What Has the Biden Admin Accomplished?

Dude...you're asking for proof that was provided to YOU on another thread. Now you pretend you never saw it.

That's troll behavior and I'm not entertaining trolls today
Which thread? Afraid to post it. Find your needle? Hahaha fk that demofk
It's time America stopped assuming it is the world's leader by default and begin consulting and cooperating with other nations. Our sense of entitlement for being the world's hegemonic power and empire has led us to where we are now, on the brink of fighting a nuclear war with Russia. All of those policies that you mentioned in your OP amount to nothing if Washington and its Western European vassals continue pushing for war in Ukraine, plunging us all into WW3.

Lesh writes:

"...When Russia launched an unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, President Biden rallied our allies across the globe to ensure Vladimir Putin pays a steep economic price for his unjustified war of aggression. Rallied NATO to defend Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression".

The United States and the UK have actually done everything possible to undermine a peaceful resolution of the conflict, interfering in every peace talk since the beginning of the war. The United States continues pouring weapons into Ukraine ($$$$$ weapons manufacturers aren't complaining), fueling the conflict, and refuses, like Lesh, to recognize the legitimate security needs of Russia. You can continue pretending that Putin just woke up one morning and decided to willy-nilly invade Ukraine, but that's not the situation. NATO, despite all of your denials, is a cold war military alliance that is inherently hostile to Russia, operationally, doctrinally, and historically..etc, hence it was a horrible idea to extend it all of the way to Russia's border, right on its doorstep. Even Biden admitted that the expansion of NATO was going to inevitably lead to serious problems:

All of the experts predicted it. For about thirty years, we've been doing everything we can to cause instability in Russia's perceived sphere of influence, causing unnecessary strife. You are also ignoring the fact that the US co-oped the Maidan protests of 2014, orchestrating a coup d'etat, replacing the democratically elected president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, who was friendly to Russia with Petro Poroshenko, a man that hates everything Russian. The Ethnic Russians of Ukraine (Russo-Ukrainians), didn't accept the new Kyiv coup regime, leading to a civil war that lasted eight years. For eight years the Western media was doing stories on how Ukraine had a neo-Nazi, ultra-nationalist problem, filming them terrorizing and shelling people in the Donbas (Eastern Ukraine). You can see some of those videos on YouTube:

Ukraine is split between those who lean toward the West (EU) and those who prefer to be close to Russia, politically, economically, culturally, linguistically..etc. For eight years the Russian government tried to settle the conflict in Ukraine peacefully through the Minsk agreements.

The United States and NATO continued to send arms, and money to Kyiv, adding tinder to the fire. Well, play stupid games, win stupid prizes, and now we're fighting a proxy war with Russia that potentially can lead to a nuclear war (the destruction of all life on this planet with perhaps the exception of cockroaches). That list of Biden's accomplishments for the working class isn't going to amount to a hill of manure if we end up fighting WW3 with Russia (and most likely, China, North Korea, Iran..etc). At least the giant orange hamster (Trump), didn't start a major war and actually had the courage to extend a hand of peace to North Korea, to try to improve our relations. He also got rid of ISIS, as opposed to arming the terrorists as Obama was doing:

We are the leaders of the world in mayhem and making profits at the expense of people's lives. It's all about $ and power in Washington. The "bottom line" is all that matters. NATO is a lucrative business for our arms industry and the politicians that invest in those companies. That's why we are now on the brink of WW3, and stupid Americans like you contributed to this situation, through your willful ignorance and indifference to the destructive nature of crony capitalism and our foreign policy.

Excellent post that hits all the relevant high points of the Western country's vs Russia on going geopolitical conflict. ... :thup:

What Has the Biden Admin Accomplished?

Cutting off and destroying supply lines.

Astronomical food prices.

Artificially inflated gas prices.

Jacked up rent prices.

Illegal money syphoning under the guise of "assistance" to Ukraine.

Starting a war in another country to hide their criminal activities.

Hiding violent, murderous, treasonous traitors like Hunter.

Paying off student loans for snowflakes that are going to be an even heavier burden on the economy.

Creating mandates on fraudulent "viruses" after promising there would never be mandates for anything.

Creating massive firings and layoffs, making people homeless, and making it difficult for people to find work.

He canceled Operation Legend amid a record crime wave in US cities. At least 12 major cities broke annual homicide records in 2021. Yet Biden ended the Trump Justice Department’s Operation Legend, which deployed federal officers to aid local law enforcement and helped arrest more than 6,000 criminals. Now, with Chicago suffering the most violent year in a quarter-century, its mayor is requesting federal help to fight violent crime — help that Biden withdrew when he took office.

He weaponized the FBI to intimidate parents who show up at school board meetings. Parents are furious about pandemic closures and schools indoctrinating their kids with extremist ideologies. Biden treated them like domestic terrorists.

In the midst of a historic labor shortage, he pushed vaccine mandates. Forcing employers with more than 100 employees to fire unvaccinated workers — even if they have natural immunity from previous infection — or impose onerous weekly testing requirements would drive more Americans out of the labor force, at a time when businesses can’t find workers and there are more than 11 million unfilled jobs.

