Zone1 What does it mean that Jews are "God's Chosen People"?

Why would God choose one Group of people over another? What does it even mean to be "Chosen"? Chosen for what? Does it mean all Jews will go to Heaven?
The Bible calls them that. Do you trust the Bible to be the Word of God? Jesus did. He quoted from the Old Testament all the time. The New Testament would come about after He ascended. the Bible as we know it came about after 1440 when the printing press was invented.

Once Christ came, the Catholic Church was established, and called by that name at least as early as 107 AD, which alone proves that the RCC is the true faith, if nothing else. No other "Christian" faith goes back that far. The others came along with Luther and all those who followed in his rebellious footsteps... Then of course many preachers disagreed w/ Luther and started their own "churches," then others disagreed with the Luther dissenters and so on and so forth until today we have something like 60,000 denominations. Which one is the true Church?

Well, some of us know. I feel sorry for those who do not
So, being blessed in this world can put a big target on your back for those who are cursed.
Great point. Persecuted Christians know all about that. And there are more and more of them every single day in this pagan, lost culture (USA)
How many times could you accept innocent civilians who are minding their own business ...

rather disingenuous dialogue to say the liest ...


too bad you are not there to enjoy their generosity.

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