Work Advancement Opportunities


Crotchety Olde Man
Apr 30, 2014
The Olden Days
I have two potential advancement opportunities within the next two months at work and I know which one I prefer but Iā€™m wondering if Iā€™m missing anything:

Job 1 - Senior Mapping Tech: This is the top position in my current department. Comes with an 18% raise, new work opportunities and the ability to likely shape my tasks to things I prefer to do. I get to keep earning towards my pension. If I apply thereā€™s a 99.9% chance I get it.

Job 2 - Work Overview Coordinator: This is a new job in the company. The specifications for it have not been put in writing yet, nor has the compensation. Itā€™s a Nanagement job, which means I would cap my pension and lose a number of my Union benefits by taking it. However, if the job ends up being what they claim, it has a chance to make a major difference with a number of issues Iā€™ve been complaining about for years. I was told by several upper level management people that Iā€™d be perfect for the job.

Job 1 will be posted and filled before Job 2 gets posted. I donā€™t want to make two changes in the same year. Which opportunity do you folks think is the best option?
I have two potential advancement opportunities within the next two months at work and I know which one I prefer but Iā€™m wondering if Iā€™m missing anything:

Job 1 - Senior Mapping Tech: This is the top position in my current department. Comes with an 18% raise, new work opportunities and the ability to likely shape my tasks to things I prefer to do. I get to keep earning towards my pension. If I apply thereā€™s a 99.9% chance I get it.

Job 2 - Work Overview Coordinator: This is a new job in the company. The specifications for it have not been put in writing yet, nor has the compensation. Itā€™s a Nanagement job, which means I would cap my pension and lose a number of my Union benefits by taking it. However, if the job ends up being what they claim, it has a chance to make a major difference with a number of issues Iā€™ve been complaining about for years. I was told by several upper level management people that Iā€™d be perfect for the job.

Job 1 will be posted and filled before Job 2 gets posted. I donā€™t want to make two changes in the same year. Which opportunity do you folks think is the best option?
Follow the money.
I have two potential advancement opportunities within the next two months at work and I know which one I prefer but Iā€™m wondering if Iā€™m missing anything:

Job 1 - Senior Mapping Tech: This is the top position in my current department. Comes with an 18% raise, new work opportunities and the ability to likely shape my tasks to things I prefer to do. I get to keep earning towards my pension. If I apply thereā€™s a 99.9% chance I get it.

Job 2 - Work Overview Coordinator: This is a new job in the company. The specifications for it have not been put in writing yet, nor has the compensation. Itā€™s a Nanagement job, which means I would cap my pension and lose a number of my Union benefits by taking it. However, if the job ends up being what they claim, it has a chance to make a major difference with a number of issues Iā€™ve been complaining about for years. I was told by several upper level management people that Iā€™d be perfect for the job.

Job 1 will be posted and filled before Job 2 gets posted. I donā€™t want to make two changes in the same year. Which opportunity do you folks think is the best option?
Sounds like Job #2 still has some unknowns, not fully defined, some negative outcomes and would delay an advancement opportunity (Job #1) that may not be available once Job #2 is defined. If Job #1 is the top position in your current department .. what's next for career advancement?
Sounds like Job #2 still has some unknowns, not fully defined, some negative outcomes and would delay an advancement opportunity (Job #1) that may not be available once Job #2 is defined. If Job #1 is the top position in your current department .. what's next for career advancement?
This is likely the only shot I have at Job 1. Iā€™ve waited 11 years for the opportunity. The only places to go from Senior Tech would be into Management (Supervisor) or into different departments, which would require a pay cut.
This is likely the only shot I have at Job 1. Iā€™ve waited 11 years for the opportunity. The only places to go from Senior Tech would be into Management (Supervisor) or into different departments, which would require a pay cut.
Job #1 sounds like the best, immediate opportunity to advance your career.
Job #2 is not fully defined yet for a reason....Sounds like they want to see how cheap they can get someone then pile on work you were not anticipating
They have to define it before they can post it, but they are able to change it on the fly. Theyā€™re hiring six, one for each district, which could be an issue as no two districts do things the same way currently.
Job #1 sounds like the best, immediate opportunity to advance your career
Itā€™s the one Iā€™ve been waiting for one the last decade. It has far less variables and Iā€™ll have more say in what I end up doing.

