
  1. CelloX

    Democrats (and maybe republicans) - What religion are you?

    I am curious, as I wonder how many Christians support the democratic party. I don't vote for the democrats, but I only hesitatingly vote for the republicans. If you are republican, feel free to post your religion and party too, but please don't vote.
  2. midcan5

    Welfare recipients for Trump

    We could add opioid users for Trump too, but that would include much of the republican establishment today. The great evil is now acceptable proving once and forever the shallow emptiness of the republican party. "Trump is just another drug, people round here are addicted to escapism." Daniel...
  3. O

    CDZ Religion in Schools

    So, I've been thinking (I know, a dangerous thing to do), and I am wondering what people would think of an idea I have had for some time. So, here goes: What if we, as a society, taught our children about all of the major religions of the world? First question I had was: How do we determine...
  4. G

    Was Mohammad the Preeminent Pedophile in History?

    Hello, Since marrying Ayisha at 9 years old, Muslims world wide have been able to point to the example of the prophet to justify child marriage and sexual intercourse with children as young as 9. There is, I believe, no Muslim state in the world that forbids child marriage and sexual...
  5. Oscar Wao

    Pew Forum Religious Landscape Survey: US Christians More Accepting of Homosexuality

    I'm sure many of you remember the infamous Pew Survey from last year which showed the infamous "American Christian Decline." Well, in that same survey, it also polled attitudes among numerous regional, religious, ethnic, etc. demographics regarding the major issues of the day. One of those...
  6. G

    Do you think Christianity is a conspiracy?

    I've been interested in conspiracy theories for a few years, and after researching this for some time, I believe that Christianity is definitely a conspiracy. Christianity serves as an excellent way of gaining control over a populace, as it promotes the development of character traits such as...
  7. TheProgressivePatriot

    Should Good Friday be a Government Holiday ?

    It is the start of the week leading up to the Christian holiday of Easter- the day that Christians believe that Christ was resurrected from the dead, preceded by Good Friday, when it is believed that Christ was crucified. I wish my Christian brethren a happy holiday and respect their beliefs...
  8. Coloradomtnman

    Apologetics Debate: God's Plan vs Free Will

    Can one truly have free will if God directs the Universe? Is God omniscient and knows already what you think and what you will do? If God is omnipotent then does he direct every subatomic particle simultaneously or did he put the Universe into motion at the moment of creation having...
  9. midcan5

    Religious Children

    The religious will disagree but consider only the judgments made almost daily by the religious about others who do not share their view of life? Judge not lest .... sounds nice but since religions possess what they they believe is the word of god, all actions are possible. The golden rule is...
  10. TheProgressivePatriot

    The New Witch Hunt-From Salem 1692 to the Hysteria Over Gay Rights and Marriage Today

    Ask anyone what they think happened in Salem Mass. In 1692 and they are likely to say something to the effect that some unsophisticated settlers, given to religious fervor and superstition during a harsh winter and desolate conditions, became obsessed with evil and targeted those who they saw...
  11. L

    Secret Letter/Number Code used in the Media

    I'm not usually into this sort of thing that seems crazy at first, but I've been reading this website for a long time now and I think other like-minded people should check it out::clap2: The Alphabet Conspiracy: The Most Important Thing Ever To Exist, Literally It describes that there's a...
  12. 1Ganger

    Trump speaks about Christian Syrian people.

    The horrors those poor people go through. I had a friend that was a christian in Syria working at a Christian radio station in Damascus. They all where murdered... just 1 of 1,000's of tragic stories. They are so brave while we do nothing for them. Here is the full speech if you want to...

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