
  1. Litwin

    Putler : 'why do we need a world if "Russians" cease to exist?'

    Trump´s friend Vova went totally nuts , or its all about 400 kilo Kremlin cocaine busted in Argentina? whats new? "Putin says he would annihilate the world with his nuclear weapons if nukes were fired at Russia because 'why do we need a world if Russians cease to exist?'" Putin says he'd...
  2. Litwin

    "Russian" spy: Boris Johnson warns Kremlin over Salisbury incident

    the Kremlin terrorists used this time the same poison which they used in Durbroka theater in 2002. daughter Yulia: " The UK would respond "robustly" to any evidence of Russian involvement in the collapse of former spy Sergei Skripal, Boris Johnson has said. Mr Skripal, 66, and his...
  3. Litwin

    BBC: in England Critically ill man is former "Russian" spy

    Vova lost his mind, who he will try to kill next time? "A man who is critically ill after being exposed to an unknown substance in Wiltshire is a Russian national convicted of spying for Britain, the BBC understands. Sergei Skripal, 66, was granted refuge in the UK following a "spy swap"...
  4. Litwin

    Pravda : "Russian"army plagued with sex slavery and male prostitution"

    Who wants to "fight" Trump with this whore - army of his ally Vova Putler? " Servicemen may become male prostitutes in the Russian army for various reasons. There are young men who voluntarily offer sexual favors to their homosexual clients; others are forced into prostitution against their own...
  5. Litwin

    Why would Putin want to nuke Florida

    is it because Punia lost his 400 kilos of cocaine in Argentina recently? by the way this " nuke Florida" video is fake , it was made in 2011...7 years ago . like entire Punia´s empire " President Putin has unveiled Russia's new stockpile of "invincible" nuclear weapons, with a video graphic...
  6. Litwin

    why Putin killed mothers and children in Beslan? to create tensions between Muslims and Christians

    why Putin killed mothers and children in Beslan? to create tensions between Muslims and Christians in Caucasus region ...comments? The Secret History of Beslan Russia: Beslan Hostage Crisis Rekindles Tensions Between Ossetians And Ingush
  7. Litwin

    WESTERN USEFUL IDIOTS : Disinformation: Inside the USSR/"Russian"-born Science of Influence

    HOW many Putin´s "USEFUL IDIOTS" you can name ? Trump, Berlusconi, steven seagal, schröder, who else? Sold Putin: how Gerhard schröder became the “Russian mercenary” | Useful idiot - Wikipedia A useful idiot is "a dupe of the Communists", usually a citizen of a...
  8. Litwin

    Putin´s "Russia"(Muscovy ) in numbers , spoiler : "Nigeria with snow"

    "Google's co-founder Sergey Brin said that "Russia" was nothing but “Nigeria with snow”, run by a “bunch of criminal cowboys”." this is reality of Muscovy , comments? The territory of Russia is 17.075.260 square meters. km and mainly lies north of 55 ° N. Approximately 85% of the...
  9. Litwin

    A white wedding during Ethiopia's Red Terror

    When we see Nuremberg N2 for the commie - crimes? " Love can often flourish in the most hopeless of situations. And so it was for Aynalem and Genet who married each other in 1978 during the height of Ethiopia's brutal Red Terror. The bloodshed began a year earlier, when Marxist leader...
  10. Litwin

    news from 404 "country " _"400 kilos of cocaine found in Russian embassy in Argentina"

    news from 404 "country " look like it lives its last years ...comments? Buenos Aires: Police have seized nearly 400 kilos of cocaine from the Russian embassy in Buenos Aires and arrested several members of a drug trafficking gang, Argentina's security minister announced Thursday. 400 kilos of...
  11. Litwin

    Plotva, Ex-leader of Luhansk separatists jailed in Russia

    One for sure, "russki mir" is not a good place to be))) LOL . comments " According to a number of media outlets, Igor Plotnitsky, a former leader of Luhansk separatists, is in prison in Russia. Plotnitsky and his associates are accused of collaboration with Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU)...
  12. Litwin

    USA - Muscovite war/"Russian" toll in Syria battle was 300 killed and wounded

    Vova Pynia vanished from the public life, killed by own men? " "Russian" toll in Syria battle was 300 killed and wounded A Russian military doctor said around 100 had been killed, and a source who knows several of the fighters said the death toll was in excess of 80 men. The timing of the...
  13. Litwin

    Reuters : "Russian" toll in Syria battle was 300 killed and wounded

    WHERE IS PUNIA? Killed by the own officers ? "Russian toll in Syria battle was 300 killed and wounded: sources MOSCOW (Reuters) - About 300 men working for a Kremlin-linked Russian private military firm were either killed or injured in Syria last week, according to three sources familiar...
  14. Litwin

    Syria conflict: 'Russians" killed' in US air strikes

    questions: how many Muscovites were killed ? Muscovite media claim up to 600 Who gave the order ?, it ´d be Trump for sure Muscovy keeps the silence all those days , does it mean that Vova Putler just swallowed? " At least two Russian fighters were killed in US air strikes in...
  15. Litwin

