
  1. deanrd

    Claiming Corey Stewart is dividing the Republican Party is a total lie.

    Corey Stewart is the Confederate Republican running for office in Virginia. A defender of those who protested taking down Confederate monuments and claiming their white privilege. Some have falsely claimed he is dividing the Republican Party. A total lie. The Republican Party is the party of...
  2. BookShaka

    CDZ A look at Trump’s racism—is it as bad as people think?

    Interesting read. If you don’t (want to) read the article, please refrain from participating in the thread if you’d be so kind. The point here is to argue the points made in the article. I know some people will likely have the urge to answer the question the title poses without reading the...
  3. NewsVine_Mariyam

    OPINION: Being black means constantly rendering yourself unthreatening to white people

    Opinion | Joy Reid: Everyday racism is the small, daily reminders that we're still not equal Joy-Ann Reid Everyday racism in America: Being black means constantly rendering yourself unthreatening to white people To be white in America is to assume ownership of public spaces. To be black is to...
  4. NewsVine_Mariyam

    OPINION: Roseanne Barr's racism is part of a legacy dating back to Thomas Jefferson

    Sophia A. Nelson Roseanne Barr's racism is part of a legacy dating back to Thomas Jefferson — and that Trump is making worse Something very ugly is happening in our nation right now with respect to black Americans. Is this what America has become, or what America always was? On Tuesday, May 29...
  5. Fort Fun Indiana

    And now we are clear as to why Roseanne supports Trump...

    Racism. Her support for Trump always seemed a bit odd to me. She was at odds with him on most major issues, including the economy, all things LGBT, education, and religious pandering. But now it all makes perfect sense.
  6. T

    Perverse Reverse Racism?

    This music video was released yesterday and came across my feed. Video depicts a black Rapper with what appear to be white slaves, butlers and maids in the background while he "sings" about how he is "the man." There is even a scene of him preaching to a group of these slaves. Thoughts?
  7. TheProgressivePatriot

    Democrats Are No Longer the Racist Party – If They Ever Really Were

    Few things annoy me more than when people who want to stick a thumb in the eye of Democrats resort to tactics such as pointing out they founded the Ku Klux Klan or pushed through Jim Crow laws following the Civil War. The intent seems to be to draw attention away from the party that harbors the...
  8. TheProgressivePatriot

    Whole Foods Opens Asian-Themed 'Yellow Fever' Restaurant

    Whole Foods Faces Internet Backlash for Opening Asian-Themed 'Yellow Fever' Restaurant Whole Foods Faces Internet Backlash for Opening Asian-Themed 'Yellow Fever' Restaraunt All I can say is WHAT THE FUCK were they thinking. This so stupid on at least two fronts “It’s still prevalent in...
  9. NewsVine_Mariyam

    Opinion: Starbucks Racism Video Remarkable For Just How Unremarkable It Is to Black Americans

    Opinion | Elon James White: Don't act so incredulous, White America: You're the Starbucks store manager The black community and other people of color have patiently explained the systemic roots of this very American problem for years. We have pleaded for understanding to no avail. We’ve...
  10. P

    Racism in Florida

    For more than the last decade in Florida, a Pamela Gellar-type union between white supremacists and anti-Muslim Jews has repeatedly threatened me, harassed me, and made multiple attempts to take my life (and make it look like an accident) by running me off the road with their vehicles, angering...
  11. AveryJarhman

    Confederate Monuments

    In this 60 Minutes segment about confederate monuments, Mitchell Joseph Landrieu mayor of New Orleans since 2010, helped educate me about our Nation's ever-evolving society, as well as offering info about a population of apparent slow-to-evolve fellow American citizens continuing to embrace...
  12. B

    Bullying because of racism I am in 7th grade

    “You can't delete racism. It's like a cigarette. You can't stop smoking if you don't want to, and you can't stop racism if people don't want to. But I'll do everything I can to help.” -Mario Balotelli From personal experience, and hearing stories I have realized that bullying and teasing...
  13. AveryJarhman

    Video - The blurring of racial lines won't save America. Why 'racial fluidity' is a con.

    Are you racially fluid? - CNN Log into Facebook | Facebook David Matthews states he identifies as a "black man." A curious notion, leading me to wonder if David Matthews identifies as successful, accomplished, free thinking black American citizen choosing to peacefully pursue his own...
  14. P@triot

    Civil rights legend has a message for the nation: Black voters should join the Republican Party

    It’s so nice to see educated, informed Americans acknowledge actual history and advocate based on the reality of it. The Democrats survive on an uninformed electorate. The left has a very long and very ugly history of racism that continues to this very day. Any African-American who “dares” to...
  15. P@triot

    Progressive racism growing

    The left has always been the racist side of the political spectrum in America. It was the Democrats who attacked their own nation in an attempt to prevent black people being free. It was the Democrats who vehemently opposed the Civil Rights movement. It was the Democrats who founded the KKK. And...
  16. P@triot

    BLM “issues” warning

    Wow is this terrorist organization completely out of touch... 1. What makes BLM believe they hold authority to “issue” anything to the public? 2. What makes BLM think that anyone cares what a terrorist organization has to say? 3. The only colored people who have conflicts with law enforcement...
  17. TheProgressivePatriot

    Why Do Those Who Are Not Wealthy Support Trump ?

