
  1. John.smith09

    Lady Gaga Says ‘Blood’ Will Be on Trump’s Hands

    After a spree-killing at a Las Vegas concert that claimed the lives of 59 people and injured over 525 more, Hollywood celebrities have lined up to swing around their undue influence about grave policy issues like Americans’ right to self-defense.. Read It Here : Lady Gaga Says ‘Blood’ Will Be...
  2. D

    The American Dream is Dead

    Millions of people in America are working hard simply to survive. All to the point that there's no room to invest in their future. And society doesn't help them get out of that trap. The American Dream is dead. Anyone here who agrees?
  3. DonaldReagan

    CDZ Is America the greatest nation on Earth?

    I know that America is without a doubt the greatest nation in the history of mankind, because of capitalism, freedom, and the principles the Founders believed in. However, I'd like to hear both sides.
  4. QSN

    Comey letter not leak

    The networks (CNN included) should refrain from calling a letter that is written as a memo of a personal conversation a leak. The Comey memo is not by defenition a "leak". To call the letter a leak creates a distraction from the important message. We are under attack and our leader (Trump) is...
  5. Un4g1vng0dZ

    White Privilege in American Society

    What's up peeps? So I am a 22 year old white guy.. I have been wondering for sometime what exactly white privilege is and what it means to have this thing called white privilege. I must admit that when I first heard this term it seemed almost a sarcstic slur and I was somewhat
  6. ding

    America's Christian Heritage

    America's Christian Heritage is indisputable. The second best-selling book in the American colonies was the New England Primer. Five million copies existed in America in 1776. At that time, there were only four million people in America. Many of its selections were drawn from the King James...
  7. Compost

    New Book by Archbishop Chaput

    This may not be interesting to everyone. (Thanks in advance to those who automatically dis Catholics every time they get a chance- for refraining- just this once!) Archbishop Charles J. Chaput’s latest book, Strangers in a Strange Land: Living the Catholic Faith in a Post-Christian World, is...
  8. Divine Wind

    John Wayne's America

    This subject came up on another thread (albeit off-topic) and it deserves it's own thread. In 2017 both Left and Right, Democrat and Republican, offer what they believe America should be. Most Americans don't agree with those visions which explains why so many Americans think we're headed in...
  9. P@triot

    Thank God for REAL Americans

    What a blessing true patriots like Charles and David Koch are to America. While a devout Nazi foreigner like George Soros works around the clock to collapse the U.S. and create his beloved "global nation" - the Koch brothers continue to ensure sovereignty for America and liberty for the American...
  10. guyfawkestruepirate

    CDZ Will Trump really fix America?

    Lets be honest here how many of you actually think Trump is going to fix America and do you people really expect him to do great things because i don't.
  11. E

    Appreciation or Depreciation in 2017 - Can Trump Save The Day?

    This is one of the BEST economic collapse videos for 2017 (US & World) I’ve seen. I know not everyone will agree, as the stock market is at an all time high and businesses are growing. Unless the ISIS war expands, more developing countries collapse (Vens) or Trump actually does a trade war –...
  12. emmahirschy

    Political Science Survey: How has the image of America been affected from the election of Trump?

    Hey guys I am currently working on a survey for my final project in my political science class. If you could, please help me out by answering these questions, that would be great. 1. What is your political affiliation? 2. How do you think the image of America has been affected after...
  13. R

    selfish donald trump

    Selfish Donald Trump Donald Trump is a selfish man who wants to put his selfishness to the benefit of America. He has built his empire of wealth by taking and keeping for himself, even using untoward methods: he has declared bankruptcies a strange number of times that would seem unusually...
  14. T


    3 weeks ago i watched fox, Hannity talked about how a homeless women defended the Trump star agianst black lives matter thugs. I feelt så bad for the women and i knew had to do something, a homeless woman that was beaten up for protecting our President Trump. i knew i had to do something, so i...
  15. MindWars

    Old Soviet union 45 goals to destroy America perfectly match liberal ideology ( video)

