WHY the statement by Obama "Over half of all Americans have pre-existing conditions" was a LIE and IS NOT an issue!

Did Obama lie about everything? Yes.

Do people want insurance companies to be able to deny people over pre-existing conditions? No.

There was bipartisan support to fix the pre-existing conditions issue before Obamacare.

Show the bill

What bill are you speaking of?

You said there was bipartisan support.
Where was the bill?

There was, but Dems decided to purchase votes by taking money away from workers and gifting it to lazy lard ass mooching deadbeats with Obamacare. Tissue?

They didn't do it to purchase votes. Did you forget they got wiped out in 2010? They did it to make sure the campaign donations would continue to roll in.

It was wealth redistribution plain and simple.

It was corporate whoring.
Did Obama lie about everything? Yes.

Do people want insurance companies to be able to deny people over pre-existing conditions? No.

There was bipartisan support to fix the pre-existing conditions issue before Obamacare.

Show the bill

What bill are you speaking of?

You said there was bipartisan support.
Where was the bill?

There was, but Dems decided to purchase votes by taking money away from workers and gifting it to lazy lard ass mooching deadbeats with Obamacare. Tissue?

They didn't do it to purchase votes. Did you forget they got wiped out in 2010? They did it to make sure the campaign donations would continue to roll in.

It was wealth redistribution plain and simple.

It was corporate whoring.

When Washington passes a bill so unpopular with the people that they have to PUNISH people into OBEYING you know they sold us out.
This preexisting condition issue is just another example of Democrat dishonesty. Not once has Trump or the Republicans talked about doing away with the preexisting condition government requirement for insurance. In fact they all say they support it.
That is a lie.

Ending the ACA ends the pre-existing condition protection. And no Executive Order has any force in that regard
Did Obama lie about everything? Yes.

Do people want insurance companies to be able to deny people over pre-existing conditions? No.

There was bipartisan support to fix the pre-existing conditions issue before Obamacare.

Show the bill

What bill are you speaking of?

You said there was bipartisan support.
Where was the bill?

There was, but Dems decided to purchase votes by taking money away from workers and gifting it to lazy lard ass mooching deadbeats with Obamacare. Tissue?

They didn't do it to purchase votes. Did you forget they got wiped out in 2010? They did it to make sure the campaign donations would continue to roll in.

It was wealth redistribution plain and simple.

It was corporate whoring.

When Washington passes a bill so unpopular with the people that they have to PUNISH people into OBEYING you know they sold us out.
Aren’t all laws like that?
This preexisting condition issue is just another example of Democrat dishonesty. Not once has Trump or the Republicans talked about doing away with the preexisting condition government requirement for insurance. In fact they all say they support it.
That is a lie.

Ending the ACA ends the pre-existing condition protection. And no Executive Order has any force in that regard
You can’t force insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions if people are allowed to go without insurance until it is needed

That is why we have a mandate
Did Obama lie about everything? Yes.

Do people want insurance companies to be able to deny people over pre-existing conditions? No.

There was bipartisan support to fix the pre-existing conditions issue before Obamacare.

Show the bill

What bill are you speaking of?

You said there was bipartisan support.
Where was the bill?

There was, but Dems decided to purchase votes by taking money away from workers and gifting it to lazy lard ass mooching deadbeats with Obamacare. Tissue?

They didn't do it to purchase votes. Did you forget they got wiped out in 2010? They did it to make sure the campaign donations would continue to roll in.

It was wealth redistribution plain and simple.

It was corporate whoring.

When Washington passes a bill so unpopular with the people that they have to PUNISH people into OBEYING you know they sold us out.
Aren’t all laws like that?

