
  1. deanrd

    What do you think of the sexy, hot as hell Russian Spy who has been targeting Republicans?

    This from Fox news: Accused Russian spy Maria Butina offered sex in exchange for US job, prosecutors say And that's not all. According to new court filings, Maria Butina allegedly “gained access” to "an extensive network of U.S. persons in positions to influence political activities in the...
  2. TheProgressivePatriot

    Gods Own Party Can’t Get Over Same Sex Marriage

    Just as they have been working to water down Roe v. Wade , with restrictions on abortion, they continue to concern themselves with another, more recent decision, Obergfelle v Hodges which made same sex marriage the law of the land. They are obsessed with people private lives and social issues...
  3. TheProgressivePatriot

    The Circus is in Town: CPAC 2018

    The circus is in town and the head clown in in the center ring Midterm campaign Trump debuts at CPAC The president abandoned his talking points in his speech to conservative activists in favor of reviving greatest-hits lines from his campaign. Midterm campaign Trump debuts at CPAC Then he...
  4. rsexaminer

    Roy Moore breaks silence after latest sexual assault claim, destroyed on Twitter

    Watch as Roy Moore and his wife just gave a delusional defense to the latest allegations of sexual assault against him, which resulted in the Alabama Republican getting lit up on Twitter. Moore and his wife are clearly scrambling here. Roy Moore breaks silence after latest sexual assault...
  5. EvilEyeFleegle

    Rep. Shooter suspended from appropriations chair, Chamber of Commerce calls for resignation

    Another Republican goes down? "After multiple allegations of sexual harassment, Rep. Don Shooter has been suspended from his duties as chairman of the Arizona House’s powerful budget committee. Additionally, an influential business group has called on Shooter to resign. The Arizona...
  6. J

    What are you most passionate about politically?

    What are some positions you have that fall outside the norm for your chosen (or chosen for you) affiliation?
  7. B

    Overcapacity and the price of oil Dr. Daniel Fine, New Mexico Center for Energy Policy

    The full article is here-> Overcapacity and the price of oil "With the Saudi Arabian-American strategy of removing ISIS and terror roots in Middle East societies and governments, the global oil and gas service companies have new projects to expand oil capacity of Saudi Arabia. This moves Saudi...
  8. TheProgressivePatriot

    Senate Committee Passes “Filthy Food Act”

    My God! Is there no end to the Republican assault on the health, safety and well being of the American people ? First the move to take health care away from millions, freeing corporations to pollute the planet, cutting back on nutritional assistance, and now this: Senate Committee Passes “Filthy...
  9. S

    Republican’s destination based cash flow tax?

    Republican’s destination based cash flow tax, (DBCFT): This explanation published by the Christian Science Monitor, (a reputable newspaper), is inadequate. Can any of the forum’s members provide a link to a superior explanation of DBCFT? Excerpted from Here is the scoop on corporate tax...
  10. B

    Fine: Changes ahead for oil and gas producers

    The full article by Dr. Daniel Fine is here-> " The OPEC and non-OPEC agreement to reduce oil production officially begins this week. At mid-December when this column was submitted...
  11. B

    Energy expert talks about the future of US Energy Leigh Black Irvin , [email protected]

    THE FULL ARTICLE IS HERE-> " The main message of Fine’s presentation was that the U.S. would, very quickly, move away from global energy policies based on combating climate change...
  12. MindWars

    ABC NEWS/WP Tracking poll: Ten point swing for Donald Trump in 4 days

    Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump is rising in the polls, according to the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll. ======================================================= Oh the hillary goon squads won't like this. here comes the attack of denial. We told you these polls were rigged...
  13. Lewdog

    I've Seen it All, 60 Minutes Tonight...

