Why the hate on Hillary? BS hate propaganda PERIOD.

Did you see the forensics or are you brainwashed by what you were told?
If people had her e-mails, we'd see them and your swine pundits would have made a federal case out of NOTHING
It's just mind boggling how you gd idiots swallow everything the media tells you when you want to hear it. Why do I dislike Clinton?

Here's just one valid reason, commie!

View attachment 618244
But 10 attacks on US outposts under the catastrophe W Bush is no problem....Everything you know is garbage propaganda....
What expert said her private server was not hacked? Law Enforcement, journalists, and court system is only valid with you people when you are being told something you want to hear.
Which is ALWAYS!!! All your crap is totally discredited except in GOP garbage world, super dupe. And STFU with any garbage Trump/Putin bs about corrupt Dem conspiracies... 2 FBI lovers who didn't like Trump means nothing except they lived in the real world, not yours...ditto 2 silly profs at an obscure UK college who fudged data on their screwed up experiment or whatever. Snap out of it...
Which is ALWAYS!!! All your crap is totally discredited except in GOP garbage world, super dupe. And STFU with any garbage Trump/Putin bs about corrupt Dem conspiracies... 2 FBI lovers who didn't like Trump means nothing except they lived in the real world, not yours...ditto 2 silly profs at an obscure UK college who fudged data on their screwed up experiment or whatever. Snap out of it...

Why resurrect this ridiculous necro thread. The shrilary is a viscious, amoral, kunt.
GOP competitors of trump started that, it hasn't been discredited, and she never used it. Typical politics, it is just that trump's a total scumbag lol....
No one's talking about Trump, dummy.

Look in the mirror.
Always good to get the sexist vulgar hater dupe outlook lol...You and Putin and Trump...

The only hater dupe in this thread is you, clownboi. The shrilary is a vile creature. It takes a special breed of stupid to support a feckless kunt, like her.

Hello stupid :bye1:
he never leaves a paper trail...MOBBED UP. Or did his sedition in public. Like Capone, taxes and business practices might get him. At any rate, he has 34% approval and is done...

Oh, bullshit. He leaves a paper trail 100 miles long. You have to be pretty stupid to spout the absolute horse crap you spew.
Talks to Putin for hours with no one listening, always gets his goon lawyers to sign everything, his and Booosh's people always used personal e-mail for gov't biz- you have no clue....

You have a clue, and you lie. That makes you a Chinese stooge, and a general piece of poo.

But, we already knew that.

Little hater dupe.

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