No you idiot, we didn't have to punish and threaten the people into accepting Trump's historic tax reform now did we. The ONLY group who bitched about it was the wealthy who got hit with a tax increase due to the SALT cap.
Trump says lots of things.
Yes Trump does & 98% of what Trump say's are LIES

In a truly superhuman feat, The Washington Post has tallied all the “falsehoods” that have spewed from Trump’s mouth and fingers since January 20, 2017, to April 27, 2019. Per the Post, that’s a whopping 10,111 LIES] in 828 days. And the situation vis-à-vis the president being a pathological liar is getting markedly worse. After telling a mere 5,000 false and misleading statements during his first 601 days in office, the pace and frequency of the lies has accelerated such that he doubled his bullshit in just a third of the time, telling almost 23 lies a day in the seven-month period beginning in late October, during midterm elections.
Report: Trump Has Told More Than 10,000 Lies Since Being Inaugurated
Trump says lots of things.
Yes Trump does & 98% of what Trump say's are LIES

In a truly superhuman feat, The Washington Post has tallied all the “falsehoods” that have spewed from Trump’s mouth and fingers since January 20, 2017, to April 27, 2019. Per the Post, that’s a whopping 10,111 LIES] in 828 days. And the situation vis-à-vis the president being a pathological liar is getting markedly worse. After telling a mere 5,000 false and misleading statements during his first 601 days in office, the pace and frequency of the lies has accelerated such that he doubled his bullshit in just a third of the time, telling almost 23 lies a day in the seven-month period beginning in late October, during midterm elections.
Report: Trump Has Told More Than 10,000 Lies Since Being Inaugurated

I noted earlier that anyone who supports Trump really has no place to condemn Obama's lies.

If the shoe fits the alternative is also true.
There is no mechanism to enforce “guaranteed acceptance” it is a fantasy

Yes, I'd like to see about buying some insurance for my car......Make it full coverage. :badgrin:
This preexisting condition issue is just another example of Democrat dishonesty. Not once has Trump or the Republicans talked about doing away with the preexisting condition government requirement for insurance. In fact they all say they support it.
That is a lie.

Ending the ACA ends the pre-existing condition protection. And no Executive Order has any force in that regard

Trump and other Republicans have said many times that we can do away with that ACA disaster but still keep preexisting conditions so stop your fucking lying.
This preexisting condition issue is just another example of Democrat dishonesty. Not once has Trump or the Republicans talked about doing away with the preexisting condition government requirement for insurance. In fact they all say they support it.
That is a lie.

Ending the ACA ends the pre-existing condition protection. And no Executive Order has any force in that regard

Trump and other Republicans have said many times that we can do away with that ACA disaster but still keep preexisting conditions so stop your fucking lying.

But does nothing to see that it happens.
This preexisting condition issue is just another example of Democrat dishonesty. Not once has Trump or the Republicans talked about doing away with the preexisting condition government requirement for insurance. In fact they all say they support it.

That is too bad because I wish they would. It is nothing more than another form of welfare and it is despicable.

Why should an insurance pool be required by the filthy ass government to cover your medical bills when you never paid into the pool?

Actually, I believe you are being a little dishonest here. Even under the ACA, someone with pre-existing conditions is not going to get their medical bills paid without paying into the pool. Coverage only begins when premiums are paid, and those premiums go in to the pool. But now let's talk about the Republican plan for those with pre-existing conditions.

It is called guaranteed acceptance. It is a separate pool comprised only of those that cannot get traditional health insurance. What do you think the premiums are for such a pool? Four figures, minimum, for an individual. Few, if any people, can afford thousands of dollars every month for a health insurance premium for just themselves. Republicans already complain about the subsidies under the ACA, what do you think the subsidies will be for those guaranteed acceptance pools?

There is one reason, and only one reason, that Repubicans want to eliminate the ACA. It has nothing to do with keeping your doctor, nothing to do with choice, nothing to do with the right not to have health insurance. Twenty million people have health insurance through the ACA. Hundreds of thousands of them left the workforce because they were no longer dependent on their employer for health insurance. Many women, and men too, left their job because the only reason they had it was because of their spouse, who was self-employed. Thousands more left their job and went in to business for themselves, they were no longer dependent on that employer for health insurance. Maybe they had a child with a chronic illness, maybe their spouse had health issues. With the ability to get health insurance on their own, without an employer, they were finally able to start the business they had always aspired to do.

