
  1. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Aliyson Camerota of CNN is frustrated that panel of voters sides w/ Trump on Charlottesville

    The look on her face when one of the voters describes Antifa as violent Stalinists is also priceless.
  2. HaShev

    CNN showing it's fangs and stupidity going after Mnuchin's wife

    Anderson Cooper was the host of the most pointless and one of the dumbest segments in a while. I bet he had no clue his segment was inadvertantly trashing his own mother Gloria Vanderbilt. Cooper's panel was rich shaming Mnuchin's wife (an actress) through a social media troll post she...
  3. T

    The Real Reason CNN Hates Trump

    The real reason CNN hates trump can be said in one word: money. These people have invested in Chinese made goods,making millions and millions of dollars, even billions, and what they are afraid of is that Trump might take it away from them. That's it, end of story.
  4. AsianTrumpSupporter

    This is CNN

    :D CNN is fake news.
  5. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Project Veritas releases new CNN video of producer doubling down on "stupid as shit" comment

    CNN is a dinosaur, and Project Veritas is the tar pit. This is why they're lashing out at a 15 year old kid who made a .gif and posted it on twitter.
  6. The Original Tree

    LNN: Lefty News Network "Today's Headlines"

    Here's Today's Lefty Headlines From LNN: WE REPORT, YOU DERIDE! everything you never wanted to know about the liberal world around you.. How do you show how much you "Love America"? In Lefty Fantasy Land, you disrespect The Flag. An act of true patriotism: Fly the American flag upside down...
  7. AsianTrumpSupporter

    The faggots at CNN are so butthurt over CNN/Trump .gif they threatened the creator of the .gif

    I refuse to link to CNN, but this video has a good breakdown CNN's article where they admitted threatening to release the identity of the .gif creator.
  8. Cellblock2429

    AMAC (AARP Competitor) Files Complaint Against CNN for Bogus Russia Narrative

    Dear Valued AMAC Member, Today we filed a formal complaint with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on behalf of our organization's 1.2 million members. We took this action in response to revelations that CNN contributor Van Jones described his network's Trump-Russia collusion story as...
  9. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Part 3 of Project Veritas' CNN story - CNN Producer Jimmy Carr: Voters "Stupid as shit"

    CNN is done.
  10. AsianTrumpSupporter

    CNN's Jeff Zucker could be fired as part of AT&T/Time Warner merger

    But I'm sure CNN will continue to fabricate the news for ratings and to sell Viagra and Pepsi.
  11. AsianTrumpSupporter

    CNN's Jeff Zucker is running scared from James O'Keefe/Project Veritas

    CNN is a dinosaur.
  12. AsianTrumpSupporter

    CNN producer admits Russia narrative is bullshit and just for ratings

    Clickbait News Network at it again.
  13. cnelsen

    Grassley publicly accuses Schumer of lying knowingly to the American people

    Respected Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley lambastes the treasonous--yes, treasonous--actions of the media and fellow senators Chuck Schumer and Diane Feinstein for their roles in the Comey/Russia circus. It's detailed and it's devastating. Schumer should be brought up on charges.
  14. Locke11_21

    YES!!! Right-wingers rush stage and disrupt Shakespear - Trump killing play!!

    This absolutely made my night. The Shakespeare play in Central Park, which is directed by Jew, Tony Kushner got a much needed and unexpected surprise. During the play, right-wingers disrupted the play and rushed the stage. This is beautiful. It's about time the right-wing throws out this "we're...
  15. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Libs care so much about minorities & women that only a white male celeb kept his job after apology

    Reza Aslan, Kathy Griffin and Bill Maher: TV takes offense – selectively The last couple of weeks could serve as a case study for anyone looking into where political correctness, free speech and the priorities of TV networks intersect. It all began with Kathy Griffin posing with a severed head...
  16. D

    More CNN fake news

    It never ends with these assholes!!!!! The next time someone at CNN claims they never do 'Fake News' someone will laugh in their faces! SHOCK VIDEO: CNN Creates #FakeNews in London Following Terror Attacks, Stages Anti-ISIS Muslim Protesters
  17. P@triot