    Old Soviet Union 45 Goals to Destroy America Perfectly Match Liberal Ideology!?!? (Video) - The Last Great Stand It's no secret Barack Obama’s belief system leans towards Marxism, and by his own admission his childhood was very heavily influenced by Communist revolutionary Frank Marshall Davis...
  16. MindWars

    Warning issued violent insurrection with unpredictable consequences & dark days may be ahead

    - Remember! Retired US Army Captain Warned Us In 2013 Of Plans To Overthrow America! By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die The new story over at Paul Craig Roberts website warns us gravely that a CIA-led coup against America is unfolding before our very eyes. While Roberts...
  17. ding

    America Was Built on Natural Law

    America Was Built on Natural Law As our forefathers sought to build “one nation under God,” they purposely established their legal codes on the foundation of Natural Law. They believed that societies should be governed, as Jefferson put it, by “the moral law to which man has been subjected by...
  18. MindWars

    The great American screwjob

    Learn how globalist policies have taken advantage of America on so many levels Could it be an illegal alien canvasing your neighborhood begging you to vote for Hillary Clinton, the criminal candidate that will fight for the 750,000 illegals under DACA that has already been struck down by the...
  19. MindWars


    Russia and the United States have never been allies. One easily remembers how tense and long-lasting the Cold War was, and it left Russia very angry that they suffered such a demoralizing defeat as a world power. BREAKING: Putin Just Gave Obama 24 Hours Or His Ships Will Open Fire Well I guess...
  20. MindWars

    Obama Talks 'Martial Law' And 'Conspiracy Theory' As US Army Insider Warns Globalists Using Chaos

    According to former US President Ronald Reagan, freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. "We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our...
  21. MindWars

    'Everything's Aligned For All Hell To Break Loose' - Vladimir Putin's Ominous Message To The America

    'Everything's Aligned For All Hell To Break Loose' - Vladimir Putin's Ominous Message To The American People Are you willing to lose the lives of your friends, families and loved ones to protect Hillary Clinton and the globalists and their never ending blood-lust for power if that meant going...
  22. MindWars

    Obama signs executive order preparing America for disaster

    There is a reason this is being done right before the elections. Doubters of reality information will deny it until it is proven other wise. Which can and will occur before they know it. Be it the paid off controlled MSM, the news paper, or their favorite news source. Sooner or later they...
  23. P@triot

    America in a nutshell

    I personally find this post to be despicable. This mother is doing what every progressive in America does - blaming everyone else for their problems. The drug-dealer is not the problem. I've lived my entire life in an era that had drug dealers and I've yet to take a single drug. Take personal...
  24. Brynmr

    Sharia in America

    BOSTON: Sharia-compliant judge sentences 73-year-old female Christian pastor to study the Islamic faith
  25. W

    4th of July National Anthem Thought

    I've always believed our national anthem should be Jerry Goldsmith's "Patton" march simply for being the ballsiest, most red-blooded-American musical piece I've ever heard. It gives me chills when I hear this song while seeing an American flag billowing in the wind.
  26. Owsi68

    Want A Big Dick?

    Just had to post this .. I was looking for an old advertisement for the Thompson Machine Gun and stumbled upon this nugget of American history. "Get Big Dick and be envied by every boy in town"
  27. Never3ndr

    Captain America: Civil War

    Best comic book movie since "The Dark Knight" Highly recommended to go see in theaters.
  28. Never3ndr

    Why Isn't America Great?

    Okay, so maybe I'm just a patriot at heart, but I firmly believe that America is (currently) a great nation, and one of the best places to live on the planet. I've been fortunate enough to have a pretty colored life, having been in the military, being deployed twice, working minimum wage...
  29. Never3ndr

    Transgender, Non-Binary, and all the Ridiculousness in Between...

    I recently watched a clip of a "non-binary transgender" person coming out to Obama during a press conference and found myself confused (no...not in that way). This really seemed to be looked favorably upon in that setting which I found mystifying. Now, I am a moderate liberal and I'm not...
  30. P@triot

    Is there anything left that we can come together on?

    The left in this country has become so extreme and so radicalized that I've really come to the conclusion that the U.S. should be peacefully divide up so that conservatives can restore the United States of America (what ever half remained for us) and liberals would be free to destroy a new...

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