to fix the GOP to stop voting for Republicans all together. At least long enough to send the RNC a clear message that we're sick of Republicans campaigning on fiscal conservatism, but giving us the opposite.

And simply blaming the left isn't fixing the right. All that does it allows the GOP to continue doing what they have been doing. Which is pretty much the same thing the left have been doing. Screwing up this country and our currency.

Sometimes, when something gets so bad, you simply have to shut it down and rebuild it. That's where we are with the GOP. It's pistons are shot, rings & bearings are worn. Valves are tapping. It's on it's last leg. And the democrats, including the ones in the Republican party, are pulling away, leaving us in the dust. They're taking this party so far left of center, I don't think a lot of Republican voters even realize how far left the party has gone.
Seriously, the front runner for the next president has a record of spending $8 trillion in just 4 years. He's assaulted our 2A. He signed 12 CR's into law. He reauthorized FISA 702 (warrantless spying on Americans)<<<<<<< That's the Republican who's going to be the next president.

Can anyone reply to this without mentioning Biden or the democrats? Because this is solely about fixing the GOP. We all know the democrats are whack. We get it. But what's it going to take to fix the GOP?
The way their primary is going, I can only assume they want 2nd amendment restrictions, huge deficits with massive debt, racist monetary policies, DACA, humiliation on the world stage, childishness and lies.
Used to be, the GOP voters supported small, limited government, that lives within it's means. A government that didn't meddle in the free market. They didn't care what people did in their business lives, as long as they weren't creating victims. And pretty much the same with peoples personal lives.
They wanted a government that kept the USD in check. They were OK with raising taxes a little, or letting the fed raise interest rates some, as long as it kept the USD value at a stable level. Enough so that their dollar had buying power. Because having a sound dollar, that was highly valued around the world, meant that US manufacturing could compete with foreign countries and companies. They could sell their products around the world, which would keep jobs here in the USA.

But in the last several decades, the Republicans have strayed from those conservative values, that made this country great to start with. Low taxes with so many deductions, artificially low interest rates and an over abundance of new money being dumped into the economy, has taken us to a place where the dollar ain't worth a dime. A $15hr job is practically a poverty wage. Every time the government dumps a bunch of money into the economy, the money that's in our pockets, within a couple of years, will be worth less and less. This is the cycle we've been in since at least Reagan.

The amount of goods we import is staggeringly higher than what we export. Outsourcing millions of jobs has become the norm. So much so that many industries have completely left the country.

So I ask you republicans. What do you want out of your Republican party? Because what we're getting now, with Trump, Johnson and 90% of the others, is nothing more than a "Kick the Can" party of fiscal irresponsibility. The GOP is no longer the party of fiscal conservatism. It no longer manages the USD value. When addressing issues like trade, you're only solution is to lower taxes and regulation. But that has almost nothing to do with why manufacturers leave the country to start with. 95% of the reason they leave is labor cost. And that's a direct result of the USD losing it's value from all the money they borrow and dump into the economy.

The only real solutions I see to fix the GOP to stop voting for Republicans all together. At least long enough to send the RNC a clear message that we're sick of Republicans campaigning on fiscal conservatism, but giving us the opposite.

And simply blaming the left isn't fixing the right. All that does it allows the GOP to continue doing what they have been doing. Which is pretty much the same thing the left have been doing. Screwing up this country and our currency.

Sometimes, when something gets so bad, you simply have to shut it down and rebuild it. That's where we are with the GOP. It's pistons are shot, rings & bearings are worn. Valves are tapping. It's on it's last leg. And the democrats, including the ones in the Republican party, are pulling away, leaving us in the dust. They're taking this party so far left of center, I don't think a lot of Republican voters even realize how far left the party has gone.
Seriously, the front runner for the next president has a record of spending $8 trillion in just 4 years. He's assaulted our 2A. He signed 12 CR's into law. He reauthorized FISA 702 (warrantless spying on Americans)<<<<<<< That's the Republican who's going to be the next president.

Can anyone reply to this without mentioning Biden or the democrats? Because this is solely about fixing the GOP. We all know the democrats are whack. We get it. But what's it going to take to fix the GOP?

I'd say if you supported unlimited gun rights, supported outlawing abortion, supported ending racism, proposed to reduce taxes. and proposed to give away tons of money then you'd have a winning ticket. It is probably best to leave the gay and transgender discussion alone. That could help you or hurt you. It's too hard to tell. If it came up the candidate would just have to say, "there is a lot to consider".

On average people don't care about the deficit or the national debt. I'd approach that the same way as the transgender stuff.
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Simple, OP...America first!

(And not a commie America, bub!)

