climate change

  1. toobfreak

    2017 Apparent Fluke Rather Than Forecast For The Future?

    The 2017 season was a clear and certain forecast for the grave outlook for our future, thanks to man-made climate change, except that now they've downgraded the very next year 2018 as being below average! Despite all of the supposed global warming, it turns out that the Atlantic has become...
  2. toobfreak

    The Die Off

    A recent highly advanced computer using state of the art climate models for how an exo-civilization might evolve lead to some surprising results that civilizations tend to fall into one of three outcomes and that sometimes it did not matter what they did to try to change the consequences. You...
  3. boedicca

    30 Years of James Hansen Bogosity

    If so much of our tax dollars and personal lives weren't wasted on Climate Change nonsense, this would be hysterically funny. A timeline of all the Failed Climate Disaster Predictions by James Hansen. Thirty Years Of The James Hansen Clown Show | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog
  4. Fort Fun Indiana

    Ocean rise and ice melt accelerating.... Observations show sea levels rising, and climate change is accelerating it - CNN More accurate methods show us these things are happening faster than we thought. Now expected to pass 2 feet rise by 2100.
  5. TheProgressivePatriot

    Do You Know: The Doomsday Clock is Ticking. We Are Screwed Overview Do you know what it is telling us? IT IS 2 MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT To put this into perspective, in 1991 it was 17 minutes to midnight , the safest time since the clock started in 1947. Here is why You can see the...
  6. Lookout

    Geoengineering Truth everyone should know (if you are one that can handle the truth)

    Climate change. Global warming. Ice caps melting. Geoengineering itself to blame. I know i don't comment on others posts, if that makes me a troll then so be it. I am too busy doing research to do so. I do research until I turn blue...I do the math! I can only do so much and can only reach so...
  7. Astrostar

    Trump Climate Change

    CNN is reporting that with Syria asking to join the Paris Accord, that leaves the U.S. as the only country in the world that is not a member. Why? Well, that one is simple. It's because the U.S. is the dumbest country in the world. The U.S. is so stupid that it can't see what's right in...
  8. Fort Fun Indiana

    Trump cabal directly contradicted on climate change by government report...

    In a development that should surprise exactly nobody, Trump and his loyalist officials have been directly contradicted (again) by an extensive report on climate change. This time, it comes from 13 agencies in his own administration. The entire report can be read here: Climate Science Special...
  9. Cellblock2429

    NASA Confirms Falling Sea Levels For Two Years Amidst Media Blackout

    Oh dear. All the lib screams of doom and gloom just went up in smoke. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha NASA Confirms Falling Sea Levels For Two Years Amidst Media Blackout As the global warming narrative quickly unravels, and leftists scramble to throw accusations at those who dare question the false...
  10. Cellblock2429

    Yellowstone Super Volcano could cause volcanic winter and Libs say man can alter the enviroment

    A Surprise From the Supervolcano Under Yellowstone Only mother nature can alter the environment and if this sucker blows it would cover the US in a thick layer of ash 250,000 times more than the Mt Saint Helen's eruption and cause a volcanic winter. Now that's what I call Climate Change and...
  11. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Trump was right to pull out of the Paris climate agreement. Trudeau is a massive hypocrite.

    Stop swooning over Justin Trudeau. The man is a disaster for the planet | Bill McKibben ...Trudeau says all the right things, over and over. He’s got no Scott Pruitts in his cabinet: everyone who works for him says the right things. Indeed, they specialize in getting others to say them too – it...
  12. Chuz Life

    CDZ Poll: Which of these two theories has a more solid basis in scientific fact?

    Please take the poll and let's discuss the details. All CDZ rules apply.
  13. toobfreak

    Obama, The Great Protector Of Our Climate Leaves Massive Carbon Footprint!

    This just in . . . . Barack Obama just from his attendance at a World Summit on Climate Change (though I'm not exactly sure what he really knows or can do now, I mean, he isn't even a meteorologist), so how does the guy arrive and leave? He flies in on a massive private jet! Not enough? His...
  14. S

    From Global Warming/Climate Change To Global Sunday Laws

    You have got to check this video out. The global climate change movement has not met a halt simply because Donald Trump is in office. Donald Trump is simply giving the power to Christians that are needed, so that with the global climate movement, they can enforce Sunday laws. And not only that...
  15. G

    A very important point that nobody really talks about

    A short clip that explains things pretty well: Not a fan of the title of the vid and it's quite short, but it's something we should be talking about a lot more in the environmental community. With the Trump administration's decisions, we all need to pitch in. But beware, I shared this video...
  16. Cellblock2429

    10-15 feet of snow to bury California; wintry weather also targets South

    Where is Goreball Warming when we need it? A series of winter storms is forecast to continue hammering California with several feet of heavy snow and driving rain over the next few days and into the weekend, good news for the drought-plagued state and for ski areas, but potentially bad news for...
  17. ding

    IPCC Models have been Proven to be Wrong

    I am trying to compile all of the times the IPCC projections have been proven wrong or lowered. Please share your data so that we can have one location that houses their modeling failures Their models are wrong. Near-term global surface temperature projections in IPCC AR5 | Climate Lab Book...
  18. O

    CDZ What do the "Warmers" really want?

    It's right there for you. What, specifically, do the "Warmers" want? In a previous thread, I asked a similar question, and got the response (in part) 200PPM of CO2 in the atmosphere. (I may be slightly incorrect on the number) So, lets look at that. When was the last time we had ~200-300 PPM of...
  19. American_Jihad

    Climate Change: What Do Scientists Say?

    This should be a fun thread... Climate Change: What Do Scientists Say? 4.18.2016 News Paul Bois Video: Continuing their efforts to undo the damage done by leftists in the university, the people at Prager U have released another video exposing "man-made climate change" as a myth concocted...
  20. BuckToothMoron

    Pioneer Huricane forecaster, climate change critic dies

    Those interested in the climate change debate have lost a champion for the truth. Hurricane forecast pioneer, climate change critic dies at 86 - The Denver Post, 2016-04-18
  21. washamericom

    Trump on Climate Change:

    he said he already believed in weather, me too. this article is from the huffington post, a red journal from the left. Donald Trump On Climate Change: 'I Believe It Goes Up And It Goes Down' And actually, we’ve had times where the weather wasn’t working out, so they changed it to extreme...
  22. E

    100 Percent Renewable Energy in 20 Years

    From a friend and business partner - Ken Fields as Independent Presidential Candidate for 2016 running on a single platform, more or less, of 100% Renewable Energy in 20 Years. Happy to hear complaints or praise either way, since this is a discussion forum I expect to get quite a lot. E
  23. Boston1

    CDZ A science based discussion concerning climate change

    I like the idea of a Clean Debate Zone. I'm not a climate scientist but I do have a pretty good handle on the concepts surrounding climate change. If you have any questions or have any answers, have at it. My personal take is that climate change is very real and poses a very real threat to...
  24. woz75

    How to Explain Climate Change to Neanderthals

    How To Explain Climate Change To A Neanderthal There...a severely DUMBED down explanation for the slower folks who just can't seem to grasp the concept

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