
  1. DOTR

    Kavanaugh has enough votes

    Senator Daines, a Kavanaugh supporter, will be away for his daughter’s wedding the day of the vote. But he says he would come back “if needed”. Tells me they think they have the votes and so can let him leave. But if a problem arises he will fly back. Nice. I may yet get my dream...
  2. deanrd

    Kavanaugh‘s hearing has taught us a lot about the Republican Party

    Republicans put the good of corporations over the American people. Republicans will do nothing to help Americans get healthcare. Republicans will rush to ram their agenda through because they’re afraid of America finds out what’s behind that agenda they won’t vote Republican. Republicans...
  3. Darkman00

    Florida GOP Candidate Faked College Degree, University Says

    She ain't bad looking .... :) ---- GOP Candidate Faked College Degree, University Says GOP Candidate Faked College Degree, University Says
  4. deanrd

    Republican Tim Scott, the Only GOP Senator to sign on to Anti-Lynching Bill

    Sen. Tim Scott Says 'It's Good To Be First' As The Only GOP Senator To Sign On To Anti-Lynching Bill On CBS's "Face The Nation," Sen. Tim Scott had a difficult time trying to explain why no other Republican has signed on to the anti-lynching bill that he has put forth...
  5. deanrd

    I couldn't believe two conservatives saying liberals were right.

    So I'm watching this talk show and two conservatives were talking. One of the conservatives wrote a book called, "Everything Trump touches, dies". So they said, and I'm paraphrasing, that for decades, when liberals said the GOP was a racist party, they denied it. Liberals were wrong...
  6. BookShaka

    As national media worry about tone of Trump rallies, three GOP lawmakers receive death threats

    You can be forgiven for thinking the biggest story this week is President Trump's ongoing war with the national press. After all, the press covered it that way themselves, didn't they? CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, ABC, CBS, NBC, etc. dedicated outsized coverage this week to reporting that journalists...
  7. deanrd

    US on track to borrow most money since 2008 financial crisis

    US on track to borrow most money since 2008 financial crisis: report The Treasury Department predicted in a report Monday that the government's borrowing needs for the second half of 2018 will be $769 billion - the highest its borrowed since 2008 during the financial crisis. --------------...
  8. deanrd

    What proof do Republicans have that Politifact are just a bunch of liars?

    Our latest fact-checks | PolitiFact We know Trump lies. He does it every single time he's in front of the camera. Many Republicans have admitted it. The GOP base simply doesn't care. But why do Republicans say Politifact lies all the time. Have they ever shown proof?
  9. deanrd

    70 babies under 1 year of age forced to appear in court without legal representation. WTF?

    Dozens Of Babies Forced To Appear In Immigration Court The Trump administration has reportedly ordered at least 70 children under the age of 1 to appear before immigration judges since last October, with some appearing without any legal representation. However, the officials, who were not...
  10. deanrd

    Does this mean the Republican House might restart their investigation?

    Now that Trump has pretty much spelled it out how much he loves Putin and Russia. And we know there was some kind of collusion with Russia during the election. Even someone from Fox and Friends questioned Trump's loyalty. Last night, Hannity's pro Trump panel attacked him. Does anyone...
  11. Nosmo King

    Why does Trump deny Russian meddling?

    Given the indictments handed down last Friday detailing who, when and where the Russians actively interfered with the 2016 elections, why does Donald Trump still deny the Russians did what they clearly did? Is it because Special Counsel Mueller handed down the indictment? Is it because, in...
  12. deanrd

    Have Republicans stopped believing in Jesus?

    Tax cuts for Billionaires. Hatred for little children. Lies. Have Republicans turned there backs on Jesus?
  13. deanrd

    Even with Republicans ripping babies from their mother's arms, why they won't stop coming.

    If you lived in a country infested with gangs and the gangs told you to give them your two daughters, would you give them to the gangs, or bring them here knowing they were going to be taken away. After all, once the gangs took them, you probably wouldn't see them again either. So which gang...
  14. Weatherman2020

    Blue Wave! Democrats Lose Ground with Millennials

    Democrats lose ground with millennials – Reuters/Ipsos poll. So I guess David Hogg’s not doing it for them? Go figure
  15. Buddie Chronicle

    GOP lawmakers pressure Rosenstein to hand over Clinton docs

    Two of President Trump’s top allies in Congress turned up the heat on Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein this week — warning him that he could be impeached if he doesn’t hand over documents about Hillary Clinton. GOP Reps. Mark Meadows of North Carolina and Jim Jordan of Ohio — leading...
  16. P@triot

    GOP is only against wasteful spending by Democrats

    I’m tired of having to choose between progressive (Democrats) and progressive-lite (Republicans). Republican RINO’s love to spend so long as they are the one’s deciding on the spending. The Tea Party did a great job in 2010 but we still have a long way to go. It’s time the Republican Party was...
  17. rsexaminer

    Roy Moore breaks silence after latest sexual assault claim, destroyed on Twitter

    Watch as Roy Moore and his wife just gave a delusional defense to the latest allegations of sexual assault against him, which resulted in the Alabama Republican getting lit up on Twitter. Moore and his wife are clearly scrambling here. Roy Moore breaks silence after latest sexual assault...
  18. John.smith09

    VICIOUS: Jimmy Kimmel Blames GOP, Trump for Vegas Massacre

    Late-night comedian Jimmy Kimmel tore into President Trump and Republican legislators on Monday, saying they should be “praying for forgiveness” just hourrs after.... See Full Post Here : VICIOUS: Jimmy Kimmel Blames GOP, Trump for Vegas Massacre - U.S. Daily News
  19. The Original Tree

    The Democrats are in Real Trouble in 2018! Repeal Obamacare Then!

    The Left did it to themselves with their IN YOUR FACE Moral Mandates, and shoving Liberalism down everyone's throats, their hatred of Law Enforcement and Decent Hard Working People and with all the corruption and scandals in The Obama Regime. And their pain is not over yet. There is a BIG HURT...
  20. toobfreak

    Just What Is Wrong With The GOP?

    While the democrats in control of nothing, still seemingly control everything, investigating whether Jared has night emissions and whether Donnie Junior is a threat to the nation, the GOP in control of everything, flop around like big smelly fish in the belly of a boat in the hot sun. IRS...
  21. Cellblock2429

    Wisconsin GOP advances measure that would make state first to drug test for health benefits

    MADISON - Wisconsin could become the first state in the nation to require needy but able-bodied adults to work and submit to drug tests to qualify for public health coverage, under a proposal advanced by lawmakers Thursday. Republicans on the Legislature’s budget committee outvoted Democrats...
  22. wjmacguffin

    CDZ Problems With The Modern GOP

    Hi folks! I was hoping for an intelligent, civil discussion on what I see as some major problems with the Republican party in the modern age (say, Reagan through Trump). Yes, I think Democrats have problems. No side in US politics is without hypocrisy, fault, and the like. Maybe I'll do another...
  23. B

    Fine: Changes ahead for oil and gas producers

    The full article by Dr. Daniel Fine is here-> " The OPEC and non-OPEC agreement to reduce oil production officially begins this week. At mid-December when this column was submitted...
  24. B

    Energy expert talks about the future of US Energy Leigh Black Irvin , [email protected]

    THE FULL ARTICLE IS HERE-> " The main message of Fine’s presentation was that the U.S. would, very quickly, move away from global energy policies based on combating climate change...
  25. P

    Mr. Trump - You're Fired

    Mr. Trump – You’re Fired! Dear Mr. Donald Trump, Congratulations! I congratulate you for bringing out the nakedness of a sub-culture of men. You know what I am talking about. Right? Yes - all those leaked out audios and videos – Howard Stern, Billy Bush and so forth and so on. I am a man as...
  26. Y

    The uncertainty of Trump's situation

    Today (8/3/2016) there was a lot of commentary on the various news shows particularly on Charley Rose on PBS that the uncertainty of Trump's situation makes it impossible to know if there IS or IS NOT a hidden groundswell in favor of Trump lingering out across the Country. These would be...
  27. E

    (Episode 1) Political Trends in Asian Communities_Interview Cliff Li, NCAAR Executive Director

    Host: First, could you introduce us to those similarities and differences in detail? National Committee of Asian American Republicans(NCAAR)Li: 20 years ago, more Asian Americans voted for Republican George H. W. Bush in the George H. W. Bush vs. Bill Clinton Presidential election. More...
  28. E


    National Committee of Asian American Republicans(NCAAR) communities have been experiencing unprecedented change since 2013 at the grassroots level. It is problematic when we put our heads down and only take care of our own little space, or hope that all our public affairs are taken care of by...
  29. Never3ndr

    Give Credit Where Credit is Due, Good on Trump

    Let me be honest, I'm a moderate liberal and a staunch critic of Trump, his campaign, and his "policy" stances. However, I try to remain objective and give credit where credit is due. With that in mind, I felt it necessary to highlight one of the few things Trump has said that I agree with...
  30. L

    The TRUTH behind why Donald Trump rallies are violent

    It's time for some truth kiddos. It's the Bernie fans that bring the violence.

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