My only real interest in Job 2 is the fact that if itā€™s centered the way it should be, it will have the opportunity to make major upgrades in how we do things.
I have two potential advancement opportunities within the next two months at work and I know which one I prefer but Iā€™m wondering if Iā€™m missing anything:

Job 1 - Senior Mapping Tech: This is the top position in my current department. Comes with an 18% raise, new work opportunities and the ability to likely shape my tasks to things I prefer to do. I get to keep earning towards my pension. If I apply thereā€™s a 99.9% chance I get it.

Job 2 - Work Overview Coordinator: This is a new job in the company. The specifications for it have not been put in writing yet, nor has the compensation. Itā€™s a Nanagement job, which means I would cap my pension and lose a number of my Union benefits by taking it. However, if the job ends up being what they claim, it has a chance to make a major difference with a number of issues Iā€™ve been complaining about for years. I was told by several upper level management people that Iā€™d be perfect for the job.

Job 1 will be posted and filled before Job 2 gets posted. I donā€™t want to make two changes in the same year. Which opportunity do you folks think is the best option?
Take job 1
When job 2 is posted apply if it suits you.

If you're qualified the company should have no problem with your moving to a management role.

But in either case, do what makes you happy in your work.
Take job 1
When job 2 is posted apply if it suits you.

If you're qualified the company should have no problem with your moving to a management role.

But in either case, do what makes you happy in your work
I had considered this option. Unfortunately if I go to Job 2 there is no road back to Job 1 if Job 2 ends up being a dud.

Going to Management isnā€™t an issue for the company. It does effectively permanently sever me from the Union and most of those benefits.

For me, work and happiness do not have axis that cross. I work because I need the money. If I could survive without working and still maintain a moral standard Iā€™d do it in an instant.
Its a trap

C'mon, get with it.


Geez. These panda-bears.
I had considered this option. Unfortunately if I go to Job 2 there is no road back to Job 1 if Job 2 ends up being a dud.

Going to Management isnā€™t an issue for the company. It does effectively permanently sever me from the Union and most of those benefits.

For me, work and happiness do not have axis that cross. I work because I need the money. If I could survive without working and still maintain a moral standard Iā€™d do it in an instant.
If risk is a primary concern take neither.

There is no success without risk but there is much to be said for security.
Depends on your personality, life circumstances (age) etc.

Door #1: If you like dependable and the known, take job #1. If you can plan your life around that salary it is easy.

Door #2: It could be a car or could be a goat. Can you deal with either circumstance?

I gambled in such circumstances in life and was wrong. I was in my 20s at the time. If I were in the U.S economy it wouldn't be a big deal at all as I would have rebounded with a new company and made more money most definitely.

In Canada, the land of nepotism and broad rewarding of low-performing, well...
If risk is a primary concern take neither.

There is no success without risk but there is much to be said for security
Iā€™m much more interested in security. Iā€™ve never been much of a risk taker and Iā€™m the main income for my household of 6 adults.
Door #1: If you like dependable and the known, take job #1. If you can plan your life around that salary it is easy.

Door #2: It could be a car or could be a goat. Can you deal with either circumstance?
My only real interest in Job 2 would be the potential to fix a bunch of problems I see in our systems. Thst might or might not be possible, depending on how the job is constituted.
My only real interest in Job 2 would be the potential to fix a bunch of problems I see in our systems. Thst might or might not be possible, depending on how the job is constituted.
Oh, those are reasons of principle, loyalty and personal contribution. Noble and rare in todays work environment. That changes everything.

I would try and obtain as much information about that position as possible however that might be done. You can then put your foot forward first with potential decision makers and also understand better yourself if it is an applicable position.
I had considered this option. Unfortunately if I go to Job 2 there is no road back to Job 1 if Job 2 ends up being a dud.

Going to Management isnā€™t an issue for the company. It does effectively permanently sever me from the Union and most of those benefits.

For me, work and happiness do not have axis that cross. I work because I need the money. If I could survive without working and still maintain a moral standard Iā€™d do it in an instant.
It's a trap. They may also screw you out of pension after you don't have union protection. I have seen corporate set up workers 6 months from retirement to screw them out of retirement benefits.
I would try and obtain as much information about that position as possible however that might be done. You can then put your foot forward first with potential decision makers and also understand better yourself if it is an applicable position.
In the last two weeks Iā€™ve called in every card I could think of. All they have at this point is a job title, the six work locations and a reporting structure. Their biggest issue is that they want a single job description while each of the six districts wants them to do different things.

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