Why California is a SHITHOLE

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The poor cons, they forever throw rocks at California but they are forever frustrated because California is made of titanium whereas most of the red states are made of wood and anger. California is setting aside $13 billion dollars this year as a 'rainy day fund'. Money kept in the cookie jar 'just in case'. Taxus is keeping a an old milk carton full of oil on the shelf.

Give it up cons, California is a semi ripping down the road past you on your skateboard.
they are ripping down the road in reverse. You guys spend the most....so you would think you would have the lowest percentage of poverty....not so....why is that?
The poor cons, they forever throw rocks at California but they are forever frustrated because California is made of titanium whereas most of the red states are made of wood and anger. California is setting aside $13 billion dollars this year as a 'rainy day fund'. Money kept in the cookie jar 'just in case'. Taxus is keeping a an old milk carton full of oil on the shelf.

Give it up cons, California is a semi ripping down the road past you on your skateboard.

If they are doing things so much better than the rest of the country, how do you explain them being number one in poverty and why do they have a public pension crisis?

Gov. Jerry Brown: Courts Must Let California Slash its Public-Sector Pensions

The fact is California is becoming a banana republic where only the rich are living comfortably while the rest of the population is struggling and / or fighting for table scraps. People and businesses are leaving that state in droves. Unfortunately, a lot of those tards are moving here to Nevada and then voting for the same dipshits who are ruining California.

Wahhh. The same memes and crying that cons have some genetic need to wail about.

The population of California is 40 million, of Montana 1 million. Figure it out. "People are leaving the state in droves'. We've heard this for the last 20 years and California's economy has gone from 8th largest in the world among COUNTRIES to the 6th largest in the world. About the same size as Russia's economy.

It is easy to extrapolate that the weak businesses are 'leaving in droves'. No doubt you have to have your shit together to make it in California as a business. People come here to give it a try, if it's too tough then they go to Taxus where everyone works for $7.50 an hour. Taxus is glad to take the weak leftovers that can't make it in California. And we say to them good luck.

If you're a hater then good, stay out. Get used to the view of rattle snakes and scorpions in the desert in New Mexico or Taxus. Go be where you'll be happy. But really, stop the whining about California. Oh and turn off your tv and don't watch any movies. California you know.
QUOTE="ScienceRocks, post: 19067385, member: 22889"Lol,

Califorina is a first world state next to most of the south.
.................Fantasy term taken from Aldous Huxley where people like Hitler dream of being an elite master race with dominion over all others on the planet proving that the modern liberal is the ultimate neo-fascist.

-Higher standard of living (like Pompeii)
.................Wind Storms
.................Massive Fires
.................La Nina
.................Rampant crime, over-crowding and cost of living

-Higher quality education
.................Like Berkeley where students need safe zones, teddy bears and riot and burn if anyone presents a view different from their own.

-Higher quality healthcare
.................Which is why all of the top medical centers are in the Northeast and the streets of San Fransisco are lined with the sick homeless living under bridges in refrigerator boxes and veterinarian centers hire robots to chase them away.
People come here to give it a try, if it's too tough then they go to Taxus where everyone works for $7.50 an hour. Taxus is glad to take the weak leftovers that can't make it in California. And we say to them good luck.
Weak and left-over Toyota says high.

You are just making shit up. Minimum Wage Workers in Texas – 2016 : Southwest Information Office : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Of the 6.1 million hourly employees, 100,000 were making minimum wage in 2016.
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, it’s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other “public welfare” according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nation’s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! It’s About the $958 Billion
Is New York a shithole?
No. Upstate New York is beautiful and rather civilized. There are portions of NYC that are shitholes. Despite having a goddamned communist mayor, there are some great things in NYC. I don't think NYC can be beat within the USA for its quality and quantity of excellent museums. I've visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art (fantastic), the American Museum of Natural History (amazing), the Frick Collection (immaculate), and the Guggenheim (least impressive, but some great art).

California is the only shithole on my list of states. Some others are on my list of states I do not plan to visit, but there are some good people in every state, including the shithole, California. (Many of the good and wise people formerly residing in California have left for better conditions. Others will follow.)

Where are they moving to?
The poor cons, they forever throw rocks at California but they are forever frustrated because California is made of titanium whereas most of the red states are made of wood and anger. California is setting aside $13 billion dollars this year as a 'rainy day fund'. Money kept in the cookie jar 'just in case'. Taxus is keeping a an old milk carton full of oil on the shelf.

