Zone1 White people don't struggle...because they're white.

When you go to a Wal Mart and use the self check the black shopper using it. The machine will magically malfunction and the attendant will have to come over to see what went “wrong”. In truth, they are doing a spot check to go through their bags.

Again...if they are stealing something that doesn’t make them not guilty---it just means the the white lady two registers over isn’t being flagged or profiled.

True but I was recently at a Walmart and this black woman was there with her daughter and her daughters 7 kids. All the workers were black. I needed to ask them something and they couldn't talk to me until that group of ladies checked out properly. Do they know them? Have they been in the store before? Probably. But even if not. If it was your store who you gonna watch them or me?
When you go to a Wal Mart and use the self check the black shopper using it. The machine will magically malfunction and the attendant will have to come over to see what went “wrong”. In truth, they are doing a spot check to go through their bags.
You're ridiculous. Do what I did when it happened to me--quit doing their job and go to a cashier. BTW, I am not black so there is that as well. Quit whining--it ain't because of your color--money doesn't recognize it. A business is going suck up to anyone who has it.
You're ridiculous. Do what I did when it happened to me--quit doing their job and go to a cashier. BTW, I am not black so there is that as well. Quit whining--it ain't because of your color--money doesn't recognize it. A business is going suck up to anyone who has it.
And I'm sorry but the machine didn't magically malfunction. I know because I tried to slip something into my bag without scanning it and the machine "magically malfunctioned". In other words it knew I tried to steal something. So when Candycorn sees a machine magically malfunctioning on a black person, it means that person is trying to steal.
True but I was recently at a Walmart and this black woman was there with her daughter and her daughters 7 kids. All the workers were black. I needed to ask them something and they couldn't talk to me until that group of ladies checked out properly. Do they know them? Have they been in the store before? Probably. But even if not. If it was your store who you gonna watch them or me?
The question of privilege (which I define as getting something you didn’t have to earn) is not as cut and dried as “only whites” getting privilege. In a scenario like you mentioned there, you’re not getting the privilege. But 80 feet from the likely are if you’re caucasian. Just like in my scenario in Bellaire, Tx-100-150 people in the court room; 3 are white and in one of the whitest suburbs in Houston. Had I been driving through Watts and got pulled over/went to court, the census of the room would probably be different.
People who write such things should take a couple of weeks and interview some WORKING CLASS "white" folks between the ages of, say, 18 and 40, and ask them about how their "white privilege" has enhanced their lives.

I get the impression that those writers get their information about "white" people from watching television.
Big Brother Is Watching You Watch Him on TV ("Tell a Vision")
With Affirmative Action, whites are starting to lose their white privilege and they are not happy about it.

And with all those high paying blue collar union jobs that Bush sent overseas, those uneducated whites are now drowning in economic despair.

Consider this. One group only is seeming to be doing really really bad right now. Uneducated whites. Both men and women. And they are dying! Drug use, alcohol, suicide, gun violence, diabetes, OD'ing.

How long have whites with economic opportunities and white privilege looked down on blacks? Why are they doing drugs, drinking so much, why don't they go to college? Why are they killing themselves? Well now we are asking these questions about uneducated whites. Why do you think this is happening to them now?

Since 1999, white men and women ages 45 through 54 have endured a sharp increase in “deaths of despair,” Case and Deaton found in their earlier work. These include suicides, drug overdoses, and alcohol-related deaths such as liver failure.

In the paper released Thursday, Case and Deaton draw a clearer relationship between rising death rates and changes in the job market since the 1970s. They find that men without college degrees are less likely to receive rising incomes over time, a trend “consistent with men moving to lower and lower skilled jobs.”

In 1999, the death rate for high school-educated whites ages 50 through 54 was 30 percent lower than the death rate for all African-Americans in that age group. By 2015, it was 30 percent higher.
Sheepskins Are for Sheep

Except for the pitchfork-skewerable Preppies (prep school means "prep-are for college"), college is for teenagers who are afraid to grow up. It is class-biased indentured servitude, which is not the American Way.
When you go to a Wal Mart and use the self check the black shopper using it. The machine will magically malfunction and the attendant will have to come over to see what went “wrong”. In truth, they are doing a spot check to go through their bags.
Do you have evidence of this, or are you talking out of your nether-regions?
At 1st avenue and Main Street there is a purse snatching. If you’re walking down the street on 2nd Avenue at Main Street and you’re black, the cops are going to stop you and look for clues that you snatched the purse.

Now if you and the black guy both have weed on your person, both have warrants, both have unpaid parking tickets, both are behind on child support...