Big business got pissed. Like the slaveowner that could not longer use chains, those businesses lost that chain of servitude that they had over their employees. Sadly, much of the wage growth that we have seen over the last decade can be traced right back to the loss of that form of bondage. Without the ACA, Amazon, Target, and other companies would never have adopted that $15 an hour minimum wage. They would not have had to.

And here is the thing. Those companies actually saved money and they don't even realize it. Health insurance is all about pools. The reality is everyone that has health insurance is really paying for their own health care, through premium dollars. Insurance is risk diversification, nothing more and nothing less. With the ACA that risk was diversified under increasingly larger pools instead of being segmented based on employment. Come on, work for a small independent retailer and one of your fellow employees needs a heart transplant, guess what, you and the rest of the employees pay for it. Can you not see how much less that cost would be if the risk was spread over thousands of people instead of the your dozen or so fellow workers? Or maybe you worked with a co-worker whose child had MS. You and the rest of the employees paid for that child's care. But that person left to start their own business. You and your co-workers are off the hook thanks to the ACA. Even the company saves money because the premiums are now lower.

The reality is that without the ACA large companies, like Walmart for instance, have the ability to diversify health care risk among tens of thousands employees. Meanwhile, the independent operator can only diversify his health care risk among his handful of employees. It is a competitive advantage that stifles competition, innovation, and productivity. They desperately want it back. An enlightened person would support the ACA.

Guaranteed acceptance and what we call preexisting conditions works to be the same damn thing. You get medical coverage for medical problems you had when you were not paying into the insurance pool.

Despicable welfare. Somebody else pays your bills.

Trump, Republicans and the Democrats are too chickenshit to oppose this unfair welfare.

It would be nice if the filthy ass Democrats didn't lie about it. Trump is just as much for it as they are.

Democrats are serial liars.

You have got to be kidding me. Everyone gets medical coverage for medical problems they had before they paid in to an insurance pool. The fatass that gets a new job with new health insurance, he will be covered for his fatass problem that developed before he ever paid in the pool. And good god almighty, someone else paying the bills is what insurance is all about, no matter what kind of insurance. When someone dies and has life insurance that they only paid in to for three years, do you call that welfare? When someone's house gets destroyed in a hurricane two years after moving in and insurance covers it, do you call that welfare?

You are being completely dishonest just so you can bitch and moan about something you don't understand. If you were honest, when you wreck your car a year after buying it you would tell the insurance company to not worry about paying for repairs, you haven't paid in enough and you don't want "welfare".
Did Obama lie about everything? Yes.

Do people want insurance companies to be able to deny people over pre-existing conditions? No.

There was bipartisan support to fix the pre-existing conditions issue before Obamacare.

Show the bill

What bill are you speaking of?

You said there was bipartisan support.
Where was the bill?

There was, but Dems decided to purchase votes by taking money away from workers and gifting it to lazy lard ass mooching deadbeats with Obamacare. Tissue?

Lazy, lardass moochers would not make enough money to qualify for the ACA subsidy. They are either on Medicaid or they have nothing at all in the form of health insurance. Come on, join the rest of us in the real world.
Did Obama lie about everything? Yes.

Do people want insurance companies to be able to deny people over pre-existing conditions? No.

There was bipartisan support to fix the pre-existing conditions issue before Obamacare.

Show the bill

What bill are you speaking of?

You said there was bipartisan support.
Where was the bill?

There was, but Dems decided to purchase votes by taking money away from workers and gifting it to lazy lard ass mooching deadbeats with Obamacare. Tissue?

They didn't do it to purchase votes. Did you forget they got wiped out in 2010? They did it to make sure the campaign donations would continue to roll in.