Give it up cons, California is a semi ripping down the road past you on your skateboard.

If they are doing things so much better than the rest of the country, how do you explain them being number one in poverty and why do they have a public pension crisis?

Gov. Jerry Brown: Courts Must Let California Slash its Public-Sector Pensions

The fact is California is becoming a banana republic where only the rich are living comfortably while the rest of the population is struggling and / or fighting for table scraps. People and businesses are leaving that state in droves. Unfortunately, a lot of those tards are moving here to Nevada and then voting for the same dipshits who are ruining California.

Wahhh. The same memes and crying that cons have some genetic need to wail about.

The population of California is 40 million, of Montana 1 million. Figure it out. "People are leaving the state in droves'. We've heard this for the last 20 years and California's economy has gone from 8th largest in the world among COUNTRIES to the 6th largest in the world. About the same size as Russia's economy.

It is easy to extrapolate that the weak businesses are 'leaving in droves'. No doubt you have to have your shit together to make it in California as a business. People come here to give it a try, if it's too tough then they go to Taxus where everyone works for $7.50 an hour. Taxus is glad to take the weak leftovers that can't make it in California. And we say to them good luck.

If you're a hater then good, stay out. Get used to the view of rattle snakes and scorpions in the desert in New Mexico or Taxus. Go be where you'll be happy. But really, stop the whining about California. Oh and turn off your tv and don't watch any movies. California you know.

you are an idiot.....people are leaving California, but you're getting the poor illegals to take their place.....good luck on that. and the OP was about percentage....not total amount....

Guess which state has the highest poverty rate in the country? Not Mississippi, New Mexico, or West Virginia, but California, where nearly one out of five residents is poor

The state and local bureaucracies that implement California’s antipoverty programs, however, resisted pro-work reforms. In fact, California recipients of state aid receive a disproportionately large share of it in no-strings-attached cash disbursements. It’s as though welfare reform passed California by, leaving a dependency trap in place. Immigrants are falling into it: 55% of immigrant families in the state get some kind of means-tested benefits, compared with just 30% of natives.
The poor cons, they forever throw rocks at California but they are forever frustrated because California is made of titanium whereas most of the red states are made of wood and anger. California is setting aside $13 billion dollars this year as a 'rainy day fund'. Money kept in the cookie jar 'just in case'. Taxus is keeping a an old milk carton full of oil on the shelf.

Give it up cons, California is a semi ripping down the road past you on your skateboard.

If they are doing things so much better than the rest of the country, how do you explain them being number one in poverty and why do they have a public pension crisis?

Gov. Jerry Brown: Courts Must Let California Slash its Public-Sector Pensions

The fact is California is becoming a banana republic where only the rich are living comfortably while the rest of the population is struggling and / or fighting for table scraps. People and businesses are leaving that state in droves. Unfortunately, a lot of those tards are moving here to Nevada and then voting for the same dipshits who are ruining California.

Wahhh. The same memes and crying that cons have some genetic need to wail about.

The population of California is 40 million, of Montana 1 million. Figure it out. "People are leaving the state in droves'. We've heard this for the last 20 years and California's economy has gone from 8th largest in the world among COUNTRIES to the 6th largest in the world. About the same size as Russia's economy.

You've been hearing it because it's true, tard.

Leaving California? After slowing, the trend intensifies

Roughly 5 million people left California in the last decade. See where they went

It is easy to extrapolate that the weak businesses are 'leaving in droves'. No doubt you have to have your shit together to make it in California as a business. People come here to give it a try, if it's too tough then they go to Taxus where everyone works for $7.50 an hour. Taxus is glad to take the weak leftovers that can't make it in California. And we say to them good luck.

Texas, one of the fastest growing states in the country for years while California has remained stagnant and lost jobs and corporate headquarters left and right. Your comments provide good insight into the mental illness that is the belief in Marxism. You view success and growth as failure and view the stagnating status quo as success. You decry the wealthy, but fervently implement policies that favor them while screwing the underclass you claim to be fighting for.

If you're a hater then good, stay out. Get used to the view of rattle snakes and scorpions in the desert in New Mexico or Taxus. Go be where you'll be happy. But really, stop the whining about California. Oh and turn off your tv and don't watch any movies. California you know.

