Why are Democrats stonewalling a border security bill?

You use the same language of Hitler, who was a racist.
So you can’t explain how the word illegal is racist. Typical.

You morons never have facts on your side, and as soon as your bullshit gets exposed all you have left is RACIST!

You are a moron and a lying sack of shit.
Sorry, you can't change the fact that you had a border deal and it was YOU FUCKERS who shot it down. You. Not Democrats. You.

Now sleep in the bed you made, you fucking racist.
ZERO Dimwingers voted for it, Tardo_Really.
Try a news station, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus seditionist Russian tool conspiracy nut job lol. It's tiring explaining reality to your type....
Thanks for proving once again you have no link backing up your lies.

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