Who here still supports impeachment?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
The dems scream "IMPEACHMENT!!" as loud as they can, but know that they can't because they don't have the votes and impeachment would help Trump win in 2020. So its just more MSM propaganda, aka "fake news".
Being an embarrassing buffoon is not an impeachable offense. Trump is a symptom of a bigger problem.

Dems scream IMPEACHMENT if they think it will please their base and their donors for their next election.

That's all politicians care about now, because the system is built that way. And we don't seem to mind.
The Dems can impeach Trump all they want after January 20 2025
Being an embarrassing buffoon is not an impeachable offense. Trump is a symptom of a bigger problem.

Dems scream IMPEACHMENT if they think it will please their base and their donors for their next election.

That's all politicians care about now, because the system is built that way. And we don't seem to mind.

It's really hard to know who believes what in all the lying on the Left.

For example, which do they believe more, Trump is Hitler or that Trump should take all our guns?

Is carbon emissions really destroying the planet or should we all ban anti-carbon emitting nuclear power like the Dims want to do?

Sometimes I think Leftists even get confused.
Being an embarrassing buffoon is not an impeachable offense. Trump is a symptom of a bigger problem.
Dems scream IMPEACHMENT if they think it will please their base and their donors for their next election.
That's all politicians care about now, because the system is built that way. And we don't seem to mind.
It's really hard to know who believes what in all the lying on the Left.
For example, which do they believe more, Trump is Hitler or that Trump should take all our guns?
Is carbon emissions really destroying the planet or should we all ban anti-carbon emitting nuclear power like the Dims want to do?
Sometimes I think Leftists even get confused.
It does get silly.

And of course, the Right does the same thing, equating the Left with Nazis, claiming that Obama is Kenyan, that Dems are for open borders, etc., etc.......

It goes on and on.

And that's why partisans have zero credibility, none. Nothing they say can be taken as fact out of hand. That's their own fault.
Being an embarrassing buffoon is not an impeachable offense. Trump is a symptom of a bigger problem.
Dems scream IMPEACHMENT if they think it will please their base and their donors for their next election.
That's all politicians care about now, because the system is built that way. And we don't seem to mind.
It's really hard to know who believes what in all the lying on the Left.
For example, which do they believe more, Trump is Hitler or that Trump should take all our guns?
Is carbon emissions really destroying the planet or should we all ban anti-carbon emitting nuclear power like the Dims want to do?
Sometimes I think Leftists even get confused.
It does get silly.

And of course, the Right does the same thing, equating the Left with Nazis, claiming that Obama is Kenyan, that Dems are for open borders, etc., etc.......

It goes on and on.

And that's why partisans have zero credibility, none. Nothing they say can be taken as fact out of hand. That's their own fault.

All political opponents get equated with the Nazis for obvious reaons, they were simply evil. However, what we have been fed over the years is a false political spectrum with Nazis on the right and Communists on the Left.

How is it that the Nazi regime, which used the term socialist to describe their own party and implemented socialist polices, are right wing again? But we hear from the Left time and again that Trump is Hitler, even though he publically repudiated both socialism and racism. Democrats only publically repudiate racism. In addition, Trump has been the only President in a VERY long time not to go to war. I know, I know, concentration camps and kids in cages, pictures of which were taken under the Obama administration and used by the press to suggest Trump is a Nazi racist who hates Hispanics.

As for the birth in Kenya allegation, I find nothing wrong with asking such questions, but agree that Trump used it much in the same way he accused Ted Cruz's father of being apart of the JFK assassination. That was just dirty politics.

But how on earth can anyone say that the DNC is not for open borders when you have people like Bernie Sanders suggest that no more immigrants will be deported and with no plans to secure the border?. That my friend is a bold face lie. Why are you lying to us like that? You would be more truthful if you said that the GOP secretly wants open borders themselves since they did NOTHING about it when they had the Congress under Trump.
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I am all for impeaching the President and every Republican quitting their elected post across this fine nation and leaving the entire country in the hands of the Democrats to watch the Democrats dance in joy until they discover they will have to fight each other to get things done!
Being an embarrassing buffoon is not an impeachable offense. Trump is a symptom of a bigger problem.
Dems scream IMPEACHMENT if they think it will please their base and their donors for their next election.
That's all politicians care about now, because the system is built that way. And we don't seem to mind.
It's really hard to know who believes what in all the lying on the Left.
For example, which do they believe more, Trump is Hitler or that Trump should take all our guns?
Is carbon emissions really destroying the planet or should we all ban anti-carbon emitting nuclear power like the Dims want to do?
Sometimes I think Leftists even get confused.
It does get silly.

And of course, the Right does the same thing, equating the Left with Nazis, claiming that Obama is Kenyan, that Dems are for open borders, etc., etc.......