    A staunch Ohio female Republican on the show just said she can't vote for Trump... and yet instead of NOT voting, she is going to vote for Hillary, then turn vote for Republican Rob Portman so he can stop her from doing anything in the White House. Are you fucking kidding me? Why is this woman...
  14. midcan5

    The Liar

  15. LibertyThunder

    NEW POLL: Johnson in 2nd, Trump in Nose Dive with Voters Under 30

    Poll shows Trump in 4th place with single digit approval - SOURCE
  16. R

    The Last Gasp of the Republican Party

    Here is an interesting article about the future of the Republican Party - Behold, The Last Gasp from the Republican Party – Digital Marketing at Willamette MBA. Please take a look at it and let me know what you think.
  17. Steve_McGarrett

    I'm So Excited: Former Louisiana State House Representative David Duke To Run For U.S. Senate

    He will win too and take David Bitters former seat. The feeling that he will run is overwhelming. He will bring to the Senate what many lawmakers lack, advocacy for White people of European heritage, the people the founders created this country for. He will make his district proud. Him being in...
  18. B

    Oil producers want U.S. to restrict imports By Kevin Robinson-Avila / Albuquerque Journal Staff Writ

    “Why are we buying imports from the Middle-East when OPEC has launched an offensive to basically shut down our industry?” Dr. Daniel Fine said." The full article is here -> Oil producers want U.S. to restrict imports ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — New Mexico and West Texas oil producers are gearing up for...
  19. Ridgerunner

    Who elects the President of the United States?

    During my 40+ years of following politics I have always heard that partisan Democrats and Republicans only contribute to the election of their chosen candidate. In reality Independent voters actually elect politicians to office. Jimmy Carter was elected with the votes of Independents after 8...
  20. DonaldFG

    Average Americans voting against themselves.

    Why would any American citizen vote Republican when their Party leaders want to: Privatize Social Security and give the money to Wall Street like they did workers pensions (401k), Repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) to remove limits on private insurance profit (they tried 62 times...
  21. T

    mass shooting responses solutions

    Could someone please explain to me what republicans are thinking when it comes to the mass shootings? To be clear, I'm looking for a rational discussion or even just an explanation, and I'm trying to understand all the sides to an argument here. What response do republicans want to give to the...
  22. CelloX

    Democrats (and maybe republicans) - What religion are you?

    I am curious, as I wonder how many Christians support the democratic party. I don't vote for the democrats, but I only hesitatingly vote for the republicans. If you are republican, feel free to post your religion and party too, but please don't vote.
  23. Never3ndr

    Perhaps the Best Thing about Trump's Campaign

    He (and his supporters) make for some great comedy. #JohnOliver
  24. M

    Beware the Ides of March! Which devil with the GOP Voter make a deal with?

    It is the conventional wisdom that today (Tuesday, the 15th of March), GOP voters will be deciding whether to give Donald Trump a public spanking, or a 'yuuge' embrace. I tend to be a little more critical and nuanced. I see today's elections as more of a choice between the devil they know, and...
  25. Slade3200

    Is the GOP racist for Obamablocking the SC nomination?

    Many key congressional republicans have vowed to not even consider a hearing or vote to nominate a new Supreme Court Justice if it is an Obama appointee. There have been accusations from the Left claiming that this is an example of the GOP's racist bigotry against the President. What do you...
  26. American_Jihad

    The Progressives’ Phony Democracy

    One of these days the left will get the revolution they so desperately want... The Progressives’ Phony Democracy The fears of the Founders and the prophecies of Tocqueville are on their way to becoming reality. February 16, 2016 Bruce Thornton The sudden death of Justice Antonin Scalia has...
  27. Dianna Jane

    Is Marco Rubio most Like Ronald Reagan?

    Next year could be the greatest America has ever seen. I believe the man who supports the same conservative values as President Ronald Reagan, is Senator Marco Rubio. In addition, Rubio is the only Conservative candidate who can beat Hillary Clinton. If either Donald Trump or Ted Cruz win the...
  28. American_Jihad

    Why Don't Republicans Identify What They Are Fighting?

    It's high time we name radical Islam the enemy... Why Don't Republicans Identify What They Are Fighting? Time to name the enemy. December 17, 2015 Dennis Prager American conservatives are rightfully annoyed with the Obama administration, and Democrats generally, for refusing to name radical...
  29. TheProgressivePatriot

    Time for a Jeb Bush Thread

    I thought that it is interesting and telling that there was no Jeb Bush thread in the politics forum. It’s seems that Trump, Carson and even Fiorina are getting all of the play. I realize that Bush is a “ho hum” candidate who is down in the polls but we should pay attention because all that can...

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