You couldn't pay me to live in that state. I travel there for work all the time. LA is congested and polluted. San Francisco smells like garbage and piss. I was just in Anaheim two weeks ago and there was trash all over the shoulder of the highway for miles.
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, it’s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other “public welfare” according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nation’s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! It’s About the $958 Billion
Is New York a shithole?
No. Upstate New York is beautiful and rather civilized. There are portions of NYC that are shitholes. Despite having a goddamned communist mayor, there are some great things in NYC. I don't think NYC can be beat within the USA for its quality and quantity of excellent museums. I've visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art (fantastic), the American Museum of Natural History (amazing), the Frick Collection (immaculate), and the Guggenheim (least impressive, but some great art).

California is the only shithole on my list of states. Some others are on my list of states I do not plan to visit, but there are some good people in every state, including the shithole, California. (Many of the good and wise people formerly residing in California have left for better conditions. Others will follow.)

Where are they moving to?
Out of state....that's all that counts.
The poor cons, they forever throw rocks at California but they are forever frustrated because California is made of titanium whereas most of the red states are made of wood and anger. California is setting aside $13 billion dollars this year as a 'rainy day fund'. Money kept in the cookie jar 'just in case'. Taxus is keeping a an old milk carton full of oil on the shelf.

Give it up cons, California is a semi ripping down the road past you on your skateboard.

If they are doing things so much better than the rest of the country, how do you explain them being number one in poverty and why do they have a public pension crisis?

Gov. Jerry Brown: Courts Must Let California Slash its Public-Sector Pensions

The fact is California is becoming a banana republic where only the rich are living comfortably while the rest of the population is struggling and / or fighting for table scraps. People and businesses are leaving that state in droves. Unfortunately, a lot of those tards are moving here to Nevada and then voting for the same dipshits who are ruining California.

Wahhh. The same memes and crying that cons have some genetic need to wail about.

The population of California is 40 million, of Montana 1 million. Figure it out. "People are leaving the state in droves'. We've heard this for the last 20 years and California's economy has gone from 8th largest in the world among COUNTRIES to the 6th largest in the world. About the same size as Russia's economy.

You've been hearing it because it's true, tard.

Leaving California? After slowing, the trend intensifies

Roughly 5 million people left California in the last decade. See where they went

It is easy to extrapolate that the weak businesses are 'leaving in droves'. No doubt you have to have your shit together to make it in California as a business. People come here to give it a try, if it's too tough then they go to Taxus where everyone works for $7.50 an hour. Taxus is glad to take the weak leftovers that can't make it in California. And we say to them good luck.

Texas, one of the fastest growing states in the country for years while California has remained stagnant and lost jobs and corporate headquarters left and right. Your comments provide good insight into the mental illness that is the belief in Marxism. You view success and growth as failure and view the stagnating status quo as success. You decry the wealthy, but fervently implement policies that favor them while screwing the underclass you claim to be fighting for.

If you're a hater then good, stay out. Get used to the view of rattle snakes and scorpions in the desert in New Mexico or Taxus. Go be where you'll be happy. But really, stop the whining about California. Oh and turn off your tv and don't watch any movies. California you know.

You couldn't pay me to live in that state. I travel there for work all the time. LA is congested and polluted. San Francisco smells like garbage and piss. I was just in Anaheim two weeks ago and there was trash all over the shoulder of the highway for miles.

Good stay in your red state shithole. You don't find it odd that there are almost no threads here by 'libruls' about the red state shitholes? We don't care, if you're happy where you are then stay.

It is pathological how cons have some splinter forever stuck in their ass about California. The gold standard of the country that cat-turd conservatism cannot crack. You want to leave? Feel free. Don't want to come here? Cool, it's a free country. Why the self-flagellating butthurt by cons over California all the time though? Wouldn't you be happier just ignoring California?

Like we ignore you? :bye1:
It is pathological how cons have some splinter forever stuck in their ass about California.
We have a "splinter" stuck in our asses because we have had to subsidize your commie California bullshit.
The gold standard of the country that cat-turd conservatism cannot crack.
Texas seems to be 'cracking" that shit to pieces.
Wouldn't you be happier just ignoring California?

