Who do you think hates America?

Country over party, working together for the many,
not for the power & money hungry.
I agree, and that might be a good resolution, but it's not on subject. Do you believe your political opponent hates America and wants to destroy it?
So you favor every Supreme Court ruling?

I personally think of the two parties, one party alleges it does not like a group, called the rich, yet want to sucker them out of vast sums of cash. This in effect proves that to them, the taxes on the Rich show they do not like the Rich based on personalities, yet they are pleased to take from the rich vast sums of cash. Do you see high taxes as punishment.
The Supreme Court is blamed by Democrats then praised. I am also believing that even Republicans blame the supreme court and also praise the court. The Supreme Court that shoved income taxes onto us sure looks as if those Justices did not like America at all. Even now we have conflicts over taxes. Nothing was settled when Congress said Income taxes can be law.
I agree with much of what you say, but do you believe your political opponent hates and wants to destroy America? Why?
Hate is a negative emotion. It can serve a valid purpose or it can be abused . Love is a positive emotion but it can be abused or serve a valid purpose.

It really does not matter who hates America. The problem is behavior and action associated with the feeling.

People can say they hate America for a variety of reasons. So what

It is there actions that matters and do they act on this hate to hurt or cause damage.

people can say they hate the ocean or large body of waters. when flying over the ocean, you wander why this plane cannot go any faster.

When hate controls peoples lives then that is a problem.
Isn't change the one and only job the House and Senate have? Passing new laws to change the country?
Think about your remark.

Back then, congress made a change. It put in new laws. So the way you present it, back in the earlier time, new laws were not good laws so the current Congress will fix that problem. But what happens in real life is the problem they first fixed was properly done yet the new fix is pure politics. So laws change and change and change and more changes. Does Congress owe it to us to get it right, EVER?
Isn't change the one and only job the House and Senate have? Passing new laws to change the country?
Couldn't disagree more. The role of Congress isn't to change the country. That's for "we the people" to do, voluntarily, collaboratively. Not something to be coerced by the state.
If you plan to keep this going, expand your thesis. You did not start it by proving your own thesis. Can you prove Americans hate America?
I didn't have a thesis, and I'm not trying to prove anything. I just ask if you, or anybody else believes their political opponent hates America and wants to destroy it. It would be nice to say why you believe that too.
I didn't have a thesis, and I'm not trying to prove anything. I just ask if you, or anybody else believes their political opponent hates America and wants to destroy it. It would be nice to say why you believe that too.
You stated an issue. I know you believe it. But it is the thesis of your OP. And you do it again.
I do not recall any poster here who barged in and declared Americans hate America. You opened a can of worms. I think your thesis has value.
Communists, Marxists, socialists, globalists all hate America, it is their greatest obstacle to one world, one without borders...since they don't have the constitution to destroy us themselves, they infect our institutions and pit us against each other and kill us in the womb in retribution for our success against them around the world.
Can't say I completely agree with all that, but thanks for a direct answer. Why do you think they hate America and want to destroy it. Specifically, what advantage would our destruction give them?
I didn't have a thesis, and I'm not trying to prove anything. I just ask if you, or anybody else believes their political opponent hates America and wants to destroy it. It would be nice to say why you believe that too.
After years of observation it is clear that democrats hate this country and want to destroy it. Although they say they are transforming the country and improving it. Democrats look at the assault on our borders and the accompanying rise in crime and tell us that the nation is being strengthened. Whatever is bad or destructive is good to democrats.
I think people like to the think the best of people and give people the benefit of the doubt. But then there's that old saying about misery loving company. Some people want to bring others down to bring themselves up. It seems to be a personal thing that has infected an entire collective.
I believe that our American constituency realizes that there is something wrong with American g'ment in general, but unfortunately our American constituency fell for the old time tested gimmick of the profe$$ional politician$, the divide & conquer strategy. Powerless to correct the course of America due to hand picked candidates by the RNC/DNC corporations our American constituency ends up turning against themselves. It's just the human condition(human nature) to do so.
Can't say I completely agree with all that, but thanks for a direct answer. Why do you think they hate America and want to destroy it. Specifically, what advantage would our destruction give them?
I would not say it that way. I would say they want to conquer a successful nation and keep it in good shape since it is wealthy.
I am on the subject. Stay on the subject yourself. Define hate.
Ok. For the purpose of this thread, hate means exactly what others mean when they say their political opponent hates America and wants to destroy it. A more precise definition is outside the bounds of this thread. I don't want to get into semantics of different kinds of hate. My definition is exactly the same as those who accuse others of hating America. For a more exact definition, you should go ask them.
No. I assume nothing. I just pointed out that claims of hating and wanting to destroy America are quite common. and asked if readers actually believed that to be the case.
Alright.... I won't ask you to prove your opening ideas. I believe in America. I believe the Founders were some awesome thinkers and planners. But none of them were perfect.
Today we face terrible events at our border that Democrats approve of. I think that shows hate of America.

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