White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete

Poor thing. This innocent girl was lynched by a black mob in broad daylight. Reverse the races and this would be a major story covered on all the national networks. Joe Biden would be weighing in about our systemic racism and the rise of white supremacy under Donald Trump.


Scott Adams is right.

Scott Adams RISKS IT ALL, Tells White People to "STAY AWAY FROM BLACKS"

Yup. Whenever possible, avoid the groid. There is no negative to doing so...
I recall leftists saying knock out never happened... while ignoring multiple videos

As I'd mentioned previously, social justice warriors will almost universally turn a blind eye to the reality of a given situation or phenomenon, and, again, in most cases do so for no other reason than to run interference for it in the name of protecting their program.
they label you racist just for posting the endless stream of Black violence, flash mobs, 2020 riots….. Winco can suck on another one.
Black Violence......
Right Wing Idiocy......
Trump Bootlickers defending the Con Man......

I admit that all 3 of these are an issue.

What should be done? leftwinger
This mob violence isn't political.
It certainly is a political anomaly which lit a mob murder against a person with a different skin color than participants in this racial attack against an innocent victim. If the murderers aren't sentenced with life without parole, more unfair assaults in Missouri will be repeated in a numerically horrifying quantity, all with malice aforethought. Murder, even if applied to someone exercising free speech, is an unacceptable solution to the problem of uncontrolled hurt feelings. Evil can create more evil unless there is adequate stoppage of it. My prayers are up for the State of Missouri who suffered the loss of a youngster's life.
Wow so you racist cocksuckas label every black person in America by the action of a few black folks. Why is it that standard doesn't apply to whites?
Your species of sub-humans are generationally violent prone. You lack respect for the quality of life of others. You're an impulsive type of sub-citizens who lack self control and obedience. The savage feral jungle and serengeti is alive in each one of y'all.

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