
  1. Pastelli

    World Children's Day: 40 kids held hostage by "Palestinian" savagery Hamas regime

    Some of the pics of the 40 kids held hostage by Hamas in Gaza Jerusalem is raising awareness of their plight on World Children's Day. Some of the kids November 20, 2023 / JNS. Israel posts pics of the 40 kids held hostage by Hamas in Gaza - JNS.org _____ Comment: The UN is going to...
  2. Pastelli

    More Genocidal Islamofacsist Palestinians" -- industry to bring about -- killing their children in order to blame Israel (hey, genocide/freepalestine)

    IDF soldiers find rockets hidden under child's bed. Rockets hidden under a children's bed in the Gaza Strip, Nov. 16, 2023. (November 17, 2023 / JNS) Israel Defense Forces soldiers engaged in the offensive against Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip found rockets hidden under a mattress in a...
  3. Pastelli

    "Dk families for palestine" anti-black racist ad against Jeffries

    House Dem leader Hakeem Jeffries condemns DSA after pro-Palestinian org targets him with ‘racist’ watermelon ad Published Nov. 18, 2023 House Democratic Leader Rep. Hakeem Jeffries blasted the Democratic Socialists of America after the group targeted him with mocking ads that included an image...
  4. Sayaras

    Just another racist lying Pallywood - the false "accusation" against an innocent lady

    An Israeli receives threats after false claims that she is the "Gaza nurse" from the viral video. Thread: Israel-Hamas war misinformation - Day 40 Hannah Abutbul, an Israeli influencer, is being falsely doxxed as the woman in the misleading video of a supposed nurse at Al-Shifa hospital...
  5. Sayaras

    Most Arabs of Gaza and (worse in) Judea & Samaria: fully justify October 7 atrocities - Oct.31 - Nov.7 survey ('Palestinian' barbaric racism)

    A new survey by Bir Zeit University among the Arabs of Gaza and Judea & Samaria, a wake-up call to anyone who mistakenly believes that it is possible to separate Hamas and Gaza or between the Arabs of Gaza and the Arabs of Judea & Samaria: Support for Hamas: 59% fully justify the October 7...
  6. Pastelli

    She was gang-raped, then executed’: Testimonies from Oct. 7 (More from "Palestinian-freedom-fighters" atrocities

    The Israel Police questioned perpetrators and interviewed victims and others, shedding light on the sadistic nature of the Islamic terrorists. A month has passed since the Oct. 7 massacre in which Hamas terrorists slaughtered some 1,400 Israeli residents, but the shocking testimonies are only...
  7. Pastelli

    "Palestinian" jihado-fascists murder Non-Zionist "peace" activist hostage lady

    Canadian peace activist Vivian Silver, who went missing after Hamas attack, has died. ctvnews.ca 'A courageous peace activist': Son of Vivian Silver says she was murdered by Hamas on Oct. 7 __ Leftists didn't realize that hate is hate, when tought for years. Ethnic Arab racism / religious...
  8. Pastelli

    Copy of “Mein Kampf” found in children's bedroom in Gaza - a base used for terror activities by "Palestinian" fascist Hamas regime

    Pic Excerpt: Herzog: Copy of “Mein Kampf” found in children's bedroom in north Gaza. In an interview with the BBC, Israeli President Isaac Herzog revealed that Israeli security forces had discovered an Arabic copy of Hitler's Mein Kampf in a children's bedroom of a civilian home in northern...
  9. Pastelli

    Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran's Hezbollah wounds six civilians

    Hezbollah anti-tank missiles from Lebanon wound six Israelis The IDF targeted the source of the attack with artillery. (November 12, 2023 / JNS) Six Israeli civilians were injured on Sunday afternoon, one critically, when Lebanese Hezbollah terrorists launched anti-tank missiles towards Moshav...
  10. Pastelli

    Islamic lobby CAIR asks Biden to demand Israel release Hitlerist Ahed Tamimi

    The Arab "Palestinian" star Ahed Tamimi who posted: 'We will drink your blood; what Hitler did to you was a joke' https://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/article-771102 and was arrested on Nov 6 for incitement to terror, has CAIR advocating Biden for her release...
  11. Pastelli

    More gruesome testimonies of the barbaric Islamofascist "Palestinian" Oct/7 attack

    One "was gang-raped, then executed." “I saw them forcing her to bend forward and then someone rape her,” the testimony (of a young woman who hid with her boyfriend in a shelter, where she witnessed the rape and murder of another Israeli woman) reads: “They were dressed in olive-toned fatigues...
  12. Pastelli

    On that racist Arab supremacist Rashida Tlaib (allies: CAIR and Hamas jihadi fascists)

    Anti-White racism NPC Statement on 2018 elections. Nov 7, 2018: "violent white..." https://web.archive.org/web/20210123221825/https://www.dsausa.org/statements/npc-statement-on-2018-elections/ On blacks...
  13. Pastelli

    Concordia: More supremacist Arab-racism, Islamic bigotry (Nazism at Palestinianism)

    Concordia investigating online threat, swastikas on campus, same day as altercation linked to Israel-Hamas war City News, November 8, 2023: Montreal police (SPVM) say a student was arrested and three people were injured during an altercation Wednesday afternoon at Concordia University linked...
  14. Pastelli

    'Nie wieder ist Jetzt' - “Never again is now” – Brandenburg Gate is illuminated

    Nie wieder ist Jetzt “Never again is now” – Brandenburg Gate is illuminated As of: November 9, 2023 | Reading time: 5 minutes A Star of David and the words “Never again is now” shine on the Brandenburg Gate. On the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, a clear message could be seen on the...
  15. Pastelli

