
  1. JohnDB

    Nashville School Shooting

    Nashville school shooting in the cafeteria. This makes the second one they have had. Metro Davidson County has been going downhill on a fast track since the city council has been corrupted deeply by democrats. The schools are trash. Antioch once was an upscale neighborhood out by Percy...
  2. Sayaras

    Did the Nazis, Goebbels/Hitler convert to Islam (before WWII)?

    The Palestine Post. March 2, 1939. ā€ŽāØTHE NAZIS TURN TO MECCA. 'YUSSUF GOEBBELS' JOINING IN 'JIHAD' THE startling revelation that Arab sheikhs attending the Nazi Party Congres at Nuremberg last autumn were told by one Yussuf Goebbels that Hitler and all the Germans had become Moslems, and...

    Ukraine a Corrupt NAZI Nation? Who says?

    All the talk and accusations about Zoolinsky leading a nation of Stepan Bandera-worshipping NAZIS. But is it true? You bet it is!
  4. Litwin

    Terrell Starr: There are no Nazis in Ukraine; It's Moscow 's Colonialist šŸ‡·šŸ‡ŗ Lies

    Thank you, Sergej, for inviting Terrell Starr. Thank you, Terrell, for sharing your experiences with us. Moscow colonial šŸ‡·šŸ‡ŗ imperial mindset is not talked about enough, so thanks especially for referencing it. yes, 'Breaking up Moscow empire is the only way to end its imperialism', And I donā€™t...
  5. Pastelli

    Oldest survivor of Mengeleā€™s Auschwitz experiments calls to ban Hitler fan neo nazi Candace Owens

    This POS has become a public nuisance. ### Oldest survivor of Mengeleā€™s Auschwitz experiments calls to ban Candace Owens from Australia. Owens in early July said on her podcast that experiments performed by Mengele were "bizarre propaganda." She is slated to visit the country on a speaking...

    Nazis Go On Tour Across Europe

    Ukraine has sent its 3rd Assault Brigade to tour nine cities in Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, the Czech Republic, and Lithuania. This brigade includes fighters from the Azov Regiment. They are neo-Nazis who have been attacking civilians in the now Russian-controlled Donbas since 2014.
  7. Pastelli

    Article: "Hatred of Israel is part of a malevolent anti-white racism"

    In addition to this article, racist-liars such as Hatem Bazian of SJP and Omar Shakir ex HRW tried to portray Israel as if all only "white." (The deceptive tactic meant to arouse racism by non-whites radicals, not just Farrakhan islamofascists). While of course it is multi ethnic multi color...
  8. Pastelli

    'Nie wieder ist Jetzt' - ā€œNever again is nowā€ ā€“ Brandenburg Gate is illuminated

    Nie wieder ist Jetzt ā€œNever again is nowā€ ā€“ Brandenburg Gate is illuminated As of: November 9, 2023 | Reading time: 5 minutes A Star of David and the words ā€œNever again is nowā€ shine on the Brandenburg Gate. On the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, a clear message could be seen on the...
  9. Pastelli

    Brief overview of the vast "Palestine" Arab-Nazism (since the 1930s)

    Brief overview of the vast "Palestine" Arab-Nazism (since the 1930s) 88% of Arab-Palestine pro-Nazism (Feb 1941 poll. * Ahmad Shukeiri writing in his book (Beirut, 1969 ) that they all cheered and prayed for Hitler. (Re 1940-1941). "Palestinian" Arab leader, in Jerusalem, in spring of 1967...
  10. phoenyx

    CDZ Parallels between Nazi experiments and force Covid vaccinations in U.S.?

    Another poster pointed out the following article to me, the parallels seem rather striking, would like to see what others think...
  11. Litwin

    Swastika was used as symbol for "socialism" by both the USSR (Marxist Genghisid ulus) and by Nationa

    Swastika was used as symbol for "socialism" by both the USSR (Marxist Genghisid ulus) and by National Socialist German Workers Party. something what you will never see in , I want to know what paid Muscovite trolls ("russophilis") think about it ? More evidence proves the work of the...
  12. Litwin

    American radio Svoboda: "Muscovite Nazis protesting against political repressions in putlerstan"

    American radio Svoboda: "Muscovite Nazis protesting against political repressions in putlerstan" is it a great topic for this forum? ))
  13. Litwin

    Why is Kremlin propaganda always the same? all who fight them are "Nazis"? Israelis, Ukrainians, F

    Why is Kremlin propaganda always the same? all who fight them are "Nazis"? Israelis, Ukrainians, Finns, etc. here we go : Finns Israelis (Jews) : Ukraine :
  14. Litwin

    Soviet ("Muscovite") vs. Nazi posters - amazing 100% similarity!

    so as we all know that commies have killed much more people ( i am not talking about enslavement, in which commies are absolute champions ) than Nazis, so why is it still Ok in the western world to be a commie even today ?
  15. K9Buck

    CDZ What are the tenets of fascism?