People who think white privilege doesn’t exist are fooling themselves. But what is not often said is that all races have some privilege.
Profiling Is Professionalism
And I'm sorry but the machine didn't magically malfunction. I know because I tried to slip something into my bag without scanning it and the machine "magically malfunctioned". In other words it knew I tried to steal something. So when Candycorn sees a machine magically malfunctioning on a black person, it means that person is trying to steal.

Do you have evidence of this, or are you talking out of your nether-regions?
Multiple folks on TikTok (former Wal*Mart employees) have said as much. Its anecdotal. But feel free to go and watch.
The question of privilege (which I define as getting something you didn’t have to earn)
Like any benefit you've received from affirmative action? How about race-based covid shots and business assistance. Strange white people don't receive those. Quit whining and get off of your lazy ass and make your life better. You have the power--you'll never help yourself as long as you sit on an internet message board and whine.
My impression of Peggy McIntosh is that she is a very bigoted person who felt guilty about her deeply rooted bigotry. Some of the points made in the Invisible Knapsack are expressly bigoted. I know for a fact that IM2 would call the whole thing racist, because it’s a white woman explaining the experience of black people.

Even the next generation of Marxists (who have come to eat their predecessors) agree with me -

“Teaching whites to “unpack their invisible knapsack” does not make them more willing to take action against racial inequality. On the contrary, it makes them more complacent, more at home in an unjust world, and more comfortable with their whiteness.”

Peggy McIntosh was a bigoted whore who worked to make whiteness “comfortable”. That bitch.
It almost seems like Republicans want it to happen.
The FED is bigger than Washington. I hear more people on the right talking about the FED than I do on the left. It’s because the left is controlled by the same folks who control the fed.
Sheepskins Are for Sheep

Except for the pitchfork-skewerable Preppies (prep school means "prep-are for college"), college is for teenagers who are afraid to grow up. It is class-biased indentured servitude, which is not the American Way.
Tell that to my college educated millionaire brother or his two kids who will graduate from MSU and starting pay is $85K.

You keep telling yourself that loser.

And I'm not doing so bad either. The average is $50K and I make over $30K more a year than that so I am the example of how a college degree is worth $1 million dollars. $30K x 30 years is how much? $900K? That's the million I'm going to retire with. The million you won't have because you didn't go to college. See?
Tell that to my college educated millionaire brother or his two kids who will graduate from MSU and starting pay is $85K.

You keep telling yourself that loser.

And I'm not doing so bad either. The average is $50K and I make over $30K more a year than that so I am the example of how a college degree is worth $1 million dollars. $30K x 30 years is how much? $900K? That's the million I'm going to retire with. The million you won't have because you didn't go to college. See?
When I was a tech with a major TELCO, my base salary at top pay was never less than sixty grand a year. Many of my co-workers made over hundred grand a year with overtime. I'm retired and I bring in two thirds as much as you do between my retirement, 401K and SS for sitting on my butt. Don't be so proud of the eighty grand a year.
When I was a tech with a major TELCO, my base salary at top pay was never less than sixty grand a year. Many of my co-workers made over hundred grand a year with overtime. I'm retired and I bring in two thirds as much as you do between my retirement, 401K and SS for sitting on my butt. Don't be so proud of the eighty grand a year.

On the high end I will be making $70K a year sitting on my ass.

And yea, you're a boomer right? You guys are in charge now and told us (gen x and younger) that we can't have it as good as you had it.

Yes, you worked when America was great. What years did you work between?

Are you saying you worked for one company for 30 years? Today young people at most last 5 years at one company. No stability, eat up what you saved when you're unemployed looking for another job, or like me start all over again from the ground because you are in sales and it's going to take you 2 years to get established.

I've been with my company now for 10 years. I've never worked for one place this long. Finally my 401K is starting to build.

Thank god I made a fortune during the Clinton years. That 401K I rolled over back in the 2000's is just as big as my 401K now.

I was low balling. I just assumed $2000 a month from ss and I make more than $80K. I was just saying that the average person makes $50K and I am the typical college educated person who makes $1 million dollars more than them in my 30 years of work. That's all I was saying.

Do you have a college degree? If you don't, remember, you don't pay uneducated people a good wage anymore. You sent all those jobs to Mexico and China.

There's so much wrong with what you said it's hard to disect it all.

I only made over $80K twice. At this job x 10 years and 3 years in the late 90's. The Bush years were very hard on me. Because I'm in Michigan and Manufacturing. We're back baby!

P.S. I'm single with no kids. So based on what I make and my bills, I'm upper middle class. I max out my 401K and still save an additional $20K a year every year in the stock market.

Congrats boomer. I bet you have a pension too. Something else you tell us we can't have but you got. Dick.

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