Young Sheldon

Last night the season two opener of this show was shown and I wanted so bad to smack Sheldon's dad. Maybe if he had done something about the refrigerator first, Sheldon never would've laid a hand on it in such a way! I once heard it said that if you are not minding the store, its eventually going to get minded for you.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Did the book that Sheldon had not say how to put the unit back together?
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Last night the season two opener of this show was shown and I wanted so bad to smack Sheldon's dad. Maybe if he had done something about the refrigerator first, Sheldon never would've laid a hand on it in such a way! I once heard it said that if you are not minding the store, its eventually going to get minded for you.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Did the book that Sheldon had not say how to put the unit back together?

Nobody else could hear it but Sheldon.
^^^ Which is why I give him credit for trying to fix the problem himself instead of getting someone else to do it for him.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I am surprised that Mr. and Mrs. Cooper let him deliver the newspaper during a storm. Him getting hit with any kind of sickness only would've meant another bill on their plate if any medical attention had been needed.
^^^ Which is why I give him credit for trying to fix the problem himself instead of getting someone else to do it for him.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I am surprised that Mr. and Mrs. Cooper let him deliver the newspaper during a storm. Him getting hit with any kind of sickness only would've meant another bill on their plate if any medical attention had been needed.

Meh...I take the show for what it is.
A copy of my childhood in southeast Texas during the same time period.
It's remarkable how accurate it is.
^^^ I just wish that they would play more country music since the setting of the show is somewhere in Texas. So far, the only singer that I have heard on there is George Strait.

God bless you and him always!!!

I saw last night's show and I don't blame Sheldon for turning that game over when that girl does nothing but gloat over how smart she thinks that she is compared to everyone else which is something that Sheldon has never done. He may say that he is smarter, but has he ever once turned it into a big ole song and dance? Never.

God bless you always!!!

I saw last night's show and I don't blame Sheldon for turning that game over when that girl does nothing but gloat over how smart she thinks that she is compared to everyone else which is something that Sheldon has never done. He may say that he is smarter, but has he ever once turned it into a big ole song and dance? Never.

God bless you always!!!


Actually, young Sheldon HAS gloated over how smart he is. Remember last season when he got his grandma and that professor together? Sheldon's dad was upset that Sheldon preferred the professor over his dad as a role model.
^^^ When Sheldon did his gloating, was he already aware yet of how his dad felt?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. When you really think about it, that may be a different circumstance. Sheldon having respect for another male besides his dad at some point should've been expected anyway. How does Mr. Cooper feel about the way that Sheldon looks at Professor Proton?
Yes, Sheldon was aware that his father knew he was gloating.

And, while Sheldon may respect Prof. Proton, he doesn't have personal interaction with him. He just watches him on tv.

I don't think he met Prof. Proton until he was an adult.
^^^ Do you remember which episode this happened in? I am actually watching the first season right now. It became available to buy earlier this month.

God bless you always!!!

I love where last night's show ended considering where it was taken to in the middle due to Sheldon's mom. What made her think that her answers would be found in a bar?

God bless you always!!!

Another character on the show who I think is in serious need of an attitude adjustment is MeMaw (I guess the fruit didn't go falling far from the tree.). Yeah, Sheldon's timing may have been off where asking about a trip to Radio Shack was concerned, but would she have rather him ask his mother after she had just gotten that bad new bomb dropped on her? I am rather surprised that he didn't considering the fact that all MeMaw was doing then was using Sheldon as a hot potato against his father who was also not being that much help.

God bless you always!!!

I love where last night's show ended considering where it was taken to in the middle due to Sheldon's mom. What made her think that her answers would be found in a bar?

God bless you always!!!


It wasn't so much that she thought the answers would be found in a bar as much as it was an act of rebellion. She had her faith shook, and felt that if there wasn't a God, there wasn't much sense in trying to stay on the straight and narrow, so she said screw it, and decided to go party with Mee Maw.
Tonight's show was so good. I love what Sheldon had to say to his dad at the end.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If MeMaw ever did pay back the $300 dollars that Mr. Cooper was nice enough to give her, I don't know why such a big deal was made. Of course the whole mess got started with MeMaw getting drunk while out with George Jr. I most definitely do not blame Mrs. Cooper for getting all worked up over that.
Last night's show was good. I will admit that I felt bad for Missy when she said that she is pretty much on her own. To me, both the parents need to do better on making sure that all three kids are getting the same amount of attention.

God bless you always!!!

What I loved about last night's show, besides Sheldon of course, was seeing Georgie's girlfriend invite the Lord into her life. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Any respect that I had for the preacher though went right out the window when I saw how he decided to dress for the night.

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