    BRAKING: UP to 600 Putlerists- Assadists - Iranians killed by USA army in Syria

    BRAKING: UP to 600 Putlerists- Assadists - Iranians killed by USA army in Syria , GREAT NEWS, does it mean that USA will strike the same people in Ukraine (Crimea, Lugandon) next time? what will be pynias reaction to this news ?)) LOL Гиркин: В разгроме ЧВК "Вагнер" в Сирии уверен на 100%...
  16. Litwin

    U.S. Airstrikes Kill 100 "Russian" and Syrian Fighters, Reports Say

    Great news, who gave strike order (do we have name of this great patriot of USA and freedom) ? . Trump will never do to it to his "friend (who he has a lot of respect, not much to free press, CIA, FBI, the congress, etc. ) " Vova Putler , was it piss tape which took all air from the red clown...
  17. Litwin

    New space race: Could Musk's gain be "Russia"'s loss?

    Muscovy is becoming more and more "Nigeria in snow" , how fast Musk kills Muscovite all space programs? which left of them ...
  18. Litwin

    "Russia" ’s opposition leader claims to have figured out the Trump campaign’s Kremlin connection

    Anastasia Rybka said also that she was raped on the yacht, sound like right partners for mr Trump...Look like this Belarusian girl has stared a huge storm in the USA and Putler´s Muscovy "In a video released today, leading Russian opposition figure Alexey Navalny alleged that a former Trump...
  19. Litwin

    "Russia"'s Border Wars and Frozen Conflicts

    which country could the next for the Mongolian Ulus of Juchi´s bumish aggression ? for how long can Nigeria in snow keep going with these crimes ? [VIDEO] "Russia's Border Wars and Frozen Conflicts examines the origins and execution of Russian military and political activities in Moldova...
  20. Litwin

    "Russian" Olympian team meldonium- adventures in South Korea /pictures , cartoons, funny stories

    "Russian" Olympian team meldonium- adventures in South Korea /pictures , cartoons, funny stories what do you think about this picture? LOL
  21. Litwin

    The Ukrainian famine , Anne Applebaum, history podcast |

    Great , Great Book ...comments? "Historian and author Anne Applebaum discusses her new book Red Famine: Stalin's War on Ukraine, which charts the events of the devastating 1932–33 famine in Soviet Ukraine. Almost 4 million people lost their lives in this man-made catastrophe"
  22. Litwin

    US issues 'Putin list' of 210 top " Russians " but avoids more sanctions

    where is gonna hide Punia´s friends stolen money new? and what they are gonna to their mob leader , ´cos he can not protect their interests anymore ? "The US has published a list of 114 Russian politicians and 96 oligarchs, some close to the president, as part of a sanctions law aimed at...
  23. Litwin

    "Russia" 'will target US mid-term elections' says CIA chief

    Will Muscovite hybrid war machine succeed once again ? or this time, Trump administration will stop Putin and his fancy bears ? "The director of the CIA expects that Russia will target the US mid-term elections later this year. Mike Pompeo told the BBC there had been no significant...
  24. Litwin

    Chechnya gay rights activists 'make up nonsense for money' - Kadyrov

    Freaks, democracy haters, putlerists got a new leader, Muslim czar Muscovy - Kadyrov..I just wander when the Hague gets him finally ... " Ramzan Kadyrov arrived in the Caucasus mountains to rows of people applauding him furiously. The leader of Chechnya had come for the official opening of...
  25. Litwin

    Dutch agencies provide crucial intel about "Russia"'s interference in US-elections

    the western technologies broke Finally Cozy Bear neck. Will the reality star agree publicly that His friend Punia did it or not? " Dutch agencies provide crucial intel about Russia's interference in US-elections Hackers from the Dutch intelligence service AIVD have provided the FBI with...
  26. Litwin

    "Russian" -trained mercenaries back Bosnia's Serb separatist

    When the Free world will grow some balls and start tocall Muscovy what it is, a terrorist state ? or Punia holds Trump short? "Russian-trained mercenaries are helping to establish a paramilitary unit serving the Serb separatist leader in Bosnia, it was reported in Sarajevo on Friday. The...
  27. Litwin

    BREAKING : "Russia" recognises same-sex marriage for first time after couple finds legal loophole"

    in the same time, there are death camps for gays in Chechnya, the mordor will not last for long , 2 or 3 years and this is it... " Eugene Wojciechowski and Pavel Stotzko tied the knot in the Danish capital of Copenhagen earlier this month. On their return home, they submitted their passports...
  28. Litwin

    U.S. Defense Strategy Shifts Focus From Islamic Militants To Countering China/"Russia"

    I Just wander what mr Trump think about the Pentagon´s new strategy ? Focus on this good friend Vova Putin, How its possible ? or it was not real Pentagon ´s words , but some kind of fake Pentagon´s words ? U.S. Defense Strategy Shifts Focus From Islamic Militants To Countering China/Russia
  29. Litwin

    Republican Senator Jeff Flake: Trump using Stalin's words to attack media

    great words from a great patriot of the USA and the Free World., which else of Koba´s tools Donald Trump uses today and gonna use in the near future? GULAG, political terror inside of own country , HOLODOMOR ? Trump's media attacks compared to Stalin

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