    I believe that the tenets of fascism are government control of a nation's industry, education, healthcare and virtually every other segment of society, as well as the lack of a free-market, capitalist economy. That's it. Some will claim that nationalism is a tenet of fascism. I believe...
  16. Litwin

    ā€œRevolutionary holocaustā€, The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life,

    "The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way." who said it? Hitler? Mussolini? .... no, "Russian" Karl Marx. so my question, who have committed more crimes against humanity ? the commies? or the Nazis ?
  17. 6915THESS

    American tourist being sued by Germany police for calling them ā€˜Naziā€™sā€™

    Carol Christine Fair, who according to her Facebook page and Twitter account, is on the left of politics and a feminist non-theist, is being sued by #german police in Frankfurt, Germany after she called them ā€œ#naziā€™sā€ when they told her that she could not take any liquids in her luggage through...
  18. AsianTrumpSupporter

    How YouTube Nazis hide/censor "problematic" videos

    [ Time to extend the first amendment to the internet.
  19. Carl in Michigan

    Because AntiFa's Cause is Just....

    ...violence against those who disagree is justified. Have ANY of resident leftists actually openly rejected this terrorist organization? Antifa activists say violence is necessary
  20. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Man forced to fight for Japan, Soviets, and Nazis in WW II survives and retires in United States

    Credit to the YouTube channel "Today I Found Out" for bringing this to my attention for the first time: Yang Kyoungjong - Wikipedia Basically, this Korean guy was living in Manchuria when he was drafted by the Japanese to fight against the Soviets. He was captured by the Soviets and sent to...
  21. AsianTrumpSupporter

    The Little Boy Who Cried "Nazi!"

    Seems about right.
  22. AsianTrumpSupporter

    The Program of the National Socialist German Workers' Party is actually quite progressive

    The Avalon Project : Program of the National Socialist German Workers' Party The liberal, progressive portions are quoted below: The program of the German Workers' Party is an epochal program. The leaders reject the idea of setting up new goals after those included in the program have been...
  23. The Original Tree

    Mueller Coloring Outside The Lines

    Seriously, this is getting out of hand, and I realize that many on THE LEFT want to move THE US to a more Totalitarian Leftist State, but they should think twice before advocating that. The Patriot Act is an Abomination. Warrant-less Wiretapping is an Affront to The Nostrils. Investigations...
  24. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Did any Jewish people in Nazi Germany threaten to leave Germany?

    Or did they just pack up and leave any way they could without being detected by the Nazis/George Soros?
  25. P@triot

    Left-wing hatriots support corruption

    The left-wing hatriots are all over USMB declaring how they hate the "evil" capitalists. Those CEO's who "cook the books" and receive "golden parachutes". Most of all, they are adamant that because of all of these "evil" capitalists, we need government oversight packed full of regulations for...
  26. cnelsen

    Any white person who doesnā€™t have a problem with being white is a Nazi who deserves a beating

    Q: What do Richard Spencer, Gavin McInnes, and I have in common? A: Weā€™re all Nazisā€”at least according to the ā€œanti-fascistā€ psychopaths whoā€™ve physically attacked us on the streets. (Gavin and I fought backā€”Richard didnā€™t even have the opportunity, because his assailant fled immediately after...
  27. cnelsen

    I asked some dork on here why Germans hated Jews so much.

    I asked some dork on here why Germans hated Jews so much. Germans are a smart, educated, civilized people and culturally they are an awful lot like us. What made them unite against the Jews? The way the Holocaust industry portrays it, Germans were all going about their business one day, happily...
  28. Onyx

    Nazi Punk vs Afro Punk

    One of my favorite subjects is music, so I like to inform people about relatively obscure genres. My favorite music is usually subversive or emotional, so I am mostly a fan of punk rock. Yesterday I made a thread about Jihadist hip hop and Taqwacore, which carried two very different messages...
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