World on Course for 3C Warming

"Earth is on track for 3 degrees Celsius of warming, and humanity needs to make deep emission cuts this decade to have a chance of fulfilling the goals of the Paris climate agreement, the United Nations said in a report released Monday".

"The lifetime emissions of current and planned oil and gas fields and coal mines is three and a half times greater that the carbon budget needed to hold temperature increase to 1.5 C. It would exhaust almost all the budget needed for 2 C, the U.N. said."

“Most countries and major emitters have set net-zero targets for 2050 or a little later,” said Taryn Fransen, director of science, research and data at the World Resources Institute and a contributor to the report. The problem is that near-term policy is “not putting countries on track to achieve those net-zero targets.”

"Nevertheless, there are signs that the gap between countries’ climate ambitions and the policies they are pursuing is closing. At the time of the Paris Agreement, global emissions were expected to grow 16 percent by 2030. Now, emissions are expected to increase by 3 percent, by the end of the decade, the U.N. said. Fransen said she was encouraged by progress in the United States and Europe, where governments are pushing forward with plans to deploy clean energy technologies and cut emissions."

I'll bet a dollar to a donut that the headline next year will read "... beyond 3C..."
The last time I checked it was the rest of the world - not the US or Europe - that was increasing CO2 emissions by 1 billion tons per year each year.
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"Earth is on track for 3 degrees Celsius of warming, and humanity needs to make deep emission cuts this decade to have a chance of fulfilling the goals of the Paris climate agreement, the United Nations said in a report released Monday".

"The lifetime emissions of current and planned oil and gas fields and coal mines is three and a half times greater that the carbon budget needed to hold temperature increase to 1.5 C. It would exhaust almost all the budget needed for 2 C, the U.N. said."

“Most countries and major emitters have set net-zero targets for 2050 or a little later,” said Taryn Fransen, director of science, research and data at the World Resources Institute and a contributor to the report. The problem is that near-term policy is “not putting countries on track to achieve those net-zero targets.”

"Nevertheless, there are signs that the gap between countries’ climate ambitions and the policies they are pursuing is closing. At the time of the Paris Agreement, global emissions were expected to grow 16 percent by 2030. Now, emissions are expected to increase by 3 percent, by the end of the decade, the U.N. said. Fransen said she was encouraged by progress in the United States and Europe, where governments are pushing forward with plans to deploy clean energy technologies and cut emissions."

I'll bet a dollar to a donut that the headline next year will read "... beyond 3C..."
As for their projections of runaway temperatures... the geologic record shows we are in an interglacial period and that there is still another 2C of natural warming that will occur. At which time a glacial period will be triggered due to a disruption of heat transport to the Arctic. So, no. The planet will not warm beyond another 2C.
Think about it for a minute... isn't the fact that they keep changing their projections enough proof that we shouldn't have a knee jerk reaction. I mean... doesn't it sound stupid to end our way of life because some guys - who can't make up their minds about what they believe the climate will actually be - say we should?
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And my prediction of a 2C trigger for a glacial period won't be changing like theirs does.

"Earth is on track for 3 degrees Celsius of warming, and humanity needs to make deep emission cuts this decade to have a chance of fulfilling the goals of the Paris climate agreement, the United Nations said in a report released Monday".

"The lifetime emissions of current and planned oil and gas fields and coal mines is three and a half times greater that the carbon budget needed to hold temperature increase to 1.5 C. It would exhaust almost all the budget needed for 2 C, the U.N. said."

“Most countries and major emitters have set net-zero targets for 2050 or a little later,” said Taryn Fransen, director of science, research and data at the World Resources Institute and a contributor to the report. The problem is that near-term policy is “not putting countries on track to achieve those net-zero targets.”

"Nevertheless, there are signs that the gap between countries’ climate ambitions and the policies they are pursuing is closing. At the time of the Paris Agreement, global emissions were expected to grow 16 percent by 2030. Now, emissions are expected to increase by 3 percent, by the end of the decade, the U.N. said. Fransen said she was encouraged by progress in the United States and Europe, where governments are pushing forward with plans to deploy clean energy technologies and cut emissions."

I'll bet a dollar to a donut that the headline next year will read "... beyond 3C..."
Here is the OP. This is the topic of this thread. Not Chicago.
maybe the left should complain about the biggest polluter on the planet every now and then .
Maybe all of us should direct our efforts where they will have the most effect. In this country I can vote and I can talk to others who vote. In China, I don't have much impact. The people we elect, using diplomacy and multilateral agreements, can have a great deal more. And be honest; you'd like us to talk more about changes that need to be made in China so that we talk less about changes that need to be made in this country. You want to blame someone else and the Chinese are your latest boogeymen. Sorry.
Barely familiar with the name (not being from Chicago) only memory associating it with high crime, dangerous urban public housing, I had to look it up. You mean somebody is wanting to rebuild it as a planned mixed income development? Hmmm. Suspect you are correct.

I have no earthly idea what the answer is, regarding public housing and crime in megalopolis urban environments. To my knowledge, nobody anywhere in this country has gotten it correct yet. I know I would not want to be there. I don't even like driving through huge cities. When traveling the interstate highways, I plan on having enough gas to avoid stopping. I am 86 miles from Memphis and avoid going there like the plague.
Send the illegals back, it’s not hard
Send the illegals back, it’s not hard
I've never looked to see where you are or appear to be, but those voters in Chicago elected people that declared them a "Sanctuary City", like New York did. I think they are both stuck with them.:dunno:
"Earth is on track for 3 degrees Celsius of warming, and humanity needs to make deep emission cuts this decade to have a chance of fulfilling the goals of the Paris climate agreement, the United Nations said in a report released Monday".

Yep, Chicago, send them home
Good luck with that. Maybe they'll revive that failed Cabrini Green model again, somebody above, mentioned. :auiqs.jpg:
How long have climate scientists been predicting that increased CO2 levels will result in increased global temperatures? 40 years? 50 years?

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