When the 2nd Amendment was written....

When the 2nd Amendment was written...the guns at the time were -

Not every person had firearms in those days, just like they don't now. The people who wrote and ratified the amendment did so because they wanted each state to have an effective militia. In fact, Pennsylvania was a Quaker colony that was founded on pacifism. Frontiersmen in Western PA complained about the fact that there was no militia to defend them against things like Indian raids. The 2nd Amendment was written to ensure that people in each state would be able to form a militia for the defense of a free state (as the amendment says). But they wanted the militia to be well-regulated. It had fuck all to do with arming every jackass who wanted to fire a gun or a canon.
That's wrong.
Citizens collective right to keep and bear arms in the context of a well-regulated militia.
That's wrong.
I've read the congressional debates from 1789 onward, fuck-tard.
That's wrong.

Facts is hard to swallow.
You have posted none.
No, in those days "well regulated" meant properly operating. A watch that kept good time was "well regulated".
Yes-even now, figuring proper powder loads and bullet weight for a gun is called "regulating" the charge.

I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people except for a few public officials.
-George Mason
The arguments against what actually was put in the Constitution don't matter.

So what you're saying is, originalism doesn't matter; what matters is making sure you select ideological, activist judges who rewrite the Constitution's meaning in a way that aligns with NRA propaganda. In other words, "Ha! Ha! We got the power now, so fuck you!" Got it. That's pretty much what I figured. And that's why I'm an advocate for packing the Court with leftist justices, who will right 20 years of wrongs of this disgusting, lawless, corrupt Supreme Court.

Unfortunately, the Democrats today, from Senile Joe Biden to Dickless Durban, are such total mindless, dickless pussies that they don't dare to push for such 'radical' change, because they "respect institutions," never mind the fact their opposition has zero respect in return.
You are a moron, I'm talking about the people who drafted the 2nd Amendment. They all clearly say it was intended to be an INDIVIDUAL RIGHT, not a federal government or a non-existent collective right.
Those that drafted the US constitution where dickheads. You guys are still fighting over the wording. Who wrote the US constitution? A retard class out of Kindergarten? It's the most outdated piece of crap on the planet
who OWNED the firearm? Who possessed the firearm and who kept and maintained the firearm retard?

The vast majority of people didn't own guns during the late 1700s. They were expensive and had to be maintained. That was indeed one of the reasons why Congress wanted States to have militias - for the common defense in case England and France decided to take back parts of America and also to put down mobs like those responsible for the Whiskey Rebellion and Shays Rebellion. You all have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
The vast majority of people didn't own guns during the late 1700s. They were expensive and had to be maintained. That was indeed one of the reasons why Congress wanted States to have militias - for the common defense in case England and France decided to take back parts of America and also to put down mobs like those responsible for the Whiskey Rebellion and Shays Rebellion. You all have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
dumb ass who makes up the militia and where did the militia get their firearms from?
Those that drafted the US constitution where dickheads. You guys are still fighting over the wording. Who wrote the US constitution? A retard class out of Kindergarten? It's the most outdated piece of crap on the planet

He's wrong. The people who drafted the 2nd Amendment never said anything about the 2nd Amendment being an individual right.
You are a moron, I'm talking about the people who drafted the 2nd Amendment. They all clearly say it was intended to be an INDIVIDUAL RIGHT, not a federal government or a non-existent collective right.

They absolutely did not say that.
answer the question.

Why? It's a stupid question that has no relationship to the issue of whether gun ownership was considered an individual right under 2A.

Who comprises any militia in any country or state? People. But that doesn't mean that people automatically have individual gun rights.

You're just talking out of general ignorance.
Why? It's a stupid question that has no relationship to the issue of whether gun ownership was considered an individual right under 2A.

Who comprises any militia in any country or state? People. But that doesn't mean that people automatically have individual gun rights.

You're just talking out of general ignorance.
LOL name a single instance of a militia in the early US that had state issued forearms and not individually owned forearms and munitions
When the first amendment was written speech was oral or written on parchment paper with quill and ink and if you wanted someone else to read it you sent that parchment by horseback across country.

By your "logic" then electronically recorded speech, Speech be it oral produced by typewriter or keyboard and sent over wire electronically is not entitled to First Amendment protections.

But of course you'd probably be OK with that because you people don't really have freedom of speech either.

Who has denied you freedom of speech?
LOL name a single instance of a militia in the early US that had state issued forearms and not individually owned forearms and munitions

That's irrelevant.

In 1790, a year before the Bill of Rights were (including 2A) were formally ratified as part of the Constitution, George Washington urged Congress to introduce legislation that would later form the basis of the Militia Acts, which called for a well-regulated militia. They called for citizen soldiers to arm themselves -- as part of a well-regulated militia. Alexander Hamilton wrote Federalist 29 -- to argue for a well-regulated militia. The 2nd Amendment debates discussed the need for all states to have well-regulated militias.

Nowhere in any of these discussions is there discussion about the unalienable freedom to start a gun collection, or to go target shooting, or the freedom to go deer hunting. The freedom to own guns is directly, exclusively, tied to militia service, with the nature of the militia changing over time.
That's irrelevant.

In 1790, a year before the Bill of Rights were (including 2A) were formally ratified as part of the Constitution, George Washington urged Congress to introduce legislation that would later form the basis of the Militia Acts, which called for a well-regulated militia. They called for citizen soldiers to arm themselves -- as part of a well-regulated militia. Alexander Hamilton wrote Federalist 29 -- to argue for a well-regulated militia. The 2nd Amendment debates discussed the need for all states to have well-regulated militias.

Nowhere in any of these discussions is there discussion about the unalienable freedom to start a gun collection, or to go target shooting, or the freedom to go deer hunting. The freedom to own guns is directly, exclusively, tied to militia service, with the nature of the militia changing over time.
you stated they wanted the PRIVATE citizens to arm THEMSELVES retard that is not a collective concept or restriction.

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