Debate Now What does MAGA mean ? Specifically ?

Saint Hikerguy should pay attention to the MAGA Party of Trump oligarch class.

A striking analysis by economist Gabriel Zucman, published in The New York Times, reveals that in 2018, U.S. billionaires paid a lower effective tax rate than the working class, marking a historic shift in tax burdens and igniting calls for urgent tax reforms.​
Zucman’s analysis underscores the need to rethink the tax strategy as billionaires increasingly generate income through investment avenues rather than traditional salaries, deepening the tax disparity with middle and lower-income earners.​
One of the primary reasons the superrich face lower effective tax rates is their income structure, which is predominantly derived from wealth, such as dividends and capital gains, rather than traditional salaries.​
/—-/ Why is that wrong?
/——/ What a load of Hillary. How do you twist yourself into a pretzel like that. And can you name any of those oil billionaires? Besides, the majority of billionaires are either RINOs or leftists.

No. Trump will deliver you, and millions of white Christian working class far right Bible Believers who will vote in favor of oil billionaires having Trump in the White House

Which is another way of saying we'll be great when we are doing things like balancing the budget and reducing our debt.

/ So Trump can deliver 30 billionaire votes

Saint Hikerguy will vote in favor of billionaires with millions of other white evangelical Christians who don’t vote in working class self interest because they are obsessed with culture war issues to which the billionaires keep them mesmerized.

Why are you mesmerized by billionaires and culture war issues?
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No. Trump will deliver you, and millions of white Christian working class far right Bible Believers who will vote in favor of oil billionaires having Trump in the White House

Saint Hikerguy will vote in favor of billionaires with millions of other white evangelical Christians who don’t vote in working class self interest because they are obsessed with culture war issues to which the billionaires keep them mesmerized.

Why are you mesmerized by billionaires and culture war issues?
/----/ Here is a list of billionaires. Which ones are oil billionaires?

Net worth over $50 billion​

Net worth under $50 billion​

Your turn. I'm not your gopher.
My argument and point here has absolutely nothing to do with naming each specific billionaire, and what interest in the global economy they used to obtain and protect their incredible wealth.

If you care what their names are, please provide the list as requested.

No billionaire is isolated from the global economy that is pretty much based on oil.
My argument and point here has absolutely nothing to do with naming each specific billionaire, and what interest in the global economy they used to obtain and protect their incredible wealth.

If you care what their names are, please provide the list as requested.

No billionaire is isolated from the global economy that is pretty much based on oil.
/----/ So, you can't back up your "oil billionaires rant with actual names. OK, just say so.
So, you can't back up your "oil billionaires rant with actual names. OK, just say so.
My point has nothing to do with actual names. Do you think there’s no such thing as oil billionaires or what is your line of questioning all about?

Your evasiveness on the subject is duly noted.
/----/ So, you can't back up your "oil billionaires rant with actual names. OK, just say so.
Do you want Trump to get reelected so that he can extend tax cuts for billionaires for another four or five ten years so they can double their wealth again while working middle-class and working poor remain stagnant?
I'm a fiscal conservative and am against deficit spending. What's your point?
Do you want Trump to actually win so he can extend tax cuts for the billionaires who find it necessary to be happy billionaires to double their wealth every few years while working in class wealth remains stagnant?
Do you want Trump to actually win so he can extend tax cuts for the billionaires who find it necessary to be happy billionaires to double their wealth every few years while working in class wealth remains stagnant?
/——/ Explain your accusation when billionaires generally don’t take salaries and their income is from dividends as capital gains. Do you know the difference?
Explain your accusation when billionaires generally don’t take salaries and their income is from dividends as capital gains. Do you know the difference?

Do you understand the difference between “income“ and “wealth“ ?

I wrote:

Do you want Trump to actually win so he can extend tax cuts for the billionaires who find it necessary to be happy billionaires to double their wealth every few years while working class wealth remains stagnant?
Do you understand the difference between “income“ and “wealth“ ?

I wrote:

Do you want Trump to actually win so he can extend tax cuts for the billionaires who find it necessary to be happy billionaires to double their wealth every few years while working class wealth remains stagnant?
/—-/ I don’t want to punish success. Pay your own way through life.
Don’t you think working middle class people and working poor are paying their own way through life? Why do you wanna make it harder for the working class and easier for the wealthy class to grow wealth?
/—-/ How does confiscation money from one group help another group? The top 1% already pay the bulk of taxes and they provide the jobs.
You need to walk away from your class envy mindset.
Well, there won’t be federal deficits for Saint Hikerguy to be concerned about when all plant animal and human life is dead.

If the fossil fuel industry can contribute $1 billion to putting Trump in the White House again they can be rid of all regulations even though they affect the climate and air quality to help the planet sustain life.

New York Times writer Jamelle Bouie described an event at Mar-a-Lago in April in which Trump reportedly left gathered oil execs “stunned” when he suggested he’d slash environmental regulations if they raised $1 billion to get him back in the White House.​
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Here is a list of billionaires. Which ones are oil billionaires?

Billionaire oil magnate Harold Hamm arranged the Mar-a-Lago event, which the Washington Post reported was designed to allow for the fossil fuel industry to be able to bring concerns over environmental regulations directly to Trump.

Trump casting Biden as an opponent of Big Oil is somewhat confusing, given that the United States officially hit record-high domestic oil production levels earlier this year. The U.S. Energy Information Administration found that in 2023, the U.S. produced 13 million barrels of oil per day on average, making the United States the world's largest oil producer.
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You need to walk away from your class envy mindset.
If The heads of the American Petroleum Institute (API) and eight companies: Cheniere Energy, Chesapeake Energy, Chevron, Continental Resources, EQT Corporation, ExxonMobil, Occidental Petroleum, and Venture Global LNG. give Trump one billion dollars to undo Federal regulation of the fossil fuel industry they are not ‘class’ they are criminals and an enemy to my one year old granddaughter’s right to breath clean air and grow old like c there bastards have done.

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