He greenlighted Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany. Then Biden inappropriately pressured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to accept Russian energy dominance over his country. Democrats tried to impeached President Donald Trump for far less.

He unleashed the worst border crisis in US history. US Customs and Border Protection reported more than 1.7 million encounters with illegal migrants at the southern border, nearly four times the number the year before, the highest annual total on recordincluding 378,000 who were not from Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala. Seizures of deadly fentanyl more than doubled in 2021, and the drug is closely connected to a surge in overdose deaths, which reached a historic high.

His $1.9 trillion in social spending disguised as “covid-19 relief” helped unleash inflation and extreme labor shortages. This was the worst fiscal policy mistake in decades, passed with Democratic votes alone. And despite all that “covid” spending, shortages of test kits and treatments persisted as the omicron variant arrived.

His withdrawal from Afghanistan was the most shameful foreign policy calamity in my lifetime. Biden left hundreds of US citizens and as many as 62,000 of our Afghan allies behind enemy lines, and forced NATO allies to abandon their citizens and allies as well. He put the safety of US service members at the Kabul airport in the hands of the Taliban and Haqqani network, a decision that led to the deaths of 13 Americans in a suicide attack. His “over the horizon” drone strike killed no terrorists but took the lives of 10 innocent people. And he repeatedly lied about the unfolding disaster — declaring that al-Qaeda was “gone” from Afghanistan; that no Americans were having trouble getting to the airport; that no allies were questioning the United States’ credibility; that none of his military advisers had recommended leaving a residual force; and that his Afghan debacle was an “extraordinary success.”

Made a speech in pure Nazi fashion, that would have made Hitler proud!

And this just the starter course!!!!
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One of the reasons Liberals like Lesh hate Russia so much is that Russia doesn't allow children to be injected with puberty blockers in order to "transition" them to the opposite sex. Russia doesn't have any rainbow flags flying over the Kremlin, nor does it allow these types of parades in the streets of Moscow:

They also hate the idea of women getting married in their twenties and starting a family. These purple-haired American "woke liberals", hate everything that is decent and beautiful, due to their self-destructive nihilism and hedonistic pursuits. Nothing is sacred for these liberals other than their base, animalistic impulses. They belong out in the jungle with wild animals, not in human society.

Expanded health care to millions of Americans​

After four years of endless attempts to strip health care from millions of Americans under the previous Administration, President Biden took action to strengthen the Affordable Care Act by expanding eligibility and extending the open enrollment period.

As a result, President Biden has brought down costs and expanded health care access for millions of Americans. Thanks to tax credits in the American Rescue Plan, a record 14.5 million Americans signed up for coverage for this year through the ACA, including 5.8 million new customers.

Health Care, but the Democrats already fixed healthcare?

The democrats gave us obamacare and as everyone knows Trump failed at getting rid of it

We must now acknowledge Obamacare was a collosal failure
Health Care, but the Democrats already fixed healthcare?

The democrats gave us obamacare and as everyone knows Trump failed at getting rid of it

We must now acknowledge Obamacare was a collosal failure
she sure has flung her poop in here today.
And most of that would not have happened without a Democratic Party controlled Congress.

There's more work to be done...especially codifying abortion rights and it CAN’T happen if Republicans take Congress or the Senate
Traitors stick together. Anything else? The country is being systematically destroyed.

What Has the Biden Admin Accomplished?​


Signed the Inflation Reduction Act​

President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act to bring down costs, reduce the deficit, and take aggressive action on climate – all paid for by making sure the largest corporations and billionaire tax cheats finally pay their fair share in taxes.

This historic legislation lowers health care costs for millions of families and allows Medicare to negotiate drug prices for the first time. The Inflation Reduction Act caps seniors’ out-of-pocket spending for prescription drugs at $2,000 per year and ensures no senior on Medicare will pay over $35 per month for insulin. Under the law, 13 million Americans, covered under the Affordable Care Act, will see their health insurance premiums reduced by $800.

Improved health care for veterans​

Pact Act-Burn Pit Bill

Got a Record Number of Judges appointed

Signed the CHIPS and Science Act​

President Biden signed landmark legislation into law that will accelerate semiconductor manufacturing in the United States. The CHIPS and Science Act will help lower the cost of everyday goods, strengthen American manufacturing and innovation, create good-paying jobs, and bolster our national security.

The CHIPS and Science Act will help us compete with China by bringing manufacturing jobs back to America. The law makes historic investments in research and development to accelerate the industries of the future and advance U.S. technological leadership.

Took historic action to address the gun violence epidemic​

President Biden brought together Democrats and Republicans to pass the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, breaking a 30-year streak of federal inaction on gun violence legislation. The legislation took important steps, including requiring people under 21 to undergo enhanced background checks, closing the “boyfriend loophole,” and providing funding to address youth mental health.