It goes on and on.

And that's why partisans have zero credibility, none. Nothing they say can be taken as fact out of hand. That's their own fault.

Democrats are for open borders...you can't be this simple minded.
Being an embarrassing buffoon is not an impeachable offense. Trump is a symptom of a bigger problem.
Dems scream IMPEACHMENT if they think it will please their base and their donors for their next election.
That's all politicians care about now, because the system is built that way. And we don't seem to mind.
It's really hard to know who believes what in all the lying on the Left.
For example, which do they believe more, Trump is Hitler or that Trump should take all our guns?
Is carbon emissions really destroying the planet or should we all ban anti-carbon emitting nuclear power like the Dims want to do?
Sometimes I think Leftists even get confused.
It does get silly.

And of course, the Right does the same thing, equating the Left with Nazis, claiming that Obama is Kenyan, that Dems are for open borders, etc., etc.......

It goes on and on.

And that's why partisans have zero credibility, none. Nothing they say can be taken as fact out of hand. That's their own fault.

Democrats are for open borders...you can't be this simple minded.
I want to give more Winner ratings (I really do) but the award seems to have become handed out as routine? Should we use Agree more? I used winner sparingly but for those exceptional posts. But now it pops up routinely. I gave out many throughout a music thread for only posting a video?

That is all.
I am all for impeaching the President and every Republican quitting their elected post across this fine nation and leaving the entire country in the hands of the Democrats to watch the Democrats dance in joy until they discover they will have to fight each other to get things done!

They will tell you you have to install $25K worth of Solar panels on your roof before yo can sell your North facing house in Minnesota. You don’t know what you are asking for.....see CA for a preview. Then kill yourself.
I am all for impeaching the President and every Republican quitting their elected post across this fine nation and leaving the entire country in the hands of the Democrats to watch the Democrats dance in joy until they discover they will have to fight each other to get things done!

They will tell you you have to install $25K worth of Solar panels on your roof before yo can sell your North facing house in Minnesota. You don’t know what you are asking for.....see CA for a preview. Then kill yourself.

Do I need to put a sarcasm label on my responses?

Did you read the part they would be jumping for joy until the have to fight each other to govern...

Cortez would try to overthrow Pelosi and Sanders...

So please think about who is writing the damn response and realize I was being an ass!
Being an embarrassing buffoon is not an impeachable offense. Trump is a symptom of a bigger problem.
Dems scream IMPEACHMENT if they think it will please their base and their donors for their next election.
That's all politicians care about now, because the system is built that way. And we don't seem to mind.
It's really hard to know who believes what in all the lying on the Left.
For example, which do they believe more, Trump is Hitler or that Trump should take all our guns?
Is carbon emissions really destroying the planet or should we all ban anti-carbon emitting nuclear power like the Dims want to do?
Sometimes I think Leftists even get confused.
It does get silly.

And of course, the Right does the same thing, equating the Left with Nazis, claiming that Obama is Kenyan, that Dems are for open borders, etc., etc.......

It goes on and on.

And that's why partisans have zero credibility, none. Nothing they say can be taken as fact out of hand. That's their own fault.

Democrats are for open borders...you can't be this simple minded.

Still a Troublemaker huh? You know Beto says tear down all wall, Sanders (de-criminalize illegal entry). Go take your daily medicine. I would never hunt links for you and your kind. Especially for obvious we’ll known facts.
Being an embarrassing buffoon is not an impeachable offense. Trump is a symptom of a bigger problem.
Dems scream IMPEACHMENT if they think it will please their base and their donors for their next election.
That's all politicians care about now, because the system is built that way. And we don't seem to mind.
It's really hard to know who believes what in all the lying on the Left.
For example, which do they believe more, Trump is Hitler or that Trump should take all our guns?
Is carbon emissions really destroying the planet or should we all ban anti-carbon emitting nuclear power like the Dims want to do?
Sometimes I think Leftists even get confused.
It does get silly.

And of course, the Right does the same thing, equating the Left with Nazis, claiming that Obama is Kenyan, that Dems are for open borders, etc., etc.......

It goes on and on.

And that's why partisans have zero credibility, none. Nothing they say can be taken as fact out of hand. That's their own fault.

Democrats are for open borders...you can't be this simple minded.

They aren't at the point where they can actually say open borders...yet. Much like they could not utter the word Socialism up until recently. What policies would make you think they want to secure our borders? There are several that point to the fact they they don't.
Being an embarrassing buffoon is not an impeachable offense. Trump is a symptom of a bigger problem.
Dems scream IMPEACHMENT if they think it will please their base and their donors for their next election.
That's all politicians care about now, because the system is built that way. And we don't seem to mind.
It's really hard to know who believes what in all the lying on the Left.
For example, which do they believe more, Trump is Hitler or that Trump should take all our guns?
Is carbon emissions really destroying the planet or should we all ban anti-carbon emitting nuclear power like the Dims want to do?
Sometimes I think Leftists even get confused.
It does get silly.

