who holds the moral highground : Israel, or Muslims?

they killed 300 kids because Hamas is a death cult with military wing, as collateral damage and because Hamas advertises death in combat to them, with promises of continued life in the 7th and best Heaven of Allah.

Gaza was never Jewish. Gaza is very crowded like the Warsaw Ghetto.

There would be no Hamas if Israel recognized that other people lived in Palestine for 2500 years.

don't get crypticly nationalistic in your choice of proverbs online either.
you might be talking to allies or (fr)enemies close by (same city) or far away.
and they won't always be able to understand the cryptic ones.
Ooooooo! Is this a threat? I'm going to move my sofa & computer down to the cellar! :safetocomeoutff:
Gaza was never Jewish.

Evidence of a considerable Jewish population during the Talmudic period in Gaza is provided also by a relief of a menorah, a shofar, a lulav, and an etrog, which appear on a pillar of the Great Mosque of Gaza, and various Hebrew and Greek inscriptions. According to the Karaite Sahl b. Maẓli'aḥ, Gaza, Tiberias, and Zoar were the three centers of pilgrimages in Erez, Israel, during the Byzantine period. Gaza was situated 3 mi. (5 km.) from the sea in a fertile plain rich in wheat, vineyards, and fruits. Its fair (panegyris) was one of the three main fairs in Roman Palestine.

Which merely proves not only are you a fan of war, but you’re a dumb MFer too.
dumb MFer? no, merely a pragmatist. somebody who likes to keep his discussions confined to realism.

and the fact is Oct 7th would've never happened had the Palestinians not needed the repercussions lesson once more.
dumb MFer? no, merely a pragmatist. somebody who likes to keep his discussions confined to realism.

and the fact is Oct 7th would've never happened had the Palestinians not needed the repercussions lesson once more.
So your not for peace. Your for war. As I thought.

You are a Zionist who demands Palestinian blood. Sick MFer.
So your not for peace. Your for war. As I thought.

You are a Zionist who demands Palestinian blood. Sick MFer.
forum posting 1-0-1 :
  • don't go making assumptions about people.
  • don't go insulting people.
at no point did i advertise war between anyone, i merely advertised not turning the other cheek against very real and brutal aggression.
don't go blaming the Israelis for making that war so ugly.
No? The Israelis are not to blame for what you are seeing in this video? Should I blame Vladmir Putin or Geert Wilders instead? What about James Marape? All I see and hear are Israelis in the video. Maybe you see someone else? 🤔

No? The Israelis are not to blame for what you are seeing in this video? Should I blame Vladmir Putin or Geert Wilders instead? What about James Marape? All I see and hear are Israelis in the video. Maybe you see someone else? 🤔

Palestinians, in my not always humble opinion, have brought the hatred of Jewish hawks upon themselves by embracing the death cult that Hamas is.
they futily try to wipe out the Israelis who hold a definite military advantage at all times.
to : whitehouse.gov/contact -> 'Contact the President'
from : yours truly.
sent : right after posting it publicly here.

i'd like to share with you all, that with Palestinians "playing" both victim and barbarians these days, i'm heavily in favor of giving the Israelis a blank cheque even if it means alienating some youthful vocal voters for team Biden in the upcoming november US national elections.

freedom of speech definitely has limits, you got that right, President Biden & team.

i believe it is time to restrain freedom of speech at the federal level to combat hatespeech -and false victimhood-.

the Palestinians shot first. went to extremes with blades and guns, and when the Israelis then issue statements like 'serious repercussions is the only language that these savages understand', i tend to believe them.

just as it's part of Muslim warrior doctrines to act smart while pretending to be dumb, i believe their offers of friendship to often come with hidden and potentially dangerous agendas.

and with funding from your big campaign sponsors, you could unite your country (if that's what you still intend on doing) behind a unconditional-blank-cheque-for-Israel campaign message.

death cults have to be combatted like terrorists; relentlessly and thoroughly.

per another analogy, it's like a deadly fungus. you have to get rid of it above ground (the public spheres of attention) and underground (online, in the real world -militarily and by means of lifelong incarceration-, and even to the point of eradicating specific sets of religious "Holy" books and imprisoning extremist imams in this case)

or would you rather provide a steady stream of income for your military?
by not working towards a permanent solution, perhaps?
that is the weight of your foreign policy choices taking a backseat to "electability" and your own drive to stay in Office for another mere 4 years, as a guy who can't even finish a sentence in public anymore.

i hope Trump gets elected, the western world could use a smart leader to rally behind just about now.
and you, Biden & team, DEFINITELY do not deserve to get re-elected.

but do your own LEGACIES a favor, and indicate a shift in the Democratic Party; away from being the Fools, and towards responsible government, also in your foreign policies as a country and leader among NATO and EU countries.
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Palestinians, in my not always humble opinion, have brought the hatred of Jewish hawks upon themselves by embracing the death cult that Hamas is.they futily try to wipe out the Israelis who hold a definite military advantage at all times.
Well, there you have it ladies and gentlemen. When a bully punches you every day of the year, steals your home, confiscates your land, and ridicules you every chance he gets ....... don't fight back lest you bring the next punch upon yourself.
Well, there you have it ladies and gentlemen. When a bully punches you every day of the year, steals your home, confiscates your land, and ridicules you every chance he gets ....... don't fight back lest you bring the next punch upon yourself.
don't go twisting my words by exaggerating them.
if Hamas and Hezbollah had any chance to be able to team up with others (a new military coalition against Israel's right to continue to exist on the map) and actually drive the Israelis from "their" lands in a military campaign done according to the Geneva Convention, then we would surely see that.
but terrorists and their powerful PR groups are growing their ranks right into US colleges these days, and i warn regularly here and elsewhere that vigilance and wisdom will be much more necessary in dealing with their fresh crops of "students" than showing compassion to terrorists who want to burn you (us!) alive, for the sake of one's (Biden's!) own (re-)election chances.

but all of Earth belongs to all of Humanity, and war is just a huge waste of blood and treasure, as they say - and yes i completely agree with that. however, i'm not going to turn the other cheek when attacked. and last i checked, Hamas rejects a 2-state solution.

you're lucky i can't get elected to US President, but maybe, some next lifetime (i'm a Christian who believes in re-incarnation from Heaven into a fresh body + ego of a baby boy or girl - before LGBTQI indoctrination sets in), who knows.. :D

on a more serious note; considering that there are lives at stake in our discussion, and that collateral damage is often the worst type of damage (heavy injuries and deaths), i am open to the idea of allowing legitimate Palestinian health ministry and humanitarian groups without ties to terror groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, or to Iran, to air calls for (financial) support of these suffering non-combatants on western media channels.
We had no enemies in the M.E., until Israel set up camp there

They've been no ally to the USofA , everything is one way, nothing comes back to us.

An ally would have had our back, which Israel didn't do after 9/11

now that they muzzies have targeted them , they want our support

tell me again what dog we've in this?


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