Restored American leadership on the world stage​

Under the previous administration, confidence in U.S. leadership around the world plummeted to historic lows. Since taking office, President Biden has worked to revitalize our alliances and restore America’s position of leadership on the global stage.

When Russia launched an unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, President Biden rallied our allies across the globe to ensure Vladimir Putin pays a steep economic price for his unjustified war of aggression.

Rallied NATO to defend Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression

Ended America’s longest war​

After more than 20 years of conflict spanning three previous administrations, President Biden acted decisively to bring our troops home from Afghanistan. Resolute in his commitment not to send another generation of America’s daughters and sons to fight in Afghanistan, President Biden ended our nation’s longest war.

Took action to address gender-based violence​

In 1994, then-Senator Biden authored the Violence Against Women Act which provided legal protection against domestic violence and sexual assault for 28 years until it was allowed to expire under the Trump administration.

As President, Joe Biden broke through two years of Republican obstruction and signed legislation in March 2022 to reauthorize and strengthen the Violence Against Women Act.

Passed the American Rescue Plan​

President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act into law, an unprecedented $1.9 trillion package that helped combat COVID-19 and supercharge a historic economic recovery.

The American Rescue Plan:

Helped get over 500 million shots in arms, distribute millions of therapeutics, and dramatically expand testing capabilities. Over two-thirds of Americans are vaccinated against COVID-19 thanks to the American Rescue Plan.

Delivered needed relief to families by sending over 160 million checks to Americans, expanding food and rental assistance, and providing aid to thousands of small businesses. The expanded Child Tax Credit led to the largest-ever one-year decrease in childhood poverty in American history.

Safely reopened America’s schools and made a historic investment to tackle learning loss and address mental health. Today, over 99% of schools are open for in-person learning. Before the ARP, only 46% of schools were open in-person.

Biggest year of job growth in American history​

President Biden is leading America through a historic economic recovery. In 2021, the U.S. economy added over 6.5 million jobs – the greatest year of job growth under any President in history. At the same time, we saw the largest annual decline in unemployment ever recorded and the strongest year of GDP growth since 1984.

This didn’t happen by accident and a rapid recovery was not guaranteed. Thanks to the American Rescue Plan, unemployment has dropped below 4% years ahead of predictions and our economy has recovered faster than other major global economies

Took action to combat COVID-19​

The Biden-Harris Administration successfully mobilized the largest free vaccination program in the history of the United States, dramatically increased the national supply of tests, and expedited the development of life-saving COVID-19 treatments.

Before President Biden took office, there was no comprehensive plan to get Americans vaccinated. President Biden got to work immediately on a national effort to get shots in arms. Funding from the American Rescue Plan helped vaccinate over 200 million Americans and administer over 500 million shots.

Passed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law​

Thanks to President Biden, we’re done talking about infrastructure week. Now, we’re building about an infrastructure decade.

President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is a once-in-a-generation, transformational investment that will help create thousands of jobs and set America up to win the 21st century. The law provides billions in funding to repair bridges and roads, begin replacing every lead pipe in America, upgrade our ports and airports, and expand broadband access to all. It also includes the largest federal investment in public transit ever and the biggest investment in Amtrak since its creation.

In 2022 alone, repairs will begin on 65,000 miles of roads and 1,500 bridges.

Expanded health care to millions of Americans​

After four years of endless attempts to strip health care from millions of Americans under the previous Administration, President Biden took action to strengthen the Affordable Care Act by expanding eligibility and extending the open enrollment period.

As a result, President Biden has brought down costs and expanded health care access for millions of Americans. Thanks to tax credits in the American Rescue Plan, a record 14.5 million Americans signed up for coverage for this year through the ACA, including 5.8 million new customers.


Signed the Inflation Reduction Act​

Which does nothing but give money to leftwing interests as inflation still climbs.

Signed the CHIPS and Science Act​

After fighting Trump for four years to keep manufacturing overseas.

Took historic action to address the gun violence epidemic​

Despite there being no gun epidemic to fight other than the violence you create.

Restored American leadership on the world stage​

Like being laughed at by world leaders while the Saudis gave him the finger.

Ended America’s longest war​

By botching Trump's pullout with the worst military maneuver in the country's history then taking us right into another war that doesn't even concern us.

Took action to address gender-based violence​

Another effort to create a non-existent problem to advance mutilation of children and sexual dysphoria. So tell me, ever see violence committed against a person that had no gender? Meantime, the country rocks with a million bigger problems.

Passed the American Rescue Plan​

While doing nothing to rescue America because Joe Biden IS the problem.

Biggest year of job growth in American history​

Must be why companies are cutting jobs left and right as we slide into deeper stagflation.

Took action to combat COVID-19​

And totally failed with far more people dying under Biden than Trump.

Passed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law​

Which doesn't do a thing for our infrastructure.

Expanded health care to millions of Americans​

After telling us for thirteen years you already did that with Obummacare.

Meantime, all of the actual problems in America like raging invasion across the southern border, crime, inflation, energy, food and debt all go unchecked or made even worse.

Biddum is toast.

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