
  1. The Original Tree

    Why is it OK to call POTUS a Racist, but NOT OK to call Paddock a LIBERAL?

    Strange days indeed, when the Left can offer up all of their Conspiracy Theories AD NAUSEUM about why they think The President is a Racist with NO Proof, and even testimony to the contrary, but you cannot discuss, the fact or EVEN THE POSSIBILITY that Paddock the Vegas Shooter was a Liberal...
  2. The Original Tree

    There is NO MYSTERY ABOUT Stephen Paddock's Motive!

    There is no mystery about why Stephen Paddock committed a terrorist act, and hate crime. The Media wants to spin the narrative about gun control, but the Story is MORE LEFTY HATE & MURDEROUS INTOLERANCE. The same motive was exhibited at the Congressional Baseball Game where only GOP...
  3. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Donors of Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’ Group Revealed

    Donors of Anti-Trump 'Resistance' Group Revealed The hidden donors to a prominent anti-Trump "resistance" organization are revealed in unredacted tax forms obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. The Center for Community Change Action, a Washington, D.C.-based progressive community organizing...
  4. defcon4

    Putin Imprisons 130 US Antifa Activists On ‘Terror Charges’ After Violent Riot

    Well, apparently the ANTIFA criminal thugs found their match in Russia. They are very comfortable here in the U.S. because they are the "brown shirts" of the Deep State and are protected by very powerful entities. Not so in Russia. I hope they rot in Siberia somewhere living on swill. (I hope it...
  5. Carl in Michigan

    Because AntiFa's Cause is Just....

    ...violence against those who disagree is justified. Have ANY of resident leftists actually openly rejected this terrorist organization? Antifa activists say violence is necessary
  6. Carl in Michigan

    If They're the Good Guys....

    Why do they hide behind masks like common thugs?
  7. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Petition to declare George Soros a terrorist and seize his assets surpasses 100k signatures

    Declare George Soros a terrorist and seize all of his related organizations' assets under RICO and NDAA law | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government It'll be interesting to see if Antifa goes after Nazi George Soros.
  8. RodISHI

    Communism in action by the people who lived through it....

    Rod and I watched Gulag (2000) last night. There is a whole slew of documentaries on these channels where people can learn about what the people went through in the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics (USSR). Upper middle class and lower class were all subject to arrest at any time. Soviet...
  9. American_Jihad

    Dozens of public school teachers involved in Antifa

    Replace them, take their jobs away now, parents stop the money... September 3, 2017 Dozens of public school teachers involved in Antifa By Rick Moran The Antifa faction known as "By Any Means Necessary" (BAMN) is one of the largest and best organized groups connected to the violent leftist...
  10. washamericom

    do we have any antifa members here ?

    i'm curious about the big bang that led the brain trust of antifa picking the kkk, say over the westboro church, or some ruby ridge types. it reminded me at first of when stephanopolous teed up the question for romney that started the war on women. can you tell us, were the statues and...
  11. washamericom

    so long mt. rushmore, it's been real.

    won't be long till some antifa dickhead lobs a scud missile at the famous mountain. but the point of this thread, is that gutzon borglum was a total racist asshole. so there's another reason for the mob to hurry up and deface America. The Sordid History of Mount Rushmore | History |...
  12. JimBowie1958

    Antifa Members Have Been Declared Terrorists by DHS

    So an unnamed number of Antifa members are designated terrorists, making it more likely that the group will be declared a terrorist group as they are aiding and abetting these members. FBI, Homeland Security warn of more ‘antifa’ attacks Since well before the Aug. 12 rally in Charlottesville...
  13. AsianTrumpSupporter

    MC5 guitarist and co-founder of White Panther Party, Wayne Kramer, discusses renouncing violence

    The entire talk is pretty interesting. He goes into a good amount of deal about how the MC5 got started, the history of rock music (and even a bit of rap music), etc. But, around the 46:14 mark, he talks about how the MC5 moving away from violence resulted in the MC5 being purged from both the...
  14. Markle

    What will it finally take to have ANTIFA designated as a terrorist group?

    What will it finally take to have ANTIFA designated as a terrorist group? Should Black Lives be added to the list as well or do we continue to have our rights stolen?
  15. Cellblock2429

    Trump condemns Antifa - BAD Pelosi condemns Antifa GOOD

    Pelosi condemns Antifa violence in Berkeley after criticism As long as a Democrat condemns violence it's OK with the Left. But God forbid if a Republican says the exact same thing.
  16. AsianTrumpSupporter

    L.A. Times Editorial Board issues scathing rebuke of Antifa and calls them thugs.

    Violent demonstrators in Berkeley are thugs, not activists There can be no justification for the violence perpetrated on Sunday by a group of leftist protesters who attacked supporters of President Trump and others Sunday during an otherwise peaceful “rally against hate” in Berkeley. Whether...
  17. AsianTrumpSupporter

    MSNBC calls out Antifa violence and calls Antifa fascist

    Looks like hell has frozen over. Maybe climate change is real?
  18. P@triot

    Dox the left

    Lets put pressure on his employer to terminate his employment. He was directly involved in criminal activity. The left tries to get white supremacists fired for legal demonstrations. If they aren't hypocrites, they must want their fellow facists fired for criminal actions. ‘Pepper ball’...
  19. P@triot

    Donald Trump: The 'Fascist' Who Cuts Taxes And Deregulates

    The left has alienated themselves in a very big way with their irrational reaction to President Trump. You simply cannot scream "facist" at people you don't like and then take to the streets and engage in acts of violence and oppression and still expect civilized society to side with you. It's...
  20. The Original Tree

    Orchestrated, Organized, & Premeditated Stalking & Harassment of GOP Congressmen

    WE ARE BEING SLOWLY OVERTAKEN BY FASCISTS ON THE LEFT, WHO SEEK TO SILENCE OPPOSITION, SHUT DOWN FREE SPEECH, AND USE NAZI TACTICS TO SMEAR THEIR OPPOSITION. When is something going to be done about this? 'Well-oiled' activist ops targeting GOP reps at their homes, hijacking town halls The...
  21. The Original Tree

    What IS ANTIFA & Their Relationship with Neo NAZIS?

    ANTIFA was and is NOTHING BUT A RIVAL OF NAZIS just promoting a different flavor of Totalitarianism. So when I tell you that THE KKK and other NEO NAZIS are Bait DOGS, and ANTIFA AND BLM are PITBULLS, I am telling you ANTIFA, and THE KKK are part of the same Team. They just don't like each...
  22. P@triot

    The left openly admits it

    I've said for decades that the left is anti-American to their bone. Their contempt for liberty makes it natural. They are finally starting to admit it... It's comical that they don't comprehend that communism is the polar-opposite of anarchy. :laugh: Antifa brags about being anti-America...
  23. American_Jihad

    The violence that the Left refuses to condemn

    If you look at the rabid bias group SPLC the left are sweet angels and never do anything wrong rolmao... WHEN LIBERALS CLUB PEOPLE, IT'S WITH LOVE IN THEIR HEARTS The violence that the Left refuses to condemn. August 17, 2017 Ann Coulter Apparently, as long as violent leftists label their...
  24. Divine Wind

    Alt-Left AntiFa: Left-wing militants on the rise

    Great insights into the rise of the Alt-Left group AntiFa by the BBC. They are obviously not just far Left Wing, but Alt-Left since they go against the LW principles of strong central government. Antifa: Left-wing militants on the rise - BBC News ...many conservatives say blame should be...
  25. American_Jihad

    Strategy Against Antifa

    Just something to get ideas from, I have my own but not going to post them here... Strategy Against Antifa: 2nd Edition Three months ago, I released a list of eighteen tacticsthat could be used to defeat the communist terror group known as Antifa. Several confrontations between Antifa and...
  26. The Original Tree

    Terry McCauliff Should Be Impeached

    McCauliff Should be impeached and brought up on crimes and so should The Mayor of Charlottesville, and The Charlottesville Police Chief! What happened last weekend was disgusting, partisan, completely avoidable, PLANNED, & the criminal negligence of the stand down order given, was cold...
  27. The Original Tree

    George Soros funded ANTIFA, KKK, & Black Lives Matter Chaos in Charlotte!

    Note: If you have a short attention span...just watch the video about ANTIFA if you want to see exactly what George Soros is paying for and don't bother reading below..... ANITFA, BLM are both funded by George Soros & have been instigating Violence every where they go, and this weekend was no...
  28. American_Jihad

    American left: ANTIFA Is Not Your Friend

    Just like we all know the left is what they call everyone else. They say were violent but look who's beating people, burning, rioting, and acting just like fascists pricks... LETTER TO THE AMERICAN LEFT: ANTIFA IS NOT YOUR FRIEND TUE, 2/28/2017 - BY NICHOLAS GOROFF Though to many they may...
  29. P@triot

    Antifa: Archetype Fascists

    For almost 150 years, the left has embraced violence, force, coercion, and intimidation as their primary vehicle for achieving their desired agenda. They have ramped up those tactics a thousand fold since President Trump started campaigning and subsequently was elected President of the United...
  30. cnelsen

    This video should make every "anti-Nazi" prog hide his head in shame

    or cover his face why isn't George Soros under arrest?

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