Atomic bomb vcation destroy.jpg
Simple, OP...America first!

(And not a commie America, bub!)

$8 trillion spent in just 4 years, signing 12 CR's, allowing the deep state to spy on Americans without a warrant and assaulting our 2A is NOT, in any way, shape or form, putting America first.
If it is in your opinion, please explain how.
$8 trillion spent in just 4 years, signing 12 CR's, allowing the deep state to spy on Americans without a warrant and assaulting our 2A is NOT, in any way, shape or form, putting America first.
If it is in your opinion, please explain how.

People elected Biden. They chose it. We live in a democratic republic. That's who we chose.
The way their primary is going, I can only assume they want 2nd amendment restrictions, huge deficits with massive debt, racist monetary policies, DACA, humiliation on the world stage, childishness and lies.

So, a continuation of Biden's policies?
Isolationism. Nationalism. A closed border. A flat tax with no deductions or exemptions. A strong military. No social safety net.

Those are great policies. I don't think it is a winning platform but I would want to live in a country like that.

What do republicans want out of a president?​

1. Give Ukraine to Russia with no sanctions and free walk into other former iron curtain break away countries and Europe itself if Russia wants it. With guarantee of groundbreaking on Trump Moscow.
2. The wall at southern boarder, along with deportation of all illegal aliens, whether legitimate refuges or not, along with anyone else in the country illegally overstaying a student or work visa.
3. Lead the charge to prohibit abortion as payback for Christian Nationalist support, and support for criminalizing it with jail time for patients, doctors, or anybody that would allow or aid all pregnant women from leaving to get a black market abortion.
4. Release all J6 criminals on full pardon, regardless of laws broken.
5. Total change of elections, taking voting and elected leadership out of the hands of citizens, putting that power in the hands of a controlled few to perpetuate minority rule and controlled society favorable to the elite, negating that pesky US Constitution.
6. Control of Media, especially mainstream, non-sympathetic to Trump and the new government.
8. Possibly turn Iran into a nuclear glazed desert quiet neighborhood for the next 50 years.
9. Troops put back in Afghanistan for corporate profit, as Biden didn't do it right.
10. Homeless moved to offshore FEMA barges with enough CIA imported drugs to finish them off.
11. Assassination for Democrat or other opposition leadership by Seal Teams and special operatives at home and abroad, on executive privilege of DJT. Doing it on 5th Avenue in front of Trump tower, a Plus.
12. New Constitution without the pesky contributions and restrictions of the states or their subjects, their approval not necessary.
13. Government control of Oil Industry production and sales assets, to control the price of gas in US new Domestic Market back to $1.25.
15. All charges Federal or state against the new Trump 1st Family, dropped and wipe out of all books allow to be printed or read in the United States or whatever the new name becomes.
16. Full employment for all White Nationalist Militias and support for their activities, at least until the rabble are contained.

You know, just simple god given well deserved pleasures like that to establish the new American Utopia. Whats the harm and what's not to love about that?:4_13_65:
Used to be, the GOP voters supported small, limited government, that lives within it's means. A government that didn't meddle in the free market. They didn't care what people did in their business lives, as long as they weren't creating victims. And pretty much the same with peoples personal lives.
They wanted a government that kept the USD in check. They were OK with raising taxes a little, or letting the fed raise interest rates some, as long as it kept the USD value at a stable level. Enough so that their dollar had buying power. Because having a sound dollar, that was highly valued around the world, meant that US manufacturing could compete with foreign countries and companies. They could sell their products around the world, which would keep jobs here in the USA.

But in the last several decades, the Republicans have strayed from those conservative values, that made this country great to start with. Low taxes with so many deductions, artificially low interest rates and an over abundance of new money being dumped into the economy, has taken us to a place where the dollar ain't worth a dime. A $15hr job is practically a poverty wage. Every time the government dumps a bunch of money into the economy, the money that's in our pockets, within a couple of years, will be worth less and less. This is the cycle we've been in since at least Reagan.

The amount of goods we import is staggeringly higher than what we export. Outsourcing millions of jobs has become the norm. So much so that many industries have completely left the country.

So I ask you republicans. What do you want out of your Republican party? Because what we're getting now, with Trump, Johnson and 90% of the others, is nothing more than a "Kick the Can" party of fiscal irresponsibility. The GOP is no longer the party of fiscal conservatism. It no longer manages the USD value. When addressing issues like trade, you're only solution is to lower taxes and regulation. But that has almost nothing to do with why manufacturers leave the country to start with. 95% of the reason they leave is labor cost. And that's a direct result of the USD losing it's value from all the money they borrow and dump into the economy.

