When did Antisemites start using the term "ZIONIST" instead of "JEWISH"?

Whoever wrote that wiki entry was confusing modern political zionism with the umbrella concept of Zionism which includes a variety of streams including modern political Zionism. Religious Zionism dates back thousands of years. In a sense, there was a political Zionism in temple days as well (which is why I call the current version "modern" political Zionism).
You're putting people to sleep.

Few care about shit that far back into the past.
Actually, my solution would be for all the Zionists to go back to Europe where they came from.

Or maybe we can resettle them in this country in a part we aren't really using that much.

But the reality is, the AIPAC owns both our parties, and we are in for the long hall.
Go back where you came from. Wow!

Look at how one person yells a line, and the whole crowd repeats and obeys.


Watch that and explain how it is not a cult.

A mindless mob following orders. That’s today’s left. The amazing thing is the guy toward the end telling the one non-NPC Jew he makes them all feel unsafe.

The war is coming soon.
A mindless mob following orders. That’s today’s left. The amazing thing is the guy toward the end telling the one non-NPC Jew he makes them all feel unsafe.

The war is coming soon.

It is so creepy. It is like out of some crazy movie.

These people are truly brainwashed.
Has it always been this way?

It seems very prevalent lately.

What is the different between a ZIONIST and a JEW or JEW SYMPATHIZER?
Not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jews. Why do you think that they are the same thing?
So antisemites say they are ANTIZIONIST and not ANTIJEWISH why?

I honestly do not get the nuance.

These students are harassing and threatening Jewish students.

I think Israel should be allow to exist without exterminating Jews. I guess that makes me a Zionist?
A Zionist believes that Israel is the Jewish homeland and Israel has a right to exist.
An harassing their fellow classmates for being JEWISH.

Shit is off the rails.
Indeed.... Alumus have beginning to voice their objections to the rise of Anti-Semetism in Universities.
Look at how one person yells a line, and the whole crowd repeats and obeys.

Congress flag.png
Today's liberal are only liberal by their progressive revision of terms and definitions, and hypocritical applications. They have lots to hide.

The left are led by those with mental disorders and/or those with dubious plans to enrich themselves with power and money.

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