It was wealth redistribution plain and simple.

It was corporate whoring.
Corporate whoring would be the movement to eliminate the ACA as I have already explained in this thread. Large companies had a built in competitive advantage before the ACA. They want it back, and they have contributed massive amounts of money to the Republican party in order to make that happen.
Did Obama lie about everything? Yes.

Do people want insurance companies to be able to deny people over pre-existing conditions? No.

There was bipartisan support to fix the pre-existing conditions issue before Obamacare.

Show the bill

What bill are you speaking of?

You said there was bipartisan support.
Where was the bill?

There was, but Dems decided to purchase votes by taking money away from workers and gifting it to lazy lard ass mooching deadbeats with Obamacare. Tissue?

They didn't do it to purchase votes. Did you forget they got wiped out in 2010? They did it to make sure the campaign donations would continue to roll in.

It was wealth redistribution plain and simple.

It was corporate whoring.
Corporate whoring would be the movement to eliminate the ACA as I have already explained in this thread. Large companies had a built in competitive advantage before the ACA. They want it back, and they have contributed massive amounts of money to the Republican party in order to make that happen.

Tell me about this competitive advantage.
Did Obama lie about everything? Yes.

Do people want insurance companies to be able to deny people over pre-existing conditions? No.

There was bipartisan support to fix the pre-existing conditions issue before Obamacare.

Show the bill

What bill are you speaking of?

You said there was bipartisan support.
Where was the bill?

There was, but Dems decided to purchase votes by taking money away from workers and gifting it to lazy lard ass mooching deadbeats with Obamacare. Tissue?

They didn't do it to purchase votes. Did you forget they got wiped out in 2010? They did it to make sure the campaign donations would continue to roll in.

It was wealth redistribution plain and simple.

It was corporate whoring.
Corporate whoring would be the movement to eliminate the ACA as I have already explained in this thread. Large companies had a built in competitive advantage before the ACA. They want it back, and they have contributed massive amounts of money to the Republican party in order to make that happen.

Tell me about this competitive advantage.

Walmart insures hundreds of thousands of workers. The health care risk of those workers is diversified among those hundreds of thousands of workers. An independent grocery store only insures a couple dozen workers. The health care risk of those workers is only diversified among those couple dozen. Walmart ends up paying significantly less for health insurance for their employees than small businesses. A group insurance plan is exactly that, insurance for the "group". Walmart has the largest group in the country. Meanwhile, an independent operator has a much smaller group and much less risk diversification opportunties.
Did Obama lie about everything? Yes.

Do people want insurance companies to be able to deny people over pre-existing conditions? No.

There was bipartisan support to fix the pre-existing conditions issue before Obamacare.

Show the bill

What bill are you speaking of?

You said there was bipartisan support.
Where was the bill?

There was, but Dems decided to purchase votes by taking money away from workers and gifting it to lazy lard ass mooching deadbeats with Obamacare. Tissue?

They didn't do it to purchase votes. Did you forget they got wiped out in 2010? They did it to make sure the campaign donations would continue to roll in.

It was wealth redistribution plain and simple.

It was corporate whoring.
Corporate whoring would be the movement to eliminate the ACA as I have already explained in this thread. Large companies had a built in competitive advantage before the ACA. They want it back, and they have contributed massive amounts of money to the Republican party in order to make that happen.

Tell me about this competitive advantage.

Walmart insures hundreds of thousands of workers. The health care risk of those workers is diversified among those hundreds of thousands of workers. An independent grocery store only insures a couple dozen workers. The health care risk of those workers is only diversified among those couple dozen. Walmart ends up paying significantly less for health insurance for their employees than small businesses. A group insurance plan is exactly that, insurance for the "group". Walmart has the largest group in the country. Meanwhile, an independent operator has a much smaller group and much less risk diversification opportunties.

Wal Mart doesn't have hundreds of thousands full time workers.


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