deep state

  1. The Original Tree

    President Trump's Biggest Mistake!

    His biggest mistake to date was one he made immediately. When he decided to be a gentleman and let Hillary Clinton fade in to history, it was a huge miscalculation, and an understandable one. The Clintons at one time had a friendly relationship with President Trump. And I assume that as...
  2. The Original Tree

    MSNBC Caught Orchestrating FAKE NEWs LOL

    Morning Joe sucks, and I can't stand it, and it honestly would have been canceled had it not been for the attention their personal war with Donald Trump has helped them to stop from being shit canned. Now we find out MSNBC had been pulling a con game on Their Audiences by using Split Screens...
  3. AsianTrumpSupporter

    NY Times FINALLY retracts lie about 17 intelligence agencies concurring on Russian hacking

    NYT Finally Retracts Russia-gate Canard Exclusive: A founding Russia-gate myth is that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies agreed that Russia hacked into and distributed Democratic emails, a falsehood that The New York Times has belatedly retracted, reports Robert Parry. By Robert Parry (Updated...
  4. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Hillary had good reasons to delete those 33,000 emails under subpoena

    The amount of support she got from the mainstream media, career politicians, and the Deep State only helps to show how deep the corruption goes.
  5. American_Jihad

    Russian Conspiracy Theory...

    That's right I posted it here where it belongs, so far it's just a leftist wet dream... KUSHNER ADDED TO RUSSIAN CONSPIRACY THEORY The presidential adviser’s outreach to Russia is scrutinized. May 30, 2017 Matthew Vadum ... A late-breaking Fox News story Monday night absolves Kushner of...
  6. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Facebook wants to interface directly with your brain

    Facebook Won’t Say If It Will Use Your Brain Activity for Advertisements Every year, Facebook gathers hundreds of developers, corporate allies, and members of the press to hear CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s vision of our shared near future. The gathering is known as “F8,” and this year’s iteration...
  7. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Hillary Clinton loses yet again: Sweden drops rape probe against Julian Assange

    Assange claims victory after Sweden drops rape probe London (AFP) - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange gave a clenched fist salute Friday after Swedish prosecutors dropped a seven-year rape allegation, but he insisted the "proper war" over his future was just beginning. Assange stepped into the...
  8. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Anonymous releases an official statement on liberal Trump/Russia conspiracy theory

    Very articulate video that explains what this is all about.
  9. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Anonymous Global reports that Trey Gowdy will replace Deep State crook, James Comey.

    If true, this is awesome. Gowdy is the perfect person to go after the Clintons, George Soros, and PizzaGate liberal pedophiles like John Podesta.

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