Like we ignore you?
Keep ignoring and keep up your commie ways. We'll keep pilfering California of all your companies.
It is pathological how cons have some splinter forever stuck in their ass about California. The gold standard of the country

The gold standard? :laugh2:

30 years ago that was true. Today, you're the pinnacle example of what NOT to do.

that cat-turd conservatism cannot crack.

Texas has been doing exactly that tard-a-roni and as long as their state and yours stay on the same path they will eventually pass you up.
Who wants to live in fly overstates anyway
That's like me giving you a 100 million and sending you to hell. Those states are shitholes to live in to begin with.

Keep your commie ass in your own shithole.


5th most expensive zip code.
20 mins from Malibu,
20 mins from Beverly hills
1.5 hours from a ski slope.
2 hours from the desert.
2 mins from the bitch
15 mins from 3nd biggest airport
25 mins from downtown LA
15 mins from Hollywood
300 days of sunshine
1 hour from Disney
20 mins from universal studios.
3 hours from Yosemite
4 hours from mammoth lakes
2 mins from the scenic PCH

I damn will stay here lol
The poor cons, they forever throw rocks at California but they are forever frustrated because California is made of titanium whereas most of the red states are made of wood and anger. California is setting aside $13 billion dollars this year as a 'rainy day fund'. Money kept in the cookie jar 'just in case'. Taxus is keeping a an old milk carton full of oil on the shelf.

Give it up cons, California is a semi ripping down the road past you on your skateboard.

If they are doing things so much better than the rest of the country, how do you explain them being number one in poverty and why do they have a public pension crisis?

Gov. Jerry Brown: Courts Must Let California Slash its Public-Sector Pensions

The fact is California is becoming a banana republic where only the rich are living comfortably while the rest of the population is struggling and / or fighting for table scraps. People and businesses are leaving that state in droves. Unfortunately, a lot of those tards are moving here to Nevada and then voting for the same dipshits who are ruining California.

Wahhh. The same memes and crying that cons have some genetic need to wail about.

The population of California is 40 million, of Montana 1 million. Figure it out. "People are leaving the state in droves'. We've heard this for the last 20 years and California's economy has gone from 8th largest in the world among COUNTRIES to the 6th largest in the world. About the same size as Russia's economy.

You've been hearing it because it's true, tard.

Leaving California? After slowing, the trend intensifies

Roughly 5 million people left California in the last decade. See where they went

It is easy to extrapolate that the weak businesses are 'leaving in droves'. No doubt you have to have your shit together to make it in California as a business. People come here to give it a try, if it's too tough then they go to Taxus where everyone works for $7.50 an hour. Taxus is glad to take the weak leftovers that can't make it in California. And we say to them good luck.

Texas, one of the fastest growing states in the country for years while California has remained stagnant and lost jobs and corporate headquarters left and right. Your comments provide good insight into the mental illness that is the belief in Marxism. You view success and growth as failure and view the stagnating status quo as success. You decry the wealthy, but fervently implement policies that favor them while screwing the underclass you claim to be fighting for.

If you're a hater then good, stay out. Get used to the view of rattle snakes and scorpions in the desert in New Mexico or Taxus. Go be where you'll be happy. But really, stop the whining about California. Oh and turn off your tv and don't watch any movies. California you know.

You couldn't pay me to live in that state. I travel there for work all the time. LA is congested and polluted. San Francisco smells like garbage and piss. I was just in Anaheim two weeks ago and there was trash all over the shoulder of the highway for miles.

Good stay in your red state shithole. You don't find it odd that there are almost no threads here by 'libruls' about the red state shitholes? We don't care, if you're happy where you are then stay.

It is pathological how cons have some splinter forever stuck in their ass about California. The gold standard of the country that cat-turd conservatism cannot crack. You want to leave? Feel free. Don't want to come here? Cool, it's a free country. Why the self-flagellating butthurt by cons over California all the time though? Wouldn't you be happier just ignoring California?

Like we ignore you? :bye1:

It would be real easy for Silicon Valley to pick up and move to Arkansas or some other shit hole red state but for some reason corporations don't want to move to those southern shit holes.
And to be clear I don't think of any state as a 's-hole', that is just angry vomitus from the orange flake.

But CA? You have to see it to believe it. Grab the woman get in the vette put the top down and have her say North or South on I5, or 101, Coastal Highway 1 to Monterey, 99 to Eureka or the American River where they discovered gold or over to Yosemite or the giant Sequoias, south to Santa Barbara, LA, Hollywood, San Diego. We generally head out on a Friday night or Saturday morning with this blaring...