    Many of Trumps supports who voted for him and are sticking by him are not well off. While it is true that the further up the income ladder you go, the great support the support for Trump was in 2016, amazingly 41 % of those earning under $30K and 42% of those earning between $30 and $50K voted...
  18. AveryJarhman

    Pictured: Four Willfully Ignorant American Judges

    Not ONE of these American judges publicly denounces our Nation's Culture of African American Child Abuse. Please correct me if I am wrong. Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, pediatrician and CEO of the Center for Youth Wellness, talks about the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and...
  19. P@triot

    Lessons in Liberalism

    The deep hate - resulting from the flawed thought process - is astounding. The group think - resulting from the indoctrination on college campuses - is frightening (and reminiscent of the Nazis). Assuming someone is "privileged" simply because they are white is every bit as racists and ignorant...
  20. AveryJarhman

    David Letterman Promoting Hate Embracing President Barack Obama

    Sadly, I've learned President Obama will be the first guest Mr. Letterman invites to speak on his new Netflix talk show. "My Next Guest Needs No Introduction With David Letterman" Dear fellow American citizen Mr. David Letterman, in all seriousness were you comfortable with Mr. Barack "My...
  21. maddy789

    Celebrity Interracial Couples ~ Interracial Love Moments

  22. AveryJarhman

    Black American admits putting racist graffiti on his own car

    http://nypost.com/2017/11/07/black-man-admits-to-putting-racist-graffiti-on-his-own-car/ In my opinion, the 21-year-old owner of the vehicle, Dauntarius Williams, should be arrested and charged with 'Falsely Reporting an Incident To Police', and forced to undergo a psychiatric evaluation to...
  23. AveryJarhman

    ‘White Lives Matter’ Members Attack Interracial Couple After White Supremacist Rally Fails Miserably

    http://www.theroot.com/white-lives-matter-members-attack-interracial-couple-af-1819969887 Root writer Michael Harriot wrote, "Organizers decided to cancel a Murfreesboro, Tenn., “White Lives Matter” protest after the Shelbyville, Tenn., demonstration fell short of expectations on Saturday."...
  24. midcan5

    '....then get out.'

    “I want you to videotape this so you have it, so you can use it — so that we all have the moral courage together,” he said, surrounded by 1,500 of the academy’s faculty, administrators and athletic coaches. “If you can’t treat someone with dignity and respect, get out.” Meet the Air Force...
  25. AveryJarhman


    Greetings. I have a lot of concerns, as well as pain to share, so if you decide to read my writing I politely ask you to bear with me. Growing up in the 60s-70s I regularly experienced the privilege and pleasure of witnessing virtually all American musicians of African descent showing off their...
  26. AveryJarhman

    Poll Finds That Hillary Supporters Are Pretty Racist Too

    New Poll Finds That Hillary Supporters Are Pretty Racist Too Mrs. Hillary "Super Panderer" Clinton, who studied at Yale's Child Study Center, learning about new research on early childhood brain development, CALLOUSLY characterized emotionally ill American teens and adults as "SUPER PREDATORS...
  27. PixieStix

    South Africa Plunges into Starvation 'Racism Rears it's ugly head'

    After murdering all the white farmers Zimbabwe Begs White Farmers To Return As Country Plunges Into Famine
  28. P@triot

    Is it even possible to take the left seriously at this point?

    This is so far off of the sanity reservation that it's impossible to take it seriously. I can only assume this is some bizarre publicity stunt or a dare by an acquaintance. Sooooo...we're supposed to give all of our property to black people? Right. And "racists" should be fired from their jobs...
  29. AveryJarhman

    Modern Liberalism’s False Obsession With Civil War Monuments

    Modern Liberalism’s False Obsession With Civil War Monuments I agree with the facts presented in this writing. The only criticism I have is reading the author describe our American neighbors as "black" and/or "white", instead of referring to American citizens as "black Americans", "white...
  30. JGalt

    Why no black female country music performers?

    Has there ever been such a person? Some people would say that country music is a "racist" institution and that a black female would never make it in that business. But remember Charlie Pride? I don't recall ever hearing any white person denigrating him because he was black. And he was a country...

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