
  1. P@triot

    Actions speaking MUCH louder than words

    If you want to know the true platform of the left - look no further than this story. It epitomizes everything they support and believe in. 1. Prevent education. Keep the populace as ignorant and dependent as possible. Sorry folks - this cannot be twisted regardless of the efforts of the left...
  2. P@triot

    The disgusting left-wing indoctrination

    This is disgusting. And it is why the left vehemently opposes "school choice" (as seen here) and home schooling - because it prevents them from indoctrinating children. N.Y. promoted, covered up lesson plan teaching students to sympathize with Islamic suicide bombers
  3. P@triot

    The repulsive hypocrisy of the left

    The left would have you believe that "school choice" is a travesty. That's their official narrative - from Hollywood hypocrites like Matt Damon to their political powers like Barack Obama - all of them insist that only their children deserve "school choice". The rest of you useless minions...
  4. P@triot

    Education: the simple solutions

    Anyone who claims that the education issue in America is "complicated" is either clueless or pushing an agenda designed to protect the teacher's unions. Let's start with the very basics. This should be thee speech given on the first day of school by every principle in every public school across...
  5. TheProgressivePatriot

    Anti Muslim Hysteria in the School. Parents Prefer Ignorance to Learning

    Hysteria strikes deep in the heart of New Jersey. Supposedly this is a liberal and enlightened state, but even here, the Anti-Muslim bigotry and propaganda has taken hold, largely due to the frenzy that has been wiped up by ( I refuse to say President) Trump and the complicacy of Fox News...
  6. P@triot

    Idaho pays students to graduate early

    There are two things that I like about this: It is being done by the state at the state level - where the U.S. Constitution dictates education should be handled It is a new, "out of the box" approach. If it ends in better education results and a savings in tax payer dollars, then I say lets...
  7. Kalopin

    ...another version...

    Hello, What I have is a very long story, with many years work and many lessons learned, that may be helpful when studying past events... This is another version, through my research... [It is not my intention to offend or upset, only to correct a great amount of misunderstood science...
  8. P@triot

    Madam C.J. Walker

    Another perfect example of why Congressional Republicans have submitted a bill to end the Department of Education. Aside from being unconstitutional - it is nothing more than a propaganda arm for the left-wing hatriots. Case in point: how come nobody has heard of Madam C.J. Walker? Why isn't...
  9. ForCommonGood

    Educators for DeVos??

    As an educator I have yet to hear any valid argument (based on facts or science) that DeVos is a good choice. Any teachers out there pro- DeVos? Please tell me why.
  10. P@triot

    Democrats continue their very ugly gynophobia

    Democrats long and ugly history of gynophobia appears to have no end in sight in the near future. While they (begrudgingly) approved Rex Tiller as Secretary of State, Democrats refuse to approve Betsy DeVos simply because she is a woman. They can't stand to see a woman in power - especially if...
  11. P@triot

    Rebuilding the education system destroyed by progressives

    We all know that progressives have destroyed the public education system in America. Part of it was the natural stupidity of the left (their entire idealist "well rounded" nonsense). Most of it was done intentionally out of the need for an ignorant electorate. So how do we rebuild it? For...
  12. TheProgressivePatriot

    The Trump Effect’: Hatred, Fear And Bullying On The Rise In Schools

    We all know that this has been a divisive election cycle thanks to the over the top, belligerent spectacle of Donald The Trump. Almost everyone who is to comatose has been effected, but one group has been seemingly overlooked. I am talking about our young , school age people, and minority...
  13. esf90068

    Fundraising for Educational Trip to DC

    Hi Everyone! Please check out my go fund me page. Finally trying to do my part in this political process of ours and I could use your help. Thanks!! Mod Edit: no linking to advertising or fundraising sites please.
  14. American_Jihad

    The Anti-Trump Curriculum

    The Anti-Trump Curriculum Fanning the flames of intolerance, educators have done a disservice to their students and the country. December 22, 2016 Larry Sand Reprinted from While hysteria and fearmongering over the governance of a Republican president have become...
  15. MindWars

    Historical untold truth of Western Education & the purposely done scientific destruction of young..

    Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt - The Historical Untold Truth Of Western Education and the purposely done Scientific Destruction of young children's minds. Charlotte Iserbyt is the consummate whistleblower! Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement...
  16. P@triot

    The Astonishing Ignorance of Young Adults

    Just look at what progressives have done to our education system. Like everything else progressivism touches - it has destroyed education. Less than 50% (of youngsters between 18 and 24 years of age polled by National Geographic and Roper Public Affairs) could identify New York and Ohio on a...
  17. R

    I could use your help – a conversation for a post-grad project

    Hello I've been tasked with tackling inaccessibility in an Art Direction MA unit I began last week – awaken international conversation from four seemingly remote utterances. Believing that anything internal, once outed, can illicit a response – start a conversation – I'll leave you my 4 chosen...
  18. JD Case

    Who's better at dealing with the issues?

    I'm conducting a survey on the Presidential election and gauging which candidate is better at dealing with today's issues. If you have 5 minutes available, please follow the link below and share your opinion. You can also request to have the results emailed to you, if you'd like. Thanks...
  19. Peony

    Oppressed by Pronouns

    Many of us have difficulty recognizing that we are accidently offending or inadvertently “hating” people who self-imagine their gender. See, many of these people claim that they are not the same gender from one day to the next or even one hour to the next. Their gender flucuates with their...
  20. OldLady

    Turkey's Teachers are Toast

    From Fox News Wednesday 7/20/16: Turkish Higher Ed Council bans academics from traveling abroad and urges those overseas to return home immediately...Move comes as the gov't engages in widespread crackdown on those it suspects of involvement in Fri's failed coup...On Tuesday, authorities...
  21. P@triot

    Gates Foundation admits Common Core was a mistake

    It's equal parts tragic and hilarious to watch history prove conservatives right over and over and over. Republican's warned against Social Security in the 1930's - history has proven them right. Republican's warned against Medicare & Medicaid in the 1960's - history has proven them right...
  22. P@triot

    We continue to see some very positive trends in America

    While there is no denying that liberalism has created a mountain of very significant problems for the United States, the radicalization of that ideology (culminating with the election of a devout marxist by their party) has resulted in some very positive trends in America. First, we saw the rise...
  23. OldLady

    Yale Students: No More Old White Male Writers!

    You can't stop teaching the "old white male writers" and still have an education in English literature! Too much subsequent literature refers back to their works, either implicitly or explicitly. Besides, some of the writers on the list are too cool to jettison. Demands to broaden the canon...
  24. P@triot

    The most profound positive impact to America

    Through out all of these threads I hear the tired and played out liberal talking point about how much liberals "care". They simply "care". They want to help. And yet, despite the hundreds of times I've asked if any of them ever skipped a meal to ensure their fellow hungry man ate, or paid for...
  25. AveryJarhman

    Michelle Obama on young Barack: 'He was a bum'

    Michelle Obama on young Barack: 'He was a bum' - Michelle and Barack Obama? Aren't they America's current *Premier Presidential and Parental First Couple* who in an attempt to inspire young people about becoming educated, thoughtfully invited to our White House an angry...
  26. Andylusion

    CDZ RCC Podcast: Failing to Compare

    Greetings! :) This particular post is going to be a bit different, and more of a multi-topic, because it's about people who compare the US to other countries. Now in generally, I think we should compare the US to other countries, and we should be able to glean insight and learn from the...
  27. AveryJarhman

    Wale Performs at Obama’s Final State of the Union

    Wale Performs at Obama's Final State of the Union In 2015 America's Premier Presidential & Parental couple invite rap performer Olubowale "Wale" Victor Akintimehin to our White House to inspire young people about education. Have the Obamas and their advisers ever listened to or read...
  28. AveryJarhman

    A Teacher Breaks Down White Student Hitting A Student Over The Head With Chair [Video]

    A Teacher Breaks Down White Student Hitting Black Student Over The Head With Chair [Video] The Bossip Staff asked, "Should both students be suspended, even if one is just defending herself?" My opinion: Once the teacher intervened the victim had a duty to comply with his order to stop...
  29. midcan5

    Education Teachers Values

    What do some people see the world positively and others through an ideology filter that blocks commonsense. It would seem an excellent public education a value worth paying for and yet many feel threatened by knowledge. Fear buys bombs, why doesn't fear of an uneducated public also cause...
  30. J

    Ben Carson on education: Let the fox control the henhouse!

    It amazes me that Ben Carson, who is identified as a “conservative” and indicates he embraces our Constitution said he thinks “. . . the Department of Education should monitor institutions of higher education for political bias and withhold federal funding if it exists…” Under Carson’s...

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