
  1. TheProgressivePatriot

    Biden expected to pardon veterans convicted under military law banning gay sex, officials say It's about time. These people served honorably!
  2. Cellblock2429

    Joe sending troops to border to run errands for illegals. Whatā€™s next? Maybe have Marines pick up illegals and carry them on their backs across the Rio Grande.
  3. P

    US $100 Million Fighter Jet Shows the Deadly Ability

    US $100 Million F-22 Raptor Fighter Jet Shows the Deadly Ability #f22 #jet #fighterjet #military #airforce
  4. P

    WIP, short modern combat fiction. Looking for feedback

    Dear Reader, I would love feedback on this excerpt from a book I'm writing. This was an actual training exercise I took part in a few months back. That said, nobody was actually hurt or killed. But I shifted the optics of the story to sound like a real engagement. I'm mainly trying to see if how...
  5. P

    Shocked The World: F-15EX Fires First Missile Successfully

    Shocked The World: F-15EX Fires First Missile Successfully The F-15EX is a ready-now replacement for the F-15C that includes best-in-class payload, range and speed. Designed to deliver value to the U.S. Air Force, the F-15EX will be a backbone fighter for the service ā€“ not just today, but for...
  6. P

    US Is Testing A New Super A-10 Warthog After Upgrade

    US Is Testing A New Super A-10 Warthog After Upgrade Affectionately called the ā€œA-10 Warthogā€ for its aggressive look and often painted with teeth on the nose cone, the A-10 Thunderbolt II is the U.S. Air Forceā€™s primary low-altitude close air support aircraft. The A-10 is perhaps best known for...
  7. justinacolmena

    Third Amendment

    No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. The Pilgrims who settled in America hated British landlords. Note the capitalization of the term "Owner." The idea of a "house" of any...
  8. WarmPotato

    The Necessity of the US Military

    Main Points - 1) We fund and spearhead NATO and the UN 2) US Military bases serve as a deterent to war 3) Japan, Korea, & others do not militarize because of us 4) We literally are going into debt for the sake of others 5) The US is the reason for free trade/low prices across the seas And...
  9. EvilEyeFleegle

    'It's just a shock': Military wife accused of voter fraud points out why GOP is wrong appears that the GOP has decided that military people are not allowed to cast their votes? The Trump campaign told Attorney General William Barr they identified more than 3,000 people who cast ballots in Nevada despite not...
  10. MindWars

    Shock finding: 30 percent of U.S. military damged by anthrax vaccine

    In one of the most egregious examples of this, the FDA used its authority to force American military personnel to get an experimental anthrax vaccine while a civil lawsuit challenging the authority of the Department of Defense to mandate unapproved vaccines was pending. SHOCK FINDING: 30...
  11. deanrd

    Finally, Republicans can stop pretending they care about soldiers and their families.

    Finally, Republicans can stop pretending they care about soldiers and their families. Pentagon takes money from military schools, day care to fund Trump's wall Forget Mexico: Trump Asks Military Families to Pay for Border Wall Trump Taking Half a Billion Dollars From Children of Military...
  12. deanrd

    If you were born outside the country, should you still be allowed to claim American citizenship?

    Trump officials say children of some service members overseas will not get automatic citizenship The policy guidance issued Wednesday stated that USCIS ā€œno longer considers children of U.S. government employees and U.S. armed forces members residing outside the United States as ā€˜residing in the...
  13. AveryJarhman

    Could a simple shot be a breakthrough treatment for PTSD?

    Could a simple shot be a breakthrough treatment for PTSD? Could a simple shot be a breakthrough treatment for PTSD? Hello. Listening to military veterans experiencing PTSD tout the effectiveness of SGB therapy makes me join them in smiling. Especially knowing this treatment may aid other...
  14. Litwin

    Two French special forces soldiers died during the raid, which rescued four hostages. European secur

    Great job, but still. i think France has to change its focus (military) toward main European security issues . like Free-world war with putlerstan . guys, what do you think? "Two French tourists who were held hostage in Burkina Faso have thanked the French soldiers who "lost their lives to...
  15. deanrd

    Where does our anti-missile and new military technology come from?

    Where does our anti-missile and new military technology come from? Iā€™m watching Trump on TV giving a news conference and talking about money for military innovation. So where does that innovation come from? Sure, itā€™s paid for by taxpayers. But paid to whom? Some years ago I went to NASA...
  16. deanrd

    Hilarious! Republicans are having a bad day in so many ways.