    CNN issues an apology

    It's so bad - CNN can't even hide from it. Too bad the LWNJs on this board will believe CNN's propaganda but will choose to ignore their apology when they are forced to admit their lie. CNN issues correction after Comey statement contradicts reporting
  18. AsianTrumpSupporter

    CNN host makes racist statement about spelling bee winner

    CNN hosts makes 'racist' comment to 12-year-old Spelling Bee Champion A CNN host is accused of making what some are saying is a "racist" remark to 12-year-old Scripps Spelling Bee Champion Ananya Vinay who the host said likely misspelled a word on air because "it's root is not in Sanskrit...
  19. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Anonymous releases official video statement about CNN being fake news

    CNN (aka the Commie News Network and the Clinton News Network) has been caught time and time again fabricating news.
  20. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Confirm or Deny: CNN will hire Kathy Griffin back after coverage of her scandal dies down

    Once the 24 hour news cycle moves on to the next big story, the mainstream media will stop covering Kathy Griffin. I bet CNN will hire her back, and the advertisers will coming sneaking back when they think no one is watching anymore.
  21. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Even liberals don't trust CNN any more.

    It's sad what the mainstream media turned into. They went full libtard. You never go full libtard. Ask Sean Penn. Went home empty-handed.
  22. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Drudge Report beat ABC, CBS, CNN, Google, Buzzfeed, Washington Compost, HuffPo, etc. in web traffic

    Drudge Annhiliates Competition in April The Drudge Report beat out ABC, CBS, CNN, Google and other major news outlets in web traffic during the month of April, stats published Sunday show. More people got their information from last month than the New York Times, Washington...
  23. Cellblock2429


    Cable television giant, Time Warner, has released a statement detailing their decision to not renew CNN’s cable TV contract for 2018. The decision comes off of the news that CNN will be barred from the White House press room indefinitely. This, and a steady decline in viewership and...
  24. P@triot

    Liberals: Underage Girls Should Be Taught 'Tolerance' For Male Genitals

    Just in case anyone was wondering why Donald Trump won. What can even be said about such a sick, disgusting, pro-pedophilia comment? The left is a bunch of uncivilized neanderthals who want to regress society back to the caveman era where people just defecate in front of each other in caves...
  25. MindWars

    Black employees suing CNN for racial discrimination

    Black Employees Suing CNN for Racial Discrimination - Breitbart A group of current and former black employees of CNN cable news network, Turner Broadcasting, and parent company Time Warner have filed a lawsuit alleging racial discrimination, a report says...
  26. N

    Propagandist TV Hosts Exposed Hypocracy

    List all propagandist tv hosts and things we might not know about them or their positions using their style of truth mix3d with inuendos and word dancing. CNN Don Lemon is a self hating Racist, because he only dates white men while calling dark men unreliable & violent agressive. He also has a...
  27. cnelsen

    CNN finally gets it right

  28. defcon4

    CNN's possible role in Clinton email deletion cover up

    Another day and another revelation of the MSM working had in hand with the Clinton campaign. "Recently released Wikileaks emails show that Tom Nides, a former Deputy Secretary of State, colluded wih John Podesta to help cover-up Hillary’s email scandal. [...] Turns out that Nide is MARRIED to...
  29. MindWars

    ‘No Fly Zone’ Propaganda: Crocodile Tears for the ‘Children of Aleppo’

    SHAMELESS: US, UK-backed ‘rebels’ are using children as ‘No Fly Zone’ props in Syria. Other reports suggest the rebels are also recycling child ‘victim’ images for the derilict western media. EU-French-funded ‘opposition’ media outlets like the Aleppo Media Centre, and US-UK-funded ‘NGOs’ like...
  30. L

    Armageddon to hit any time this planet: Illuminati Grand Master bombs cattle on CNN

    Armageddon to hit any time this planet: Illuminati Grand Master bombs human cattle Friday night on CNN The man, who more than 99% (which does not exclude 100%) of all recognized UN governments do nothing but to execute orders from, drops the bomb in plain sight on a Friday night. Enquoted...

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