
  1. Pastelli

    Does giving land for the Arab "Palestinians" bring "peace?"

    For those that don't know, giving away Gush Katif in 2005.. brought about Islamists rise - Hamas Jihado-Fascist regime later on. __...
  2. Pastelli

    Preferential Treatment, Favoritism for Arabs / Muslims against Jews in Democratic multi-ethnic Israel VS "apartheid" slur - lie

    PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT, FAVORITISM FOR ARABS / MUSLIMS AGAINST JEWS IN ISRAEL VS APARTHEID LIE Includes: Favoritism to Arabs over Jews – discriminatory in: Academia Employment Approaches to Jewish vs Muslim holidays / customs. Court cases Evacuating illegal posts Land issues as a whole...
  3. Pastelli

    David' Israel vs 'Goliath' Israelophobia (factors)

    'David' Israel vs 'Goliath' Israelophobia Five factors in current aggressive Israelophobia spilling towards genocidal anti-Jewish : * Ignorance. (Note also how ignorants avoid talking about Arab supremacists anti-Jewish massacres before 1947). * Youths being influenced by a fake-info clip on...
  4. Pastelli

    Where are all those adults killed - in TV footage of Gaza's jihadi "health" Death ministry?

    Are all Arab "Palestinians" now "kids"? Not that one can trust any numbers coming out of oppressive terroristic Gaza regime... Nor is there any doubt jihadi-fascists' cynical use of their civilians to make sure dead kids appear on TV news. But the transparency of this highly suspicious...
  5. Pastelli

    Brief overview of the vast "Palestine" Arab-Nazism (since the 1930s)

    Brief overview of the vast "Palestine" Arab-Nazism (since the 1930s) 88% of Arab-Palestine pro-Nazism (Feb 1941 poll. * Ahmad Shukeiri writing in his book (Beirut, 1969 ) that they all cheered and prayed for Hitler. (Re 1940-1941). "Palestinian" Arab leader, in Jerusalem, in spring of 1967...
  6. Pastelli

    Nov-1913: seed of "conflict" Islamist anti-Semitic poem at racist Arab 'Falastin' ('Filastin)

    1913 - Nov 8: Sheikh Suleiman al-Taji al-Faouqi [سليمان التاجي] pens a vile hate poem, combining old anti-Semitic stereotypes with Islamic motifs in the influential 'Falastin' [فلسطين] newspaper. Israel-Palestine: Lands and Peoples. (2021). Germany: Berghahn Books, p. 270. Mandel, N. J...
  7. Litwin

    Israel Likud party to RT: "After we win this war... we will make sure that Ukraine wins... Moscow will pay for what it did..."

    THAT is a Statement 💪! Probably not the content that the pootin´s RT - Clown wanted to show his Vatnik - Audience. I think that there will be a dramatically change in the foreign policy of Israel, when Gaza is over. This will backfire massively into Pootler´s direction, the Horde 🇷🇺 🐖will pay ...
  8. HaShev

    Movie Analogy- Another study on behavior emulations

    Regarding the choices of Palestinians to have a severe vendetta and hate for Israel more then they love their own families and life itself. A vendetta theme comedy movie comes to mind called "What's the Worst That Could Happen?" Starring: Martin Lawrence (victimizer)and Danny DeVito (the...
  9. HaShev

    The piece of the Pie Analogy-a study in Behavior Science

    Is the Middle East conflict religious, territorial or something else? I liken the behavior of the initial PA movement by Haj Amin Al-Husseini when initially given equal portion of land, and todays radicals call for the whole pie, to that of a child being given an equal portion of pie as his...
  10. J

    QUESTION: Why are protestors in NYC upset with Israel?

    Why are protestors in NYC and around the world upset with Israel trying to crush Hamas, who has enslaved Palestinian women? SEE: Women need male guardian to travel, says Hamas court in Gaza Strip From the article: Do all those females, protesting against Israel in NYC, support women being...
  11. The Duke

    The Israel/Palestine conflict could be resolved with minimal damage within 2 weeks.

    The Israeli incursion into the Gaza Strip could end very quickly, with minimal bloodshed, and people being bombed out of their homes could be stopped if only Palestinians would capture and deliver HAMAS to the Israelis or tell them where they all are. (without it being just busines rivals)...

    Biden Administration Should Revisit its Stance on this Issue!