The only real solutions I see to fix the GOP to stop voting for Republicans all together. At least long enough to send the RNC a clear message that we're sick of Republicans campaigning on fiscal conservatism, but giving us the opposite.

And simply blaming the left isn't fixing the right. All that does it allows the GOP to continue doing what they have been doing. Which is pretty much the same thing the left have been doing. Screwing up this country and our currency.

Sometimes, when something gets so bad, you simply have to shut it down and rebuild it. That's where we are with the GOP. It's pistons are shot, rings & bearings are worn. Valves are tapping. It's on it's last leg. And the democrats, including the ones in the Republican party, are pulling away, leaving us in the dust. They're taking this party so far left of center, I don't think a lot of Republican voters even realize how far left the party has gone.
Seriously, the front runner for the next president has a record of spending $8 trillion in just 4 years. He's assaulted our 2A. He signed 12 CR's into law. He reauthorized FISA 702 (warrantless spying on Americans)<<<<<<< That's the Republican who's going to be the next president.

Can anyone reply to this without mentioning Biden or the democrats? Because this is solely about fixing the GOP. We all know the democrats are whack. We get it. But what's it going to take to fix the GOP?
I want someone in there that will fight the impending never ending impeachments, the constant media barrage of hate, 24/7 for 4 long years, someone who can endure the never-ending leaks of staff members of the Swamp who are all around you. someone who can cope with the woke generals who call up President Xi in China and promise them not to attack regardless of what your GOP commander in Chief says.


I just love the smell of TDS in the morning.
Used to be, the GOP voters supported small, limited government, that lives within it's means. A government that didn't meddle in the free market. They didn't care what people did in their business lives, as long as they weren't creating victims. And pretty much the same with peoples personal lives.
They wanted a government that kept the USD in check. They were OK with raising taxes a little, or letting the fed raise interest rates some, as long as it kept the USD value at a stable level. Enough so that their dollar had buying power. Because having a sound dollar, that was highly valued around the world, meant that US manufacturing could compete with foreign countries and companies. They could sell their products around the world, which would keep jobs here in the USA.

But in the last several decades, the Republicans have strayed from those conservative values, that made this country great to start with. Low taxes with so many deductions, artificially low interest rates and an over abundance of new money being dumped into the economy, has taken us to a place where the dollar ain't worth a dime. A $15hr job is practically a poverty wage. Every time the government dumps a bunch of money into the economy, the money that's in our pockets, within a couple of years, will be worth less and less. This is the cycle we've been in since at least Reagan.

The amount of goods we import is staggeringly higher than what we export. Outsourcing millions of jobs has become the norm. So much so that many industries have completely left the country.

So I ask you republicans. What do you want out of your Republican party? Because what we're getting now, with Trump, Johnson and 90% of the others, is nothing more than a "Kick the Can" party of fiscal irresponsibility. The GOP is no longer the party of fiscal conservatism. It no longer manages the USD value. When addressing issues like trade, you're only solution is to lower taxes and regulation. But that has almost nothing to do with why manufacturers leave the country to start with. 95% of the reason they leave is labor cost. And that's a direct result of the USD losing it's value from all the money they borrow and dump into the economy.

The only real solutions I see to fix the GOP to stop voting for Republicans all together. At least long enough to send the RNC a clear message that we're sick of Republicans campaigning on fiscal conservatism, but giving us the opposite.

And simply blaming the left isn't fixing the right. All that does it allows the GOP to continue doing what they have been doing. Which is pretty much the same thing the left have been doing. Screwing up this country and our currency.

Sometimes, when something gets so bad, you simply have to shut it down and rebuild it. That's where we are with the GOP. It's pistons are shot, rings & bearings are worn. Valves are tapping. It's on it's last leg. And the democrats, including the ones in the Republican party, are pulling away, leaving us in the dust. They're taking this party so far left of center, I don't think a lot of Republican voters even realize how far left the party has gone.
Seriously, the front runner for the next president has a record of spending $8 trillion in just 4 years. He's assaulted our 2A. He signed 12 CR's into law. He reauthorized FISA 702 (warrantless spying on Americans)<<<<<<< That's the Republican who's going to be the next president.

Can anyone reply to this without mentioning Biden or the democrats? Because this is solely about fixing the GOP. We all know the democrats are whack. We get it. But what's it going to take to fix the GOP?

Defend the borders and our civil rights, and leave me the fuck alone. That's it.
Let's see:

Secure borders, inflation under control, the avoidance of unnecessary foreign conflagrations.

Incidentally, what most Americans want.

And if it wasn't for the Leftist coddling corporate media and election "fortifying", Dems and their doddering China stooge would have never usurped power to begin with.

Live and learn.

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