And of course, the Right does the same thing, equating the Left with Nazis, claiming that Obama is Kenyan, that Dems are for open borders, etc., etc.......

It goes on and on.

And that's why partisans have zero credibility, none. Nothing they say can be taken as fact out of hand. That's their own fault.

Democrats are for open borders...you can't be this simple minded.
Obama officials rushed to explain photos from 2014 that went viral showing locked-up immigrant children — and Trump's facilities look the same

Bernie Sanders Calls For Complete Ban On Deportations - AMAC - The Association of Mature American Citizens


National Socialist Party of Germany (NAZI),
We ask that government undertake the obligation above all of providing citizens with adequate opportunity for employment and earning a living. The activities of the individual must not be allowed to clash with the interests of the community, but must take place within the confines and be for the good of all. Therefore, we demand: ... an end to the power of financial interest. We demand profit sharing in big business. We demand a broad extension of care for the aged. We demand ... the greatest possible consideration of small business in the purchases of the national, state, and municipal governments. In order to make possible to every capable and industrious [citizen] the attainment of higher education and thus the achievement of a post of leadership, the government must provide an all-around enlargement of our system of public education.... We demand the education at government expense of gifted children of poor parents.... The government must undertake the improvement of public health -- by protecting mother and child, by prohibiting child labor -- by the greatest possible support for all groups concerned with the physical education of youth. [W]e combat the ... materialistic spirit within and without us, and are convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only proceed from within on the foundation of The Common Good Before the Individual Good.

Trump To Lead Fight Against Socialism

Again, like the border situation, it would be more truthful to say that the GOP secretly advocates for socialism when publically saying they are fighting it. Most of what they do is cave to the socialists.
Being an embarrassing buffoon is not an impeachable offense. Trump is a symptom of a bigger problem.
Dems scream IMPEACHMENT if they think it will please their base and their donors for their next election.
That's all politicians care about now, because the system is built that way. And we don't seem to mind.
It's really hard to know who believes what in all the lying on the Left.
For example, which do they believe more, Trump is Hitler or that Trump should take all our guns?
Is carbon emissions really destroying the planet or should we all ban anti-carbon emitting nuclear power like the Dims want to do?
Sometimes I think Leftists even get confused.
It does get silly.

And of course, the Right does the same thing, equating the Left with Nazis, claiming that Obama is Kenyan, that Dems are for open borders, etc., etc.......

It goes on and on.

And that's why partisans have zero credibility, none. Nothing they say can be taken as fact out of hand. That's their own fault.

Democrats are for open borders...you can't be this simple minded.
Obama officials rushed to explain photos from 2014 that went viral showing locked-up immigrant children — and Trump's facilities look the same

Bernie Sanders Calls For Complete Ban On Deportations - AMAC - The Association of Mature American Citizens


National Socialist Party of Germany (NAZI),
We ask that government undertake the obligation above all of providing citizens with adequate opportunity for employment and earning a living. The activities of the individual must not be allowed to clash with the interests of the community, but must take place within the confines and be for the good of all. Therefore, we demand: ... an end to the power of financial interest. We demand profit sharing in big business. We demand a broad extension of care for the aged. We demand ... the greatest possible consideration of small business in the purchases of the national, state, and municipal governments. In order to make possible to every capable and industrious [citizen] the attainment of higher education and thus the achievement of a post of leadership, the government must provide an all-around enlargement of our system of public education.... We demand the education at government expense of gifted children of poor parents.... The government must undertake the improvement of public health -- by protecting mother and child, by prohibiting child labor -- by the greatest possible support for all groups concerned with the physical education of youth. [W]e combat the ... materialistic spirit within and without us, and are convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only proceed from within on the foundation of The Common Good Before the Individual Good.

Trump To Lead Fight Against Socialism

Again, like the border situation, it would be more truthful to say that the GOP advocates for socialism than to say they are fighting it.

Oh come on, a complete ban on deportations, providing healhcare for illegals, granting amnesty, saying they want to tear down that wall, etc...none of that means they are for open borders. What are you thinking? :04:
This is why Democrats have a reputation for being weak. Republicans impeached Clinton over a BJ. Between consenting adults. And then they won the presidency and both houses.
And what are we asking the Democratic leadership to do? Just follow the law. That’s all. Just follow the law.
This would be a more accurate political spectrum, although I would add that anarchism leads to tyranny in pretty much any historical instance I can think of, so perhaps that is a bit off.


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