
  1. Sayaras

    Liel, 12-year-old Jewish Israeli girl,who, with twin brother Yanai, were burned alive by Hamas' led 'Palestinian' savages at PRO-PEACE Kibbutz Note: Kibbutz Be'eri were pro peace and for a two state solution. But the fact is that the genocidal Gaza regime and much at Ramallah regime, don't care about that. Their war...
  2. Pastelli

    More Islamization in Bethlehem: Jesus' birthplace removes all Christmas decorations in honor of Hamas 'martyrs’

    Jesus' birthplace removes all Christmas decorations in honor of Hamas 'martyrs’ __ Comment: ISLAMIZED, ISLAMIZATION Since at least the 1920s, many Arabs were heavily influenced by the surrounding dominant Islamic culture. By 1937...
  3. Pastelli

    Harvard University President Condemns racist Arab supremamcy: ‘From the River to the Sea’ Chant (Ethnic cleansing)

    “Harvard University President Condemns Anti-Israel ‘From the River to the Sea’ Chant,” November 10, 2023 __ Rashida is a liar. Why? Because the chant “From the river to the sea” is...
  4. Pastelli

    Hamas operatives brutally beat Gaza residents who tried to take food from a humanitarian aid truck. Afterwards - Hamas took the contents of the truck

    Exclusive documentation: Hamas operatives brutally beat Gaza residents who tried to take food from a humanitarian aid truck. Afterwards - Hamas took the contents of the trucks for use by the terrorist organization (From KAN) Nov 12, 2023 __ Comment, any chance "pro palestine" loons...
  5. Pastelli

    Preferential Treatment, Favoritism for Arabs / Muslims against Jews in Democratic multi-ethnic Israel VS "apartheid" slur - lie

    PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT, FAVORITISM FOR ARABS / MUSLIMS AGAINST JEWS IN ISRAEL VS APARTHEID LIE Includes: Favoritism to Arabs over Jews – discriminatory in: Academia Employment Approaches to Jewish vs Muslim holidays / customs. Court cases Evacuating illegal posts Land issues as a whole...
  6. Pastelli

    Chilling survivor testimony: Hamas terrorists used mass rape as weapon of war (rape jihad by Islamofascists "Palestine" branch) Chilling survivor testimony: Hamas terrorists used mass rape as weapon of war. Excerpt : Police collect 700 testimonies from survivors of October 7 massacre, 50,000 videos from attack in biggest investigation in Israeli history...One massacre...
  7. Pastelli

    Brief overview of the vast "Palestine" Arab-Nazism (since the 1930s)

    Brief overview of the vast "Palestine" Arab-Nazism (since the 1930s) 88% of Arab-Palestine pro-Nazism (Feb 1941 poll. * Ahmad Shukeiri writing in his book (Beirut, 1969 ) that they all cheered and prayed for Hitler. (Re 1940-1941). "Palestinian" Arab leader, in Jerusalem, in spring of 1967...
  8. Invisibleflash

    Is the Muslim problem this bad in England?

    Read this on another forum. They wont let me post there. --------------------- Britsays: October 29, 2020 at 2:10 pm I’m from the UK. The Muslims have gained huge power in my country in the black market, government, law and business. There fertility rate is twice that of the average white...
  9. Litwin

    Great news from Putinstan, "russia"’s grant mufti "Muslims to make up 30% of Muscovite’s population

    Great news from Putinstan, "russia"’s grant mufti "Muslims to make up 30% of Muscovite’s population by 2034’ ruling religion of juchi of ulus comes back "Muslims to make up 30% of Russia’s population by 2034’ Number of Muslims in the country has been increasing every day, says Russia’s...
  10. Litwin

    To who belongs religious site in the city of Ayodhya? To Muslims or to Hindus ? Ayodhya dispute: I

    To who belongs religious site in the city of Ayodhya ,To Muslims or to Hindus ? Ayodhya dispute: Indian Supreme Court due to rule on holy site... Hindus believe that the site of the mosque is the birthplace of one of their most revered deities, Lord Ram, and they want to build a temple there...
  11. Fort Fun Indiana

    Trump sells out the Kurds to Erdogan

    Trump says Turkey can overrun Northern Syria enclave held by America's Kurdish allies Well, of course. Trump has sold out Syria and Iraq, too. The Kurds mean nothing to him. Nothing.
  12. JGalt

    Remember all the news coverage those 32 Christians murdered by Muslims got two weeks ago?

    I don't either. Someone told me about it and I said "Seriously, you're joking, right?" I thought she was pulling my leg because come on really, who would murder 32 Christians? So I looked it up. And by golly, she wasn't just jerking my chain...
  13. JGalt

    Somali gangs waging war with each other in Minneapolis

    I’m sure Ilhan Omar will address this issue immediately. Maybe the House Democrats will even include it in their little Kumbaya "resolution.." "After the latest spasm of gang violence, Minneapolis' Somali residents and business owners on Monday stepped up their calls for help from City Hall and...
  14. G

    CDZ I think white people is the least racist among people now

    Not saying they're perfect. They have many flaws the rest can see miles away. I bet the other way around is far more true. I read this in 9gag 20 years ago, I was annoyed by the fact that Australians only allow white immigrants. I was an immigrant protesting riots against chinese minority in...
  15. deanrd

    Ebola, caravan, marriage, race, can Republicans use the same fear twice?