    Hilarious! Republicans are having a bad day in so many ways. Iā€™m walking around chuckling again and again at the day the Republicans are having. First they have to defend a president who went overseas and lied to our soldiers. Then they have to explain why the president went overseas to...
  17. deanrd

    Trump to troops: weā€™re not suckers of the world.

    Trump to troops: weā€™re not suckers of the world. Forget the lies. Trumpā€™s speech to the troops went on and on about how weā€™re being taken advantage of. And weā€™re not being reimbursed. How are the troops expected to fight for people overseas when Trump is telling them those people arenā€™t...
  18. AveryJarhman

    Vietnam Veterans Sharing Their Experiences - Video

    Vietnam Veterans Sharing Their Experiences Hello. If you are interested in witnessing former American military men speak about their experiences while serving in Vietnam, begin here: "Vietnam Veteran - Les Dykema" Published on Mar 15, 2017 by YouTube's 'Sage Monitor' channel. "Les Dykema...
  19. Ridgerunner

    Some pretty good Military questions and answers on Quora...

    I have reposted some great military questions from my daily email I receive... Hope a few of you find them interesting...
  20. deanrd

    Trump's approval rating among military falls to new lows

    Trump's approval rating among military slips; lowest among Air Force Air Force - 36.4 percent Army - 38.1 percent Veterans On President Trump: Military Members Discuss The Commander In Chief Military Times: "Support for Trump is fading among active-duty troops, new poll shows" Washington...
  21. longknife

    The Ignored Vote

    It has not been until this morning on Fox&Friends that Iā€™ve seen anyone direct their attention to tens of millions of votes that will affect the midterm elections ā€“ the military. We have 1.28 million men and women currently serving on active duty and 10s of millions vets ā€“ disabled and retired...
  22. deanrd

    Will Trump order our military to fire on caravan women and children?

    Will Trump order our military to fire on caravan women and children? I was watching people in the caravan being interviewed and one woman with four daughters said the gang members took over her home and left her and her four daughters homeless and thatā€™s why theyā€™re coming to the US with this...
  23. deanrd

    Remember when Republicans said Democrats were weak on Defense and Russia is our enemy?

    What happened? Republicans are now trashing our former allies. Remember divided we fall? And, they think America will benefit by following the lead of Russian leader and Trump's apparent idol, thug, murderer and former head of KGB, Vladimir Putin. How could one party flip so fast...
  24. deanrd

    I can't believe what I'm seeing on Fox and Friends

    It's on right now. They are saying the Soviet Union is gone. NATO is obsolete. Then they are agreeing with Trump's call for every country to pay 4% of GDP. Let's arm everybody with as many weapons as we can. It's worked here. Ask Dylann Roof. Not once mentioning the invasions of Georgia...
  25. basquebromance

    President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

    he just fullfilled another campaign promise!
  26. P@triot


    Ronald Reagan had to rebuild the U.S. military after it was decimated by Jimmy Carter. George W. Bush was forced to rebuild the U.S. military after it was gutted by Bill Clinton. And Donald Trump must now rebuild the U.S. military after it was destroyed by Barack Obama. This is an unfortunate...
  27. 6915THESS

    Video: Mini-documentary of the A-10 in support of Afghanistan war released

    A #mini-documentary was posted on YouTube, which was previously held from the general public viewing, shows the United States #Air Force, #A-10 Thunderbolt, or as airmen have called it, the A-10 Warthog, in action during the 2014 war in Afghanistan and features interviews of the men who flew the...

    Army lifts ban on cutters, mentally ill and drug abusers to meet recruiting goals

    Army lifts ban on cutters, mentally ill and drug abusers to meet recruiting goals ... well then I suppose they have meds all worked out logistically. If they can afford so, then that point's good I guess.
  29. midcan5

    '....then get out.'

    ā€œI want you to videotape this so you have it, so you can use it ā€” so that we all have the moral courage together,ā€ he said, surrounded by 1,500 of the academyā€™s faculty, administrators and athletic coaches. ā€œIf you canā€™t treat someone with dignity and respect, get out.ā€ Meet the Air Force...
  30. D

    Finding Military Friends

    Greetings everyone. I am helping a spouse try to find people who may have known her husband and can make a statement for his Veterans Benefits Case. He was in the United States Army in the 1950s. Unfortunately, most of his military records have been destroyed, which is why I am posting here. He...

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