Once you see it you'll know how big it is.
It is pathological how cons have some splinter forever stuck in their ass about California. The gold standard of the country

The gold standard? :laugh2:

30 years ago that was true. Today, you're the pinnacle example of what NOT to do.

that cat-turd conservatism cannot crack.

Texas has been doing exactly that tard-a-roni and as long as their state and yours stay on the same path they will eventually pass you up.

Where does the economy of Texas rank if it were its own country? CA is 6th.
The poor cons, they forever throw rocks at California but they are forever frustrated because California is made of titanium whereas most of the red states are made of wood and anger. California is setting aside $13 billion dollars this year as a 'rainy day fund'. Money kept in the cookie jar 'just in case'. Taxus is keeping a an old milk carton full of oil on the shelf.

Give it up cons, California is a semi ripping down the road past you on your skateboard.

If they are doing things so much better than the rest of the country, how do you explain them being number one in poverty and why do they have a public pension crisis?

Gov. Jerry Brown: Courts Must Let California Slash its Public-Sector Pensions

The fact is California is becoming a banana republic where only the rich are living comfortably while the rest of the population is struggling and / or fighting for table scraps. People and businesses are leaving that state in droves. Unfortunately, a lot of those tards are moving here to Nevada and then voting for the same dipshits who are ruining California.

Wahhh. The same memes and crying that cons have some genetic need to wail about.

The population of California is 40 million, of Montana 1 million. Figure it out. "People are leaving the state in droves'. We've heard this for the last 20 years and California's economy has gone from 8th largest in the world among COUNTRIES to the 6th largest in the world. About the same size as Russia's economy.

You've been hearing it because it's true, tard.

Leaving California? After slowing, the trend intensifies

Roughly 5 million people left California in the last decade. See where they went

It is easy to extrapolate that the weak businesses are 'leaving in droves'. No doubt you have to have your shit together to make it in California as a business. People come here to give it a try, if it's too tough then they go to Taxus where everyone works for $7.50 an hour. Taxus is glad to take the weak leftovers that can't make it in California. And we say to them good luck.

Texas, one of the fastest growing states in the country for years while California has remained stagnant and lost jobs and corporate headquarters left and right. Your comments provide good insight into the mental illness that is the belief in Marxism. You view success and growth as failure and view the stagnating status quo as success. You decry the wealthy, but fervently implement policies that favor them while screwing the underclass you claim to be fighting for.

If you're a hater then good, stay out. Get used to the view of rattle snakes and scorpions in the desert in New Mexico or Taxus. Go be where you'll be happy. But really, stop the whining about California. Oh and turn off your tv and don't watch any movies. California you know.

You couldn't pay me to live in that state. I travel there for work all the time. LA is congested and polluted. San Francisco smells like garbage and piss. I was just in Anaheim two weeks ago and there was trash all over the shoulder of the highway for miles.

Good stay in your red state shithole. You don't find it odd that there are almost no threads here by 'libruls' about the red state shitholes? We don't care, if you're happy where you are then stay.

It is pathological how cons have some splinter forever stuck in their ass about California. The gold standard of the country that cat-turd conservatism cannot crack. You want to leave? Feel free. Don't want to come here? Cool, it's a free country. Why the self-flagellating butthurt by cons over California all the time though? Wouldn't you be happier just ignoring California?

Like we ignore you? :bye1:

It would be real easy for Silicon Valley to pick up and move to Arkansas or some other shit hole red state but for some reason corporations don't want to move to those southern shit holes.

Quit lying...it's not good.
It is pathological how cons have some splinter forever stuck in their ass about California. The gold standard of the country

The gold standard? :laugh2:

30 years ago that was true. Today, you're the pinnacle example of what NOT to do.

that cat-turd conservatism cannot crack.

Texas has been doing exactly that tard-a-roni and as long as their state and yours stay on the same path they will eventually pass you up.

Where does the economy of Texas rank if it were its own country? CA is 6th.

Texas is not imploding from the inside California is ...we don't need California and wish we could give you back to Mexico...

Don't worry we will still protect you and trade with you but your nonsense with your liberal courts would be Mexico's problem not ours ..


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