    Ebola, caravan, race, can Republicans use the same fear twice? So if they don’t use one of the fears that they used before, what’s the next fear? Or do they recycle them? Will the next one be gay people? Muslims? Marriage? Anyone?
  16. deanrd

    How many lies has Donald Trump told about 9/11?

    He said he saw Muslims in the US celebrating the towers coming down. That was proven a lie. Then he said he had many friends that died in the Twin Towers but grew testy when asked for a name or a funeral he attended. Lie number two. Then he said the Stock Exchange opened the day after the...
  17. deanrd

    Question: Who do you think republicans will go after first? And why?

    So who do you think they’ll go after first? And why? Gays African-Americans Hispanics women’s rights Muslims Someone else I haven’t listed?
  18. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Liberal snowflakes won't like the trailer for Sicario 2: Soldado

    Referring to Mexican cartels as terrorists: check. Images of Muslim prayer rugs: check. No dead eyes Emily Blunt lead character: check. Looks promising. I'll have to check this one out.
  19. Litwin

    Moscow Muslims gather in front of Myanmar Embassy in solidarity with Rohingya /PHOTOS

    Whats interesting here, that this demonstration, which Putin´s propaganda call "gathering" IS ILLEGAL. still 0 arrests, actions were taking my Moscow police. questions is why? " Moscow Muslims have gathered in front of the Myanmar Embassy in solidarity with Rohingya Muslims who claim to be...
  20. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Ariana Grande adds additional security to her Manchester concert

    Ariana Grande Manchester show: All the details of the benefit concert ..Security will be tight at the event, promised Manchester Police Chief Superintendent Stuart Ellison. On Friday, the Greater Manchester Police tweeted that more than 130,000 are expected in the area, for the concert as well...
  21. American_Jihad

    Where is all the Christian/Jewish terrorism

    Let's here from the regressive libtart left-wing 3 2 1... IF 'TERROR KNOWS NO RELIGION' WHERE IS ALL THE CHRISTIAN/JEWISH TERRORISM? April 18, 2017 Benny Huang Two horrific suicide bombings, in two different cities, two hours apart—this is how Egyptian Christians began Holy Week. In...
  22. protectionist

    Muslim Ban - Proper or Not ?

    Liberals have made it a consistent practice to align themselves with minority groups of all sorts. In so doing, they add on voting blocs to empower themselves politically. What we as conservatives should do is be aware of everything we must do to defend ourselves from harm. If this includes...
  23. Ancient lion

    Anti-muslim hate group: Meeting to "shut down mosques" !

    Anti-Muslim group fires its San Antonio leader On Thursday, the White-led chapter held a meeting at Parkway Baptist Church featuring Karen Lugo, who is affiliated with the Texas Public Policy Foundation and the author of a book, “Mosques in America.” The San Antonio Express-News was denied...
  24. American_Jihad

    3 Questions to Keep Muslim Terrorists Out of America

    Something has got to be better than the obongo admin fail... 3 Questions to Keep Muslim Terrorists Out of America How to screen Muslim immigrants for Islamic terror. January 27, 2017 Daniel Greenfield ... Communities where Muslim immigrants propose to settle should be tested for their...
  25. MindWars

    Video:1000 Muslims block London streets chanting Allah Akbar to demand Islamic caliphate

    VIDEO 1000 Muslims block London streets chanting Allahu Akbar to demand Islamic caliphate The street outside the empty embassy in Belgrave Square, London, was closed off as it filled with protestors and Islamic leaders chanting loudly and calling for America to be punished over Aleppo...
  26. MindWars

    Obama Imported 300,000 Muslims Into the US in 2013

    The idea that America has better assimilated its Muslims than the UK and Europe is ridiculous on its face. It’s a matter of numbers. The only difference between the US and France, the UK and the rest of that doomed continent is that they began importing Muslims decades earlier than the US...
  27. Brynmr

    Wretched Appeasement to Moslem Migrants in Sweden

    A gang of 5 Muslim invaders brutally raped a wheelchair-bound woman for hours, forcing their handicapped victim to suffer through the most debauched torture imaginable. Just days after police arrested the rapists, however, they were released without any charges for one unbelievable reason: She...
  28. J

    Muslim Man kills junior sister for marrying a Christian

    Pakistani man, Mubeen Rajhu has admitted murdering his sister in an ‘honour killing’ because she married a Christian man. Muheeb shot Tasleem in the head at home in August after he discovered his Muslim sister had defied the family and married a Christian. While being held by police, Muheeb...
  29. L

    We'll kill you: illuminati MM variations: TELL v SCREAM; KILL v TRY to; AS SOON AS v NOW; ALL v ...

    Typo in title. one word is not placed corectlym ugnore last characte., Correct title: We'll kill you: illuminati MM variations: TELL v SCREAM; KILL v TRY to; AS SOON AS v NOW;;ALL v UNDESIRABLES v MUSLIMS, BLACKS, HISPANICS From Aug 2014, examples for illuminati screaming "We'll kill you now!"...
  30. Compost

    Muslim Beat Up Over Tee Shirt

    Such a reaction to a tee shirt suggests far more than no sense of humor, don't you think? An asylum seeker who jokingly wore a T-shirt saying ‘I’m Muslim, don’t panic’ was so savagely beaten by his fellow refugees that he had to be rushed to hospital. The 23-year-old Iraqi had thought that...

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