
  1. American_Jihad

    The DNC: America's Most Notorious Hate Group

    Who's in charge, a commie and a black radical islamist... THE DNC: AMERICA'S MOST NOTORIOUS HATE GROUP Now we're told that some racism and supremacism is perfectly okay. August 24, 2017 John Perazzo ... In August 2015, for instance, the DNC issued a formal resolution officially endorsing...
  2. The Original Tree

    What IS ANTIFA & Their Relationship with Neo NAZIS?

    ANTIFA was and is NOTHING BUT A RIVAL OF NAZIS just promoting a different flavor of Totalitarianism. So when I tell you that THE KKK and other NEO NAZIS are Bait DOGS, and ANTIFA AND BLM are PITBULLS, I am telling you ANTIFA, and THE KKK are part of the same Team. They just don't like each...
  3. AsianTrumpSupporter

    A college president is finally holding BLM terrorists accountable

    Claremont college suspends students for demonstration against pro-police speaker Claremont McKenna College has suspended three students for a year and two others for a semester for blocking access to a campus event to protest a speaker known for defending police against Black Lives Matter...
  4. cnelsen

    Father's Day not the same thanks to BLM for this guy's Dad

    Sunday is Fathers' Day, but Harrison Brown won't spend it w/ his Dad; Harrison was killed by a George Soros funded BLM thug on 5/1/17 because he was White.
  5. American_Jihad

    The greatest threat to freedom is on campus

    It's true were letting the left indoctrinate the future the only way to stop them is to cut the money, that includes Gov., parents, alumni, etc... EVERGREEN STATE’S RACIST SAFE SPACE HELL The greatest threat to freedom is on campus. June 1, 2017 Daniel Greenfield ... From now on all...
  6. American_Jihad


    If the cops shot this moron would there be a riot??? Maybe not, I don't think he's black... Driver Who Plowed into Pedestrians in Times Square Wanted Suicide-by-Cop A teen tourist was killed and her sister among the injured. 5.18.2017 News Trey Sanchez A driver plowed through...
  7. cnelsen

    Obama's racial resentments: the aftermath

    In my 2008 book America’s Half-Blood Prince: Barack Obama’s ‘Story of Race and Inheritance,’ I forecasted that if elected the candidate would keep his racial resentments under wraps during his first term. But once freed from the need for re-election, watch out. From the Wall Street Journal...
  8. American_Jihad

    Fake news that spawned Black Lives Matter

    Fake news that spawned Black Lives Matter Exclusive: Jack Cashill traces movement back to bogus mainstream media reporting Published: 4 hours ago If there were ever a useful case study for the effect of fake news on real events, it was the media-spawned birth of the Black Lives Matter...
  9. MindWars

    Black Lives Matter: We saw It coming, now here’s what’s coming next

    Breitbart Predicted Black Lives Matter; Now We'll Predict What's Coming Next Breitbart News has given #BlackLivesMatter more detailed, deep, and honest coverage than any other media outlet on the planet in 2015, and for good reason. From covering every major protest they did to exposing the cop...
  10. cnelsen

    Emails show Hillary coordinating with Soros since at least 2011

    Hillary has been coordinating her campaign with George Soros, a Jew who collaborated with the Nazis as a youth. He has given the Hillary campaign $25 million. Recent email leaks show Soros has been a driving force behind the current invasion of Europe, as well as opening the borders here. He...
  11. Brynmr

    ‘Blue Lives Don’t Matter’

    BLM is simple hate America group seeking control and power. Black Lives Matter protestors at UC Irvine were seen holding signs that read “Blue Lives Don’t Matter,” “Police Kill The Mentally Ill,” and “F**k the Police” as part of their calls to ban the UC Irvine police department. Black Lives...
  12. depotoo

    Dallas Police Chief Update-"We are asking cops to do too much in this country"

    Police Chief Brown press conference update- 5 Officers killed 4 DPD, 1 DART 9 Officers were wounded. 4 DPD, 3 DART, 2 El Centro 13 officers fired their weapons 11 used their firearms and 2 used an explosive device. RB was inscribed by killer at 2 locations. Still looking for its...
  13. OldLady

    Why did B. Clinton feel he needed to apologize to BLM?

    I saw the little clip they've been playing on all the news shows, and what Bill Clinton said to the Black Lives Matter protesters was perfectly logical and not disrespectful, imo. I would be interested in knowing what he said that was so wrong. I heard the interaction happened over ten minutes...
  14. teddyearp

    RE: The Oregon incident: How many live and/or work in the woods?

    The debate over the Oregon 'standoff' has many heated threads here. I do not believe that the takeover of the Malheur Refuge was correct; but I do believe that it did result in a very good thing. A discussion of how the .gov has been managing our public lands over the last decade or three...

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