    Not so white...

    https://www.ynetnews.com/article/syf7ruw76 Suspected murderer of Paul Kessler Allah Akbar! The typical: "middle eastern" (PC for Arab) or Asian (PC for Pakistani Muslim) non-Christian suspect .
  16. Pastelli

    More "Palestinian" Dead Baby Strategy: Hamas operative boasts he ‘can leave with any ambulance,’ in call overheard

    Hamas operative boasts he ‘can leave with any ambulance,’ in call overheard by IDF Shin Bet releases footage of captured terrorists describing group's use of ambulances, hospitals, school; IDF spokesperson says Hamas commander preventing evacuation of hospital By EMANUEL FABIAN and MICHAEL...
  17. Pastelli

    [Genocidal death cult of Palestinian war crimes] 'UNRWA school celebrates Hamas's 'jihad warriors' in Gaza - report

    UNRWA school celebrates Hamas's 'jihad warriors' in Gaza - report By JERUSALEM POST STAFF Published: NOVEMBER 8, 2023 An UNRWA school in the West Bank posted a video of students celebrating Jihad against Jews, as several October 7 terrorists were found to have graduated from UNRWA schools in...
  18. Pastelli

    Brief overview of the vast "Palestine" Arab-Nazism (since the 1930s)

    Brief overview of the vast "Palestine" Arab-Nazism (since the 1930s) 88% of Arab-Palestine pro-Nazism (Feb 1941 poll. * Ahmad Shukeiri writing in his book (Beirut, 1969 ) that they all cheered and prayed for Hitler. (Re 1940-1941). "Palestinian" Arab leader, in Jerusalem, in spring of 1967...
  19. Pastelli

    Nov-1913: seed of "conflict" Islamist anti-Semitic poem at racist Arab 'Falastin' ('Filastin)

    1913 - Nov 8: Sheikh Suleiman al-Taji al-Faouqi [سليمان التاجي] pens a vile hate poem, combining old anti-Semitic stereotypes with Islamic motifs in the influential 'Falastin' [فلسطين] newspaper. Israel-Palestine: Lands and Peoples. (2021). Germany: Berghahn Books, p. 270. Mandel, N. J...
  20. Cellblock2429

    BREAKING: democrats fight racism by banning diesel trucks.

    https://www.tampafp.com/california-looks-to-ban-diesel-powered-trucks-to-rectify-decades-of-racist-practices/ democrats have finally taken the gloves off and attack racism at the source. DIESEL ENGINES.
  21. SavannahMann

    Racists. Either find a new line of work or control your impulses.

    The old days are long gone. There are cameras everywhere. Records of your tweets will be found. Denying your racism later doesn’t work. It just doesn’t. Let’s take the current case. Once again proving that Racists have the lowest IQ’s. West Point Georgia. Yes. My home state of Georgia is in...
  22. KoolKolt

    Do Americans consider Chinese racist?

    I didn’t know where to put this thread so mods, if it needs moved, please move it. Do Americans view Chinese as racist? Everyone saying this is a stupid question, I agree. But I recently saw this video…
  23. MarcATL

    Proven Corrupt Liar, Kentucky A.G. Cameron, Has Been Putting His Thumb on the Scales of the Law in favor of Lawlessness

    As myself, and many others, have been saying all along, this corrupt bastard has been lying and trying to smear the deceased victim Breonna Taylor. All in favor for some racist anti-black narrative Behold... Daniel Cameron Defends Breonna Taylor Decision Kentucky AG Calls Out 'Celebrities...
  24. Indeependent

    Wells-Fargo CEO Apologizes for Stating A Fact

    https://www.reuters.com/article/us-global-race-wells-fargo/wells-fargo-ceo-sorry-for-insensitive-comment-on-diversity-idUSKCN26E2CH How do investors feel about their assets possibly being managed by an under-skilled workforce?
  25. Tom Paine 1949

    The Love Story That Changed America

    Their marriage in 1958 was illegal in their home state of Virginia and in over 20 other states. Nine years later, in June 1967, it was still illegal in every southern state when the Supreme Court finally ended laws outlawing “black” & “white” intermarriage and “miscegenation” in the USA. This...
  26. Litwin

    British anti-racism protestors call for destruction of Giza Pyramids

    its clear , thug Pugabe is behind of this madness https://www.egyptindependent.com/british-anti-racism-protestors-call-for-destruction-of-giza-pyramids/
  27. toobfreak

    Who Decides It's Hate, or Racism?

    A football star posts a tweet the other day about the lack of good judgement and common sense in the looting, destruction and violence and the need for civility, law and order and is immediately assaulted on SM, where he retracts the post and apologies? Why? The death of a black man at the...
  28. ChemEngineer

    Call Buffalo, NY City Council Now

    Buffalo, New York's black councilman Rasheed Wyatt has issued a call for blacks to riot in neighborhoods not their own. In other words, riot, loot, and burn whitey. You can scream and caterwall to each other all you want but it won't have a fraction of the effect that calling the City Council's...
  29. Chuz Life

    The riots are making it worse.

    Simple Poll and discussion. For whatever amount of racism there was in the United States. before the death and protests of george Floyd. . . The riots, looting and torching of police stations, businesses and churches had made it worse. True or False?
  30. AveryJarhman

    'Uncle Tom' Terrence K. Demands CNN Apologize For Not Condemning Racial Hate

    Click here: Terrence K. Williams on Twitter Terrence K. Williams @w_terrence IM POSTING THIS AGAIN I want everyone to see how people on CNN degrade Black Trump Supporters. They called us Uncle Toms which is equivalent to calling a black person the N Word. We are under attack RT, Copy, & Paste...

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