Zimbabwe,belongs to Mugabe.!White people should stop interfering.

We all know what the White European colonialists did in the former Rhodisia,now known as Zimbabwe. They murdered, raped looted and pillaged
the land of the black indigenous people of Zimbabwe.

Now they want the man of put an end to their plunder to step down.
I saw never,! Mugabe must rule Zimbabwe forever!.

Lol! I may have been absent for three months, but I see your needle is still stuck in the same old racist groove.:cuckoo:

You should apply for a job with Mugabe. With your bigoted views you'd have no probem and you would fit in perfectly. Think of all that money you could siphon off into your own bank account!
We all know what the White European colonialists did in the former Rhodisia,now known as Zimbabwe. They murdered, raped looted and pillaged
the land of the black indigenous people of Zimbabwe.

Now they want the man of put an end to their plunder to step down.
I saw never,! Mugabe must rule Zimbabwe forever!.

Surely, you jest? Man, get a clue, because this is no longer about white colonial rule, but the war criminal, Mugabe. I hope the African Union runs his old ass off the throne!
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That'll be the day. The African Union couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery!

This man Robert Mugabe, is a by product of White colonial racism.So all you
white people have no one to blame but yourselves. If whites never came to Zimbabwe, he would have never been elected Prime minister of Zimbabwe.
Think about it white kaffir boys?.
Do you hear me mr. Buttneck, or what ever the hell that bootneck crap means?!
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This man Robert Mugabe, is a by product of White colonial racism.So all you
white people have no one to blame but yourselves. If whites never came to Zimbabwe, he would have never been elected Prime minister of Zimbabwe.
Think about it white kaffir boys?.
Do you hear me mr. Buttneck, or what ever the hell that bootneck crap means?!

No. The problems of Zimbabwe lie directly at the feet of Robert Mugabe, perhaps the most incompetent ruler on the planet today.
No. The problems of Zimbabwe lie directly at the feet of Robert Mugabe, perhaps the most incompetent ruler on the planet today.

I wouldn't bother. The people in Zim would prefer Mugabe goes (all except the ruling political elite and the thugs), but it seems to me that 52 either doesn't know, doesn't care, or doesn't believe it.

Either that or he's just being controversial. What other thread of his gets this many responses? He must be feeling special.
Hey! 52nd cul-de-sac! Yet more news about your hero, Mugabe. Zimbabweans must now pay for hospital treatment. Not only that, they must pay in US dollars since the Zimbabwe dollar is worthless due to inflation running at 231 million per cent! Pretty good, eh 52nd. Particularly since over 80% are unemployed. And, just the right decision to make at a time when cholera is on the increase.

Zimbabwe’s sick forced to pay with US dollars - Times Online

Yes, Mugabe really is doing a good job. When you going over to assist your hero? What's that? You can't? Oh yeh, I guess it must be pretty difficult to get around with your foot in your mouth and your head up your arse.
Hey! 52nd cul-de-sac! Yet more news about your hero, Mugabe. Zimbabweans must now pay for hospital treatment. Not only that, they must pay in US dollars since the Zimbabwe dollar is worthless due to inflation running at 231 million per cent! Pretty good, eh 52nd. Particularly since over 80% are unemployed. And, just the right decision to make at a time when cholera is on the increase.

Zimbabwe’s sick forced to pay with US dollars - Times Online

Yes, Mugabe really is doing a good job. When you going over to assist your hero? What's that? You can't? Oh yeh, I guess it must be pretty difficult to get around with your foot in your mouth and your head up your arse.

Well yes I feel the good old American Dollar should be adopted by more countries throughout the World. White people stole all the wealth out of Zimbabwe.People like you Mr.Bootcraponyourneck.All you white Robber Barons should be forced to pay reparations to Zimbabwe.
Well yes I feel the good old American Dollar should be adopted by more countries throughout the World. White people stole all the wealth out of Zimbabwe.People like you Mr.Bootcraponyourneck.All you white Robber Barons should be forced to pay reparations to Zimbabwe.

You'd say anything wouldn't you?

You're so full of shit.
Well yes I feel the good old American Dollar should be adopted by more countries throughout the World. White people stole all the wealth out of Zimbabwe.People like you Mr.Bootcraponyourneck.All you white Robber Barons should be forced to pay reparations to Zimbabwe.

ill sum this whole thing up 69th st......FUCK OFF.....go suck a cow anus and then wash your fucken face in its rich yellow piss......
ill sum this whole thing up 69th st......FUCK OFF.....go suck a cow anus and then wash your fucken face in its rich yellow piss......

You must be one of those anal Homo marriage white boys.Stuck on anal mr.
Dresden. This is why I like Robert Mugabe, he got rid of all the Homo Anal white boys like you.Go back to Europe cave man.
Hey, 52 cul-de-sac, or do you prefer dead end? Here's a new avatar for you:

Hey, 52nd cul-de-sac! I know you're in there somewhere! Nothing to say about your hero Mr Mugabe? Here's an update on how well he's doing.

It's been confirmed that the cholera epidemic in Zimbabwe has now killed more than 2,000 people and almost 40,000 have also contracted the normally preventable disease as the crisis resulting from a collapsed health service threatens the entire region. Yep, that sure is another reason to keep your man in power, ain't it!

Zimbabwe cholera epidemic: over 2,000 dead - Times Online

If only your black brothers in Zimbabwe could see what you are saying....do you think they would be proud of you?

Stupid question really. I think they would see you as precisely what you are. No need to elucidate. I'm sure it's as plain as a pikestaff to anyone reading your bigoted crap.
If all the whites walked off the African Continent they would fucking eat each other.

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