illegal immigration

  1. AsianTrumpSupporter

    As long as most liberals act like Franny from Decoded, Donald Trump will get two terms.

    So keep up the good work. :) *signed a legal immigrant and now U.S. citizen*
  2. P@triot

    Progressive has no answer for why he supports illegal aliens

    The video here is beyond priceless. All this left-wing nitwit does is give left-wing platitudes the entire time. He fails to answer even a single question. Every time one is posed to him he doesn't even attempt to answer it. Instead, he starts with "I'll just say this....". That is a flat out...
  3. P@triot

    Time to restore law in the U.S.

    For 8 years the left celebrated a lawless nation under Barack Obama. That is one of many reasons that the American people turned the entire federal government (and the overwhelming majority of state governments) to the Republican Party. Attorney General Jeff Sessions needs to charge Rahm Emanuel...
  4. P@triot

    The fragile little snowflakes have been triggered again

    Gasp! The horrors! A sign that says we should properly report criminals to the proper authorities?!? Oh the humanity of it all.....! Time to curl up in the fetal position with your favorite coloring book. How can anyone endure a sign?!? Anger over racist signs at college—then the truth emerges
  5. P@triot

    Left-wing "logic"

    A California judge doesn't want justice served at the courthouse because (and I quote) "stalking undocumented immigrants" at the facilities thwarts people's access to justice. You get that? By serving justice against criminals, she feels that it "thwarts people's access to justice". Sweetie -...
  6. P@triot

    Canada's "growning discontent" over open door policy

    Bwahahahahaha! I love it! The left is the same all over the world - they run their big mouths but when it comes time for them to make even the smallest of sacrifices, the left tells those in need to "go to hell": "The cooling welcome in Emerson is a microcosm of growing discontent over Canada’s...
  7. P@triot

    A question for ALL illegal aliens

  8. P@triot

    Progressive "logic" in all of its glory

    I've seen some funny stuff in my day - but this is right up there with the best of them. Here you have progressives proudly declaring that they are "deleting Uber" because Uber refused to price gouge when taxi's went on strike from the JFK airport. They then proudly followed that up with how...
  9. P@triot

    The winning continues

    Trump certainly hit the ground running. Leveraging Executive Orders (constitutionally - unlike Obama) to defund International Planned Parenthood Foundation, to build the wall between the U.S. and Mexican border, he pulled the U.S. out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, put a freeze on...
  10. P@triot

    Donald Trump's Policies

    I am extremely interested to see what the results of Trump's efforts will be on our elections. He is investigating voter fraud and trying to stop that. At the same time, he is working on solving our illegal immigration problems. If he serves a full two terms in office and makes this a serious...
  11. P@triot

    Donald Trump: Day 3

    After 8 years of Barack Obama and his failed policies, what a breath of fresh air just 3 days of the Trump Administration has been. Approved the Keystone Pipeline - ensuring affordable energy and jobs (a true win-win) Launching an investigation into voter fraud Addressing illegal...
  12. P@triot

    Donald Trump 2020

    If Donald Trump reneges on his promises regarding immigration, do Trump supporters abandon him in 2020? His next election is going to be much more difficult since the Democrats won't be running the most unelectable candidate ever once again and it seemed like the immigration issue was a huge...
  13. P@triot


    If these dirt-bag criminals worked half as hard at changing their own miserable countries as they do illegally attempting to change our country, their countries wouldn't be miserable shit-holes necessary of escaping from... Immigrant rights activist likely to be deported herself after hiding...
  14. P@triot

    Democrats accelerating their voter fraud efforts

    DHS under the control of the corrupt Obama Administration is granting citizenship at warp speed to people who don't even qualify. Progressives know they would never win a clean election. Number of those wrongly given citizenship higher than initially reported -
  15. Pop23

    Illegal immigration- how the candidates think

    Lets say someone breaks into your home. When you come home you find this person in your home. Trump would have you believe that this person violated the law and should be removed from the home. Clinton would have you believe that, because he successfully made it in your home, the homeowner is...
  16. OldLady

    Mr. Trump, Tear Down This Wall!

    "Something there is that doesn't love a wall," Robert Frost "Mending Wall" Symbol of aggression: Palestinians climb over a section of Israel's separation wall near Qalandia checkpoint between Ramallah to enter Jerusalem for Friday prayer in the al-Aqsa mosque compound, Islam's...
  17. P@triot

    Obama literally guilty of treason

    As part of the executive branch - Barry Sorento has no choice but to enforce the law. He may not instruct members of the executive branch to disregard law, make their own laws to enforce, or operate outside of the law. And yet that is exactly what Barry has done on the border and with illegal...
  18. American_Jihad

    DREAMers Getting Millions in Taxpayer-Funded Loans

    Napolitano, from Homeland Security to indoctrinating your kids. Trumps attorney general is going to be busy cleaning up after obongo... DREAMers Getting Millions in Taxpayer-Funded Loans to Attend Univ of California “We are committed to continuing a path forward for undocumented students."...
  19. P@triot

    The rise of the disingenuous UNEQUAL "equals"

    Tragically, we see it all across the United States today. That sect of our population who believes that the rules do not apply to them. They expect you to share your wealth - but they won't share their's. They expect you to accept something which is against your belief system, but they won't...
  20. American_Jihad

    President Obama: Accessory to the Crimes Committed By Illegal Aliens?

    He can't be gone soon enough... President Obama: Accessory to the Crimes Committed By Illegal Aliens? The grim findings unveiled by a House congressional hearing. April 26, 2016 Michael Cutler On Tuesday, April 19, 2016, the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security conducted a...
  21. J

    Illegal immigration is in fact an important economic issue

    I see Kasich got smoked in New York's primary. Probably because of his open borders agenda. See Kasich Promises 'A Shock-and-Awe Agenda' That Can Pass Congress March 16, 2016 "And I think at the same time, for the 11 and a half million who are here, then in my view if they have not committed...
  22. American_Jihad

    Illegal Immigrant Criminals

    This where I'll post all this horrific crap... Suspected Illegal Immigrant Jailed for Horrific Hit-and-Run Previously deported perpetrator grinds woman into the pavement. April 8, 2016 David Paulin From her hospital bed in Austin, Texas, a young woman named Elizabeth English is putting...
  23. American_Jihad

    How the Left is circumventing the law

    It's what they do... Lawyers For Illegals Getting Taxpayer Dollars? How the Left is circumventing the law. March 7, 2016 Dale Wilcox ... The legislative effort to block this use of taxpayer funds was written specifically for the National Immigration Law Center (NILC), the first...
  24. American_Jihad


    America needs a taste of pure socialism/communism, It would be a good learning experience and the end to that liberal/commie utopian dream... THE SOCIALIST FACE OF “IMMIGRANT RIGHTS” Inside the corrosive agendas of Congressman Luis Gutierrez. January 29, 2016 John Perazzo Rep. Luis Gutierrez...
  25. J

    Ben Carson wants to share the wealth and legalize illegal entrants!

    SEE: Ben Carson: Borders Must Be Sealed to Keep Terrorists Out; Illegals Should Be Given Path to Amnesty ”He said there needs to be a way to “share the wealth and still maintain our borders, our integrity,” and he suggested that the “influx” of illegal immigrants would come to a halt if Latin...
  26. Maggdy

    Migrant tragedy

    " EU migrant crisis: 50 refugees found 'suffocated' in the back of a single lorry in Austria, reports" "Up to 50 people, presumed to be asylum-seekers, have been found deadin the back of a lorry in Austria.Officials referred to the dead as migrants, and local media reports suggested they died...

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