what happened with the story about TX seceding?


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2021
wasn't sure where to put this

but I would like details on that story.. .assuming it was a serious one

This kinda belongs here if for no other reason than that... well: Ted Cruz, attorney and TX Senator... has presented many cases b4 the Sup Ct.. has won a lot of them. He was/is Tea Party

wonder what he would have to say about this seceding thing?
wasn't sure where to put this

but I would like details on that story.. .assuming it was a serious one

This kinda belongs here if for no other reason than that... well: Ted Cruz, attorney and TX Senator... has presented many cases b4 the Sup Ct.. has won a lot of them. He was/is Tea Party

wonder what he would have to say about this seceding thing?
They were successful after Travis attacked with a large army surprising and capturing the Mexican dictator Santa Anna Battle of San Jacinto. The Mexican dictator was forced to recognize Texas’ independence and withdrew his forces south of the Rio Grande.

I'm surprised you didn't know.
Texas declares independence
The only binding agreement Texas made when it joined the union was that it could split off up 4 more states from it's vast territory.
Texas still holds the right to secede.

There's ALWAYS talk from some idiot about Texas leaving the US to go on it's own.

Unfortunately the governor of Texas has to file for secedence.
And we haven't had any with the balls to do it.

They never had that right.
They never had that right.


Texas only has the right to split into 4 more states per the documents when it was admitted to the Union. It simply never had the right to succeed.

Nice memes. Very very insulting. You should be extremely proud.
I think the case of Lee vs. Grant (appeal denied) confirmed that Texas has no right to secession.
I think the case of Lee vs. Grant (appeal denied) confirmed that Texas has no right to secession.

As we know from the Constitutional Convention and over 60 years of following history, everyone knew it wasn't illegal to secede, from New England across the rest of the states and territories. The Federal government was specifically denied the right to use force against any state; the union was to be entirely a voluntary one. The threat of secession was a common one, first for the New England states for some 40 years then by the 1830's that gradually shifted to southern states using the threats.
Texas still holds the right to secede.

There's ALWAYS talk from some idiot about Texas leaving the US to go on it's own.

Unfortunately the governor of Texas has to file for secedence.
And we haven't had any with the balls to do it.

Any state has that right, not just Texas. But as I've said many times, the Constitution has been a dead letter since 1861; there is no real law and order now, just judicial fiat and political partisanship in packing courts.
wasn't sure where to put this

but I would like details on that story.. .assuming it was a serious one

This kinda belongs here if for no other reason than that... well: Ted Cruz, attorney and TX Senator... has presented many cases b4 the Sup Ct.. has won a lot of them. He was/is Tea Party

wonder what he would have to say about this seceding thing?

Most Republicans are Federalists, so they are all for a dominant totalitarian state ruling over the peasants, as long as the state is controlled by plutocrats for plutocrats; they just object to peasants having any say and think the military and police are there to shoot down uppity proles who object to abuse. That's why Wall Street and corporations love Red China so much.
Any state has that right, not just Texas. But as I've said many times, the Constitution has been a dead letter since 1861; there is no real law and order now, just judicial fiat and political partisanship in packing courts.

This is true. There are very few men under 60 now who even know the nations laws.
Remember the last gasp of America, The Tea Party?
It consists mostly of older men and women. Major media wouldn't even show the crowd in DC, only arial view we got was from Japan news source.
America is gone only thing most young men will gather and fight for now is NFL,NBA atheletes.


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