    In May 2022, the Biden administration withdrew its assistance from the normalization between Sudan and Israel, which was initiated by the Trump administration during US-Sudan negotiations that ended with removing Sudan from the terror list in December 2020. Biden administration's decision was...
  13. georgephillip

    Marvel Studio Heads Closely Connected to Israeli Intelligence

    Many Individuals who have held or still hold roles at Marvel are associated with Israeli intelligence or the IDF, and Zionist institutions committed to maintaining the Jewish Apartheid State Marvel heads revealed to be closely connected to Israeli intelligence | MR Online "Earlier this month...
  14. Litwin

    Putin´s GRU is negotiating with Terrorist antisemitic Hezbollah to send fighters to join Moscow horde forces in their war against Ukraine/Free World

    GRU ( Wagner Group) is negotiating with Terrorist antisemitic Hezbollah to send fighters (based in Syria) to join Moscow horde forces in their war against Ukraine/Free World as early as next week. I hope that Israel ´ll send the Drones to Ukrainian army to deal with Terrorist antisemitic...
  15. Litwin

    Is Putin ready to attack Israel? Moscow -Syria Hold Joint Air Patrol Along Golan Heights: Putin’s Warning to Israel, Backing To Assad

    Is Putin ready to attack Israel ? Moscow -Syria Hold Joint Air Patrol Along Golan Heights: Putin’s Warning to Israel, Backing To Assad Moscow crime gang making more and more foes...Is Putin ready to attack Israel?
  16. The Original Tree

    How long before China invades Taiwan and Russia invades Israel?

    Our enemies are emboldened, and even encouraged by the Bumbling Biden Regime who seemingly walks a thin line between cowardice and stupidity. Hard to tell which day they are doing what. But every day The Biden Regime is in power has our enemies licking their chops at the prospects of achieving...
  17. Street Juice

    I'm halfway through the book, The Controversy of Zion, and it's blowing me away

    For more than a hundred generations, since that day when the New Covenant was enforced by Persian arms, and the people who had wept were compelled to sign it anew, a mass of human beings, changing in blood but closely or loosely held in the bonds of this Law, have carried its burden and...
  18. georgephillip

    End All US Support to Israel

    Even if you believe Israel should not lose US charity due to the 1976 Symington Amendment (which forbids aid to rogue nuclear regimes), the latest example of ethnic cleansing in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of East Jerusalem should end the weasel worded BS that assigns some utterly mendacious...
  19. HaShev

    Happy Yom Ha'atzmaut

    Commemorating the Israeli Declaration of Independence in 1948.
  20. TDontTouchMyCigars

    Happy Nakba :)

    Happy Nakba to everyone :) 73th Nakba day.
  21. TDontTouchMyCigars

    Natanz on fire [ Again ]

    Natanz, one of the main Nuclear facilities at the heart of Iran - was caught on fire again, after several blasts. Westren media is pointing the blame at Israel - claiming Israeli sources confirmed The accident is happening at a very not convinient time for Iran and the west. If it is indeed...
  22. The Original Tree

    Where is Joe Biden?

    This guy lives in his mommy's basement more than any single person I have seen my entire life. Where is he? How long is he going to be kept from Public View? He didn't campaign. He never talked to The Press, and he went days even during the campaign where no one could see or hear from him...
  23. Street Juice

    Who is the greatest warrior? Israeli or Hezbollah?

    Hezbollah. For one thing, they don't intentionally shoot teenagers in the kneecaps. A warrior’s soul sleeps in his fist. Wakes in his fist. Till his dying breath, will exist in his fist. No gun and no mortal danger can unfold this fist. A warrior will live and die with his fist clenched. This...
  24. The Original Tree

    UN just passed 7 ANTI-ISRAEL Resolutions, one of them denying Israel access to the Temple Mount.

    To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America. This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of...
  25. Litwin

    Nagorno Karabakh conflict: Israel under diplomatic fire over arms to Azerbaijan

    Israel did noting wrong Moscow must leave South Caucasus, Ukraine, Belarus etc. Long Live Israel down to barbaric Muscovites
  26. ding

    God the Father

    The profession of faith begins with God, for God is the First and the Last, the beginning and the end of everything. The Credo begins with God the Father, for the Father is the first divine person of the Most Holy Trinity; the Creed begins with the creation of heaven and earth, for creation is...
  27. ding

    God Reveals Himself to Man

    By natural reason man can know God with certainty, on the basis of his works. But there is another order of knowledge, which man cannot possibly arrive at by his own powers: the order of divine Revelation. God, who creates and conserves all things by his Word, provides men with constant...
  28. TDontTouchMyCigars

    When Israel tried to kill Sadam Hussein Not long ago I read this book about the Sayeret Matkal disaster in training for the assasination of Iraq's leader, and it raised a real deep question that I would like to share here. Considering that the Sayeret...
  29. ding

    Should Israel separate Church and State?

    Some people say Israel is a Jewish state, which gives some special privileges to ethnic Jewish people. Others say Israel is a theocratic republic. While some people say Israel has evolved from democracy to theocracy. And others have said Israel is a benevolent autocratic, religious...
  30. ding

    Is it safe to say Israel has forgotten G-d?

    This poll is about two years old. Reading some of the comments the poll was challenged as misleading because of the way the question was asked. I don't know if that is true or not. Judaism is enshrined in Israeli daily life through legislation. One comment on the poll likened Israel to a...

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