Would You Prefer that Fanni Willis Simply Resign from the Trump Case?

Why doesn't he work as an assistant prosecutor, then? Not screwing the prosecutor there?

He must be quite the stud muffin to be worth 600K.
It's what the pay rate is for that job, idiot.
Why not? The case was brought based on political beliefs instead of facts. "Doorknob Fanni" has had her fifteen minutes. If you really want a conviction, you should catch up with your liberal media and call for her to resign.
It was bought based on the facts. Willis has no reason to resign.
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It is important to present this case to a jury, in public, and for the defense to make its case.

It is a bullshit prosecution that would never have been brought against a Democrat for identical acts and communications. In fact, such communications are universal in closely-decided elections. "Finding" votes is not the same as - not even close to - MANUFACTURING votes [which is what Democrats normally do].

Let it play out. The public needs to see how low the Democrats have gone to remove the clear electoral choice of HALF OF AMERICA.
It's a legitimate case based on trumps actions and the actions of 19 other people. Democrats have not removed anything. Trump removed himself.
Since she asked several others before Wade including a former governor, and they turned her down because they feared for their safety, this OP and thread is simply an exercise in the disingenuous.
Yeah right. They’re all so frightened, but brave not-so-little Fani will save the world. Gimme a break. That’s dumb even for you.

Name the names that she supposedly asked first. There are way more than five people way more qualified. Except in one way, that is.
Yeah right. They’re all so frightened, but brave not-so-little Fani will save the world. Gimme a break. That’s dumb even for you.

Name the names that she supposedly asked first. There are way more than five people way more qualified. Except in one way, that is.
No. I'm not naming a damn thing for you. Go look for yourself. You're the one here making dishonest claims. The fact is that Willis hired at least 4 other attorneys for this case and asked other attorneys before she asked Wade, and they turned her down.
From The Hill:

How could the district attorney of Fulton County, Ga., hire a friend with no major prosecutorial experience to handle one of the strongest cases against Donald Trump — thus putting the entire case in jeopardy? That question surfaced last week when Mike Roman, one of those charged along with Trump for election fraud in Georgia, accused DA Fani Willis of improperly hiring a romantic partner, Nathan Wade, as special prosecutor for the Trump case and financially benefiting from his appointment through luxury vacations they’ve taken together on his dime. Roman has filed papers demanding that the entire prosecution team be disqualified and the case against him and Trump be dismissed.

. . .

But, but, but — you can’t deny that the whole deal looks bad and carries a strong odor of political and personal favoritism. Wade may be, as Willis calls him, a Georgia legal “superstar.” But if she went outside state government to hire her boyfriend as special prosecutor, it was a monumental case of bad judgment on her part.

Even though there doesn’t appear to be anything that links her misconduct to the case against Trump, it raises serious questions of conflict of interest. And, worse yet, it gives the Trump camp more ammunition to fuel their phony claim that criminal charges against him are nothing but a political witch hunt.

This is not some Trump-friendly news outlet. This is a publication that is willing to throw away journalistic ethics to state their opinion as fact.

Yet, even they can see that Fanni "me so horny" Willis has become a liability.

What say you, Democrats? I said about Santos, "the quicker he resigns the better." Can you say the same about Willis?
No. I want her in Jail. Sharing a Cell with Pig Leticia James.
No. I'm not naming a damn thing for you. Go look for yourself. You're the one here making dishonest claims. The fact is that Willis hired at least 4 other attorneys for this case and asked other attorneys before she asked Wade, and they turned her down.
Another "fact' of many that you never seem to be able to back up.

Reading it in a clickbait headline does not make it a "fact."
Another "fact' of many that you never seem to be able to back up.

Reading it in a clickbait headline does not make it a "fact."
Being ignorant doesn't make it not a fact. You didn't watch the hearing? Former Gov. Roy Barnes testified that he turned Fani Willis down for the special prosecutor job because he "had mouths to feed" and didn't feel like putting up with death threats and having to live the rest of his life with security.

Latest Fani news:

Fani maybe heading to a court of appeal on McAffes's recent disqualification hearing results.

Fani had another set back in another hearing, her star witness was so high he couldn't get it together to answer questions. He said he was high.

Seymour Flops, Nathan Wade has resigned from the case. Thus, Wade & Willis have entirely complied with Judge McAfee's decision regarding their relationship to the case against Trump and his seven codefendants. They all remain indicted for the criminal act of interfering with Georgia's 2020 general election that chose Georgia's representatives to the Electoral College.

Unfortunately, McAfee also issued a “certificate of immediate review,” which allows Trump or any of his other seven minions (if they wish), to appeal his ruling in a Georgia appellate court before their trial begins. (I expect they'll run out some of the clock before they file their appeal. The appeal is not likely to change anything other than serving Trump's purpose of further delaying his day in court. (The Appellate court cannot respond to an appeal until that appeal is filed with the court).

The appellate court can choose to set a date to hear arguments of appeal, or they can determine from the drafts of defendants' appeals and Judge McAfee's decision that there's no reason the hear further arguments, and the case against the defendants can commence.

McAfee's a careful judge who covered himself by issuing a certification permitting immediate review of his decisions in this case. I doubt if any serious fault could or will be found in his decision. But I wouldn't be surprised if the appellate judges similarly cover themselves and choose to set a date to hear further arguments supporting the appeal.

I expect the case will continue regardless of who acts as prosecutor; but I think the Fulton County DA's office, (i.e. Willis's office) will remain the prosecuting office in this criminal case. Respectfully, Supposn
Seymour Flops, Nathan Wade has resigned from the case. Thus, Wade & Willis have entirely complied with Judge McAfee's decision regarding their relationship to the case against Trump and his seven codefendants. They all remain indicted for the criminal act of interfering with Georgia's 2020 general election that chose Georgia's representatives to the Electoral College.

Unfortunately, McAfee also issued a “certificate of immediate review,” which allows Trump or any of his other seven minions (if they wish), to appeal his ruling in a Georgia appellate court before their trial begins. (I expect they'll run out some of the clock before they file their appeal. The appeal is not likely to change anything other than serving Trump's purpose of further delaying his day in court. (The Appellate court cannot respond to an appeal until that appeal is filed with the court).

The appellate court can choose to set a date to hear arguments of appeal, or they can determine from the drafts of defendants' appeals and Judge McAfee's decision that there's no reason the hear further arguments, and the case against the defendants can commence.

McAfee's a careful judge who covered himself by issuing a certification permitting immediate review of his decisions in this case. I doubt if any serious fault could or will be found in his decision. But I wouldn't be surprised if the appellate judges similarly cover themselves and choose to set a date to hear further arguments supporting the appeal.

I expect the case will continue regardless of who acts as prosecutor; but I think the Fulton County DA's office, (i.e. Willis's office) will remain the prosecuting office in this criminal case. Respectfully, Supposn
Ok, well thanks for educating me on the certificate of immediate review. I was wondering why people were saying "the judge has allowed them to appeal," when I thought anyone could appeal anything from any judge except the ones at the USSC. So, they can appeal AND put the case on hold while they do. Yes, that will push the case back until well into next calendar year, alright.

Of course they complied. How could they not?

Fani loves this ruling, other than having to kick off Wade. Fani is already trying to figure out a way to get more money for her stud, and she may well succeed. An assertive black woman cannot be denied what she wants without a career-ending accusation of racism. Or maybe she really has broken up with him, and she'll find another other woman's husband to funel money and sex to.

I agree that the appeals will likely not get anywhere. Whether paying your married love 700K+ is inappropriate enough to be removed form a case is literally a "judgement call," and judges won't want to second guess on something like that with little precedent.

Yes, Trump will delay as long as he can. That's a very, very common defense tactic. Not to say "I told you so," but I predicted months ago that the "Get Trump" cases will not likely go to trial, and certainly not be concluded, before the election takes place. Trump's hired lawyers are way smarter than the affirmative action hire, partisan hacks that had to take a government salary.

I guess you'll have to beat him the old-fashioned way: by harvesting more ballots than the GOP. Just kidding! Hopefully, you'll try to beat him by explaining to the voters why Biden is a better leader.

Like you would say . . . what, for instance?
The appearance of impropriety was already mentioned by McAffee, among several other issues. I have a feeling McAffee didn't want to DQ Fani as he's up for reelection in a predominantly black area, I believe. Bad optics.
This will go all the way to Ga SCOTUS.

Time will tell.

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