Why has the Japanese got a pass on their ENORMOUS WW II atrocities?

FFS... am I that unclear?
I said "historians and media" didn't give anywhere near the attention the the looong list of inhuman barbarism the Japanese did.
Apparently, one of their favored acts was finding an enemy soldier that was still alive, cut his dick off and shove it into their mouths and watch them choke to death on their own cock.
Stuff like that.
Everyone knows about the horrors of Hitler. More educated also know the horrors of Stalin... but your average person walking around - how many have ever heard of what the Japanese did?
I missed that part. Sorry. Mixed up I guess.
Hirihoto? WTF is that? How did you garner all that knowledge of WWII, and you can't even spell his name correctly? That says a great deal about the accuracy of your information.

Granted this is from Wikipedia, but it seems fairly accurate and shows how the Japanese were punished. The history is there. You just need to learn it.

He was a joto.
Didn't more civilians die in the fire-bombing campaigns?
I don't know if man has ever released a weapon that killed as many people in such a short period of time with subsequent deaths. The few seconds that were the heat and shock of that bomb devastated the entire city of Hiroshima. If you know of another event that killed that many that quickly, I would be interested in hearing about it.
I don't know if man has ever released a weapon that killed as many people in such a short period of time with subsequent deaths. The few seconds that were the heat and shock of that bomb devastated the entire city of Hiroshima. If you know of another event that killed that many that quickly, I would be interested in hearing about it.
At least the atom bomb deaths were quick. Others weren't so lucky.

As I admitted in another thread, my knowledge of WW II, like most, is mostly the European war.
I have read at least 20 books on that front. However, before now I had not read any about the Pacific front.
Holy shit folks... Hirihoto is a top shelf mass murdering tyrant. And the atrocities inflicted upon their enemies is the worst in modern history... by far. Not even Hitler was as barbaric as the Japanese.
So... why is history so silent about this? Not that there is no information out there... there are many books about it.
But when anyone thinks of WW II atrocities - they almost always only think of Hitler. Maybe toss in Mussolini, and better informed will include Stalin. But Japan's leaders? Not a lot out there about it.
There annihilation of completely innocent people living in the Philippines is unbelievable. And not just simply killing them, but the Japanese ENJOYED torturing/dismembering/sexually exploiting their captors as a MAIN form of entertainment.
We are talking about not only the worse examples of human atrocities committed in WW II - but some of the worst in the history of mankind ever.

Did they get a free pass on this? No, they've been humiliated and they've been told they're wrong many, many times.
Did they get a free pass on this? No, they've been humiliated and they've been told they're wrong many, many times.
I am speaking of the attention that has been put on Hitlers atrocities compared to Japan.
It would be hard to say which was worse. Hitler beats them by the numbers, but Japan's unbelievable mass psychopathy with their downright demonic barbarism beats Hitler 1000 to 1.
You ask anyone about Japan's atrocities, most people don't know any of it. Everyone knows about the holocaust.
FFS - one tiny-tiny example... all recorded by the war tribunals... if captured mothers couldn't keep their small children quiet - Japanese soldiers would cut off their heads or swing them around and beat their heads against a nearby tree right in front of the mother. And that is a REALLY small example.
How else could they be a pillar of US hegemony?
And that would certainly be the case initially. And BTW - that hegemony worked out extremely well in their favor for the entire area.
But that was then.
This is now.
Again, the vast majority of folks really have no idea the kind of gruesome torture/mass murder the Japanese inflicted on totally innocent people. But everyone knows what Hitler did.
I am speaking of the attention that has been put on Hitlers atrocities compared to Japan.
It would be hard to say which was worse. Hitler beats them by the numbers, but Japan's unbelievable mass psychopathy with their downright demonic barbarism beats Hitler 1000 to 1.
You ask anyone about Japan's atrocities, most people don't know any of it. Everyone knows about the holocaust.
FFS - one tiny-tiny example... all recorded by the war tribunals... if captured mothers couldn't keep their small children quiet - Japanese soldiers would cut off their heads or swing them around and beat their heads against a nearby tree right in front of the mother. And that is a REALLY small example.

It's probably more about geography. In China and Korea, they're more focused on what Japan did, in Europe on what Germany did. The US is way more Europe focused.
The media only wants to paint white people (europeans} as horrible. Even today virtually every race and ethnic group, in the world, is a hell of a lot more racist that whites. We have been brainwashed.
Hirihoto? WTF is that? How did you garner all that knowledge of WWII, and you can't even spell his name correctly? That says a great deal about the accuracy of your information.

Granted this is from Wikipedia, but it seems fairly accurate and shows how the Japanese were punished. The history is there. You just need to learn it.


"The fellow knew that it was over for him, and so he didn't struggle when they led him into the room and tied him down, but when I picked up the scalpel, that's when he began screaming. I cut him open from the chest to the stomach, and he screamed terribly, and his face was all twisted in agony. He made this unimaginable sound, he was screaming so horribly. But then finally he stopped. This was all in a day's work for the surgeons, but it really left an impression on me because it was my first time."[34]

As I admitted in another thread, my knowledge of WW II, like most, is mostly the European war.
I have read at least 20 books on that front. However, before now I had not read any about the Pacific front.
Holy shit folks... Hirihoto is a top shelf mass murdering tyrant. And the atrocities inflicted upon their enemies is the worst in modern history... by far. Not even Hitler was as barbaric as the Japanese.
So... why is history so silent about this? Not that there is no information out there... there are many books about it.
But when anyone thinks of WW II atrocities - they almost always only think of Hitler. Maybe toss in Mussolini, and better informed will include Stalin. But Japan's leaders? Not a lot out there about it.
There annihilation of completely innocent people living in the Philippines is unbelievable. And not just simply killing them, but the Japanese ENJOYED torturing/dismembering/sexually exploiting their captors as a MAIN form of entertainment.
We are talking about not only the worse examples of human atrocities committed in WW II - but some of the worst in the history of mankind ever.
Have you never heard about the criminal trials of WWI Japanese leaders? Really????

The Tokyo War Crimes Trials took place from May 1946 to November 1948. The IMTFE found all remaining defendants guilty and sentenced them to punishments ranging from death to seven years' imprisonment; two defendants died during the trial.

The Nuremberg / Tokyo war